Monday, January 20, 2014

you know, if being king or pharaoh or caesar or grand poobah or whatever were grounds for resurrection and immortality, i might think twice about rejecting hierarchy and trying to climb up the ladder a little.

on the other hand, if i was already the king or pharaoh or caesar or grand poobah or whatever i'd probably be educated enough to understand that i wasn't actually going to be resurrected and live forever. i'd probably just be irritated that there was this entire class of ignorant fools that thought they could gain immortality by killing me and taking over my property. unfortunately, i'd also realize that the myths upholding my immortality were inseparable from my claims to power in the first place. i'd be stuck in a loop. unless i realized that what they wanted was not power, but immortality. upon coming to this realization, the problem would reduce to finding a way to convince the masses that they, too, can be immortal - leaving me safe(r) in my position of power.

so, maybe i'd take some ideas from the isis myth that were already swirling around, the plebs seemed to have already mixed it up with the time that inanna went to hell for three days. then, make horus a jew (they were always the most problematic of subjects) in the hopes that they'll pick up on it. and saturate it with moral philosophy to stop people from raping each other....savages....

that's a comparably good trick as setting up a representative democracy to replace feudalism, then telling people that elections over aristocrats define freedom.
i'd love to be able to split myself in half, go do two things, then recombine. impossible? maybe not.

it's not outside of the realm of possibility to think we could clone ourselves in real time, using a more advanced analog to 3-d printing, and then download the experience carried out by the clone at the end of the day, before the body is put to sleep and the chemicals within it are recycled for further printing.

conceptually, it's not much different than synching your mobile device to your pc.

the type of printing, and the idea of downloading experiences, are both entirely science fiction at this point. i was born far too early. fuck this boring century....

it might be easier to just use a robot rather than constantly reclone yourself.
these books weren't written by jesus, and may consequently be burned.

as others have pointed out: they're not even selling them. it's just barbaric.