Monday, June 1, 2015

you'll never get the right to support "handouts". and, even the left is leaning pretty anarchist nowadays.

there's a big difference between obama saying "i'm going to do this and this and this" and then not doing any of it, and somebody being specifically selected by a committee and then abandoning it. i think the point was kind of danced around: it's a last straw for democracy. if candidates are willing to be contemptuous on such a brazen level, it's time to grab the pitchforks.

but, i don't think this is the answer.

there's the old jeffersonian cliche about an educated electorate, and it's really exactly what you're coming up against here. those lies don't fool me. they don't fool either of the people in the video. why do they fool so many?

but, this is a really fundamental issue. the reality is that if our voters can't be bothered to run a fact check in the internet era then we simply can't have a democracy. the masses should be able to look at the propaganda and scream "bollocks!". and, that's why i actually don't believe in restricting financing: if this is the determinant, the society can't be a democracy, anyways.

you should be focusing more on reforming the education system. you do that, this negates itself on it's own - and we can start talking about democracy as more than a naive abstraction.

i'm just wondering if maybe you might want to take a step back and ask yourself the question of what a convention like this is. there's a bit of a generational disconnect (when i was your age, this stuff was just barely getting off the ground); the comparable attraction when i was young was raves.

some guys were into the music, and i'm sure there's plenty of dudes that are actually into the anime. but, if you asked an average male rave party goer in the early 00s why they were showing up to these parties, the answer would be "it's full of half naked women". then, they'd go home and listen to tool.

it's an old story. consider bars that throw "ladies nights" where drinks are half price. they do that because they have difficulty attracting women, and they know that guys want to go to the bars where the women are.

what i'm getting at is that the industry is likely focused much less around the topic of the convention and much more around the idea of doing things that they think will attract women for guys to ogle.

you're likely actually the product.

it's just another reason to not show up. but maybe it's a bit of a perspective shift to kind of realize that and get your head around it.

if these conventions are really important to you, you're probably better off starting your own than expecting any kind of serious reaction from the organizers, who are no doubt aware that their entire business model collapses if they try and stand up for you with anything more than empty language.

Luna Lanie
+deathtokoalas While I appreciate your input I don't agree since I've been to other cons and there wasn't this problem. Maybe it's the fact they aggressively marketed this con to the general public but it has changed and I have many people saying the exact same thing about this years environment

+Luna Lanie it's just that there's a pattern that comes up if you look at these counter-cultural generational trends - raves, punk rock, hippie festivals. they start off being meeting places for people trying to live alternative lifestyles. but, that turns the attendants into the product, as a market develops. each generation ends up struggling to reassert the foundational principles that were initially present and inevitably fails in the end.

something that worked for a little while when punk rock went hardcore bro in the early 90s was the riot grrrl movement, which attempted to reclaim a female-friendly space through a diy ethic.

as time continues, the continued commercialization is likely to overpower any attempts to reassert foundational principles, and the issue is likely to get worse. if you really want to reclaim the space, you're likely going to have to re-organize alternative structures away from that commercialization in order to do it.

Luna Lanie
+deathtokoalas I totally understand now what you are saying. Time to start planning LunaCon!

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no, that was silly thinking...

they're really inaudible in four of the five mixes unless you're listening specifically for them, and they're sparse at that, but i've updated the string mix to be click free. it was mostly noticeable over the end section. i'd have to do this for the chamber mix comp, anyways.

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