Sunday, May 22, 2016

22-05-2016: blessed - new song? (windsor)

their music:


vlog for the day:

22-05-2016: baby labour - a lot, really quick (windsor)

their music:


vlog for the day:

j reacts to clinton's anointment (jeffersonian v. direct democracy)

he's again pretty much on point. if you strip away the spin, the way the process ought to work is like this: if somebody gets to the minimum threshold (2383) with pledged delegates then they've won the primary. if nobody gets there, then the primary process has actually resulted in a tie. the convention then needs to put together tie-breaking procedures, which is going to include appealing to the superdelegates.

it's not a semantic point. i don't think the idea of superdelegates is undemocratic; it's actually really very jeffersonian, in the sense of it being a check on the process. i mean, let's say that somebody crazy like donald trump is leading going into the convention. then, the superdelegates are there to prevent that from actually happening, riots or not. democracy really requires some checks in the form of things like bills of rights, constitutions, procedural rules and, in this case, superdelegates. that's fine.

but, what it means is that when you have a tie like this, those votes should be up for persuasion - which is exactly what sanders is arguing.

so, i mean, he's right. i think anybody that sits down and thinks it through can see that. so, why heap it on him when it's obvious that he's right?

in a sense, she's right, too: the polls in may are not really predictive, yet. although we're getting there, too. more to the point is that they're volatile. if they were running in a straight line, you'd start to think things are locking into place. but there's quite a bit of movement right now.

but, he's also right in pointing out that he has much, much stronger fundamentals with swing voters, who couldn't vote in some of the more important states. he is the stronger candidate. and, if this process was functioning properly (rather than as a coronation), the party would walk into the convention with the outcome being a tie, weigh the evidence and make the right choice - which, many are suggesting, is sanders.

21-05-2016: organizing media release dates for the alter-reality

tracks worked on in this vlog:

lastly, there will be a youtube account, but it will only post *samples* of songs rather than entire songs. i'm looking at one minute samples of pretty much every song. i will want to use this profile as a commenting perch, of course. i was going to re-use the dtk profile, but i've decided not to. see, what i've learned is that posting full tracks to youtube makes people think the music is free, and it simply can't be. the point is to push people to bandcamp. fuck streaming. i'll post it when i set it up tomorrow; i'm uploading right now and can't log out. but, this profile won't start working until september, either.

for right now, it's just the blogspot site that will be working.

i'm hitting a math rock show tomorrow night, but i'll be home relatively early and should be able to start realigning the three facebook pages with the period one disc and getting back to finalizing the inri material for good.
this is going to be the new facebook page, because people don't exist outside of facebook, so you need it, even if you hate it. but, it's just going to list links to bandcamp as they come up. all the actual writing will be at the blogspot page. it's really just an obligation.
this is going to be the new bandcamp space, which will build itself up from 1996-1999, starting in september 2016. so, it's going to take the full four years to get through this material. but, inri is just period one. i will start a new bandcamp page for deny everything (period 2.1) in the year 2020.
it turns out that blogger is giving me everything that i want, for now, in a fairly simple interface. all i wanted was a simple journal-style page without heavy scripting and with an rss feed. but, i was hoping i could find a site like this - livejournal or tumblr or something - that gives me what i want because it allows me to post in real time.

i do think that i'll eventually move this to an appspot site, but what that means is that i'll need to upload the whole site every time i make a post. the reality is that it's going to be a while before the site gets more complex, anyways, so this just makes more sense for the moment. i *did* try livejournal, but it looks like it wants to charge me, and i'm not paying. google is always good for free stuff, anyways. in time, i should be able to just copy and paste this page over. really.

so, this is the blog space for the alter-reality. facebook is just a shitty interface, so i'm trying to avoid it - and, actually, get the remaining data that's here off of it. that's going to mean wiping this page down to a cv-type skeleton. the blogspot page will be the most comprehensive thing to follow, the meta level page, where all the links to bandcamp and other comments will come up.