Saturday, July 21, 2018

you wouldn't get a joke about random variables.
sigma chi, huh?

"did you add the latte to the bill?"

i could tutor for spare money.


if you promise not to hit on me.

& not be an upper class twit....

i was right.


if she's not gone, she's in the process of moving.


i'm sure i could win the eviction case in september, but the lease is already done on october 1st.

this doesn't have to be pyrrhic...i'm just dreading the conversation on july 31st if i don't sign a lease in the next ten days...

"is she gone?"
"you successfully sued us for $5000."
"well, that means i was right. and, she's gone, now..."
"fuck off."
so, the tenant decided nobody was going in today.

i had hopes on that one. alas...

what do i need, really?

i don't really need a "living room", exactly. what i need are:

1) a bedroom
2) a studio
3) an eat-in kitchen

& i could potentially merge the studio & kitchen into a "living room".

so, for example, i could have really done without the living room in the last apartment. i could have put the couch in the kitchen - it was big enough.

what that means is that i could utilize a small one-bedroom with a big kitchen, by turning the "living room" into a bedroom, the "bedroom" into a studio and putting the couch in the kitchen - it just has to have a big enough kitchen for that to make sense.


i've set some appointments for next week, that i wanted to wait to schedule until after the outcome of the showing this morning. just have to keep looking...

i have until oct 1, remember.
if you know a little bit about the process, you know that they try to avoid transferring children directly from birth parents to foster care. everybody understands that this is traumatic. so, you don't want the kids to associate the separation process with the people taking care of them - whether permanently or not.

instead, they get these neutral figures - cops, or people the kids will otherwise not see again - to do the actual separation. they then place them somewhere for a short amount of time, before the foster parents are assigned, and come in and take them out.

the process looks brutal, and it is, but where exactly did you get your degree from, that allows you to second guess all the preparation that was put into this, for the benefit of the child?
how many kids are now sitting in jail with their parents as a consequence of the administration ignoring the court ruling to separate them?

which, was what the administration wanted in the first place....
if you're telling me that the choice is between putting kids in jail and putting them in foster homes, and you're upset about hearing them cry when they're being taken out of jail and placed into care, so they should therefore by left in jail, then you're a fucking idiot.

it's not a left/right distinction. it's a smart/dumb distinction.

and, i'll acknowledge that you might be ignorant about the options, but, in that case, you should educate yourself before you speak.


if you want to be maximalist, we can include hail to the thief, and then criticize it as a weak attempt to regain their glory years, but then jump immediately to the fall of math.

you'd then need to follow 65dos through the 00s up to we were exploding anyway..

and, then, i suppose you'd jump to son lux.
i would argue that 65daysofstatic kind of picked up where radiohead left off about '01 or '02, and you should direct kids towards that band, instead.
you can tell what generation a person places themselves in by analyzing their reaction to radiohead, who sort of form a generational bridge.

there's younger people that have barely even heard their classic work - we call these millennials. unambiguously.

and, there are plenty of older people that started off listening to their 90s works and then kept listening as they changed their style. these people are on some kind of cusp, but have decided to move with millennials for social advancement or whatever other reason.

then, there are people like me that grew up on their classic material, and tried to give kid a a chance, but ultimately rejected it. i like amnesiac better; always have. kid a is a mediocre record. C/C-. we're gen x, and not interested in what millennials think. at all.
no, i mean, honestly?

who cares about radiohead in 2018?
i would be interested in radiohead doing a 90s tour in a small venue, but i'm not interested in watching them perform their recent material in a hockey arena.
given the very low quality of radiohead's recorded output over the last 15 years, it's hard to believe they still command such a large audience.

they haven't done anything worth mentioning since amnesiac.
