lastly, there will be a youtube account, but it will only post
*samples* of songs rather than entire songs. i'm looking at one minute
samples of pretty much every song. i will want to use this profile as a
commenting perch, of course. i was going to re-use the dtk profile, but
i've decided not to. see, what i've learned is that posting full tracks
to youtube makes people think the music is free, and it simply can't be.
the point is to push people to bandcamp. fuck streaming. i'll post it
when i set it up tomorrow; i'm uploading right now and can't log out.
but, this profile won't start working until september, either.
for right now, it's just the blogspot site that will be working.
hitting a math rock show tomorrow night, but i'll be home relatively
early and should be able to start realigning the three facebook pages
with the period one disc and getting back to finalizing the inri
material for good.