Monday, August 29, 2016

29-08-2016: some listening done between rants & raves (mp3--laptop--speakers)

tracks worked on in this vlog:

j reacts to trump getting desperate about the black vote

it's not wrong.

...and i said they had to get creative...

....but this will backfire. that clinton landslide is getting clearer and clearer.

j reacts to the contradiction between trust and self-interest

you can't trust anybody in a capitalist society. it's not "human nature", but it's an unavoidable consequence of the economy we live in. to trust somebody is, by definition, to ask them to act against their self-interest. this is only feasible in a union of fools.

the only way that a relationship can function in a market economy is through the certainty of mutually assured destruction upon dissolution.

any imbalance is exploitation. and, hence any weakness is prostitution.

love is impossible in the presence of currency.


but, this is the best reason to abolish capitalism: to reclaim the possibility of love.

j reacts to the internet's perversion of the protestant work ethic into pure narcissism

i think we're starting to see the development of a new phenomenon: people that are actually convinced that their appearance entitles them to wealth. all you have to do is get beautiful, and the dollars will start rolling in.

where to start? i don't know, i need some more mental ordering. yoga. hip-hop culture. instagram. fucking evangelical christianity. it's all swirling together into this mess of hyper-capitalist narcissism.

this may be a developing theme here, as i encounter further examples and can unravel it in more detail.

but, expect to encounter this, i think: a hierarchy based on appearance (instagram followers?), and people that expect to be treated preferentially based solely on their looks.

i don't want to say it's a rejection of merit altogether, so much as it's a perversion of it. in their minds, looking good is hard work. that's really the basis of their thinking. they worked hard at the gym and expect some kind of reward.

it's more of a rejection of market exchange in favour of...god? i mean, who or what is doling out the rewards, here? the universe?

the actual truth is that i'm not sure you'd get a coherent answer if you tried. all you're going to get is the idea that hard work should be rewarded.

it doesn't matter if that work has any social purpose or greater good.

so, it's also a perversion of calvinism.

it's almost more like the idea of sacrificing something to the gods. the gym (or the yoga studio) is the new temple. the workout bench is the new altar. in return for hard work in the gym, they expect the gods to look favourably upon them.

like sacrificing a fucking goat...

i'm an atheist. don't misunderstand me, this isn't a moralistic rant - it's a sociological observation. i'm just describing shit. i'm not judging. if i am judging a little (we can't help it...), it's from a communist slant. but i just for the first time understood the social utility of monotheistic attacks upon paganism. this behaviour is anti-social.

like i say: expect this to probably develop more over time.

j reacts (dvd 3)

j reacts to the benefits of a clinton landslide for the real left

i want to push my point.

liberal democrats are not going to be granted an audience in a clinton administration. the bigger the majority, the more room the party has to fracture.

the best scenario here in this very dour circumstance is to try and work towards a situation where clinton's opposition is on the left. that can happen if the caucus grows large enough that the size of the progressive wing challenges what's left of the republicans in congress.

it's a hard, long slog one way or another. and, trump is a historically bad candidate that could destroy the party's future. so, i really think the left is better off taking the opportunity to try and get rid of the republicans once and for all than pouting about the lack of options.

the best way to help the greens this election is to get the biggest democratic party majority possible, then try and splinter the party once it's in place.

go for the kill.

they would show no mercy to you.

but, it's still early, bob. if the groupthink sets in strong enough (like it did in '08), that supermajority is possible. the house is possible. and, i think the mississippi delta (possibly including texas) is possible, too.

i'm wearing my poli sci hat right now, not my data analyst hat. granted. and i'm talking in possibilities, rather than certainties. but, if those fluctuations you see on those graphs spin out...

you want to tell me there's a trend line there?

what you have to do is focus solely on the last two days of the polling, ignore everything else and then project that into the future. it's preposterous.

rather, if i were to guess, i'd suggest that the end result will be closer to the numbers you saw in april. so long as we're cherry picking...

when i talk about the republicans being wiped out, of course i don't mean that literally. but if the democrats play this right, they could be pushed down into the twenties and then the teens and then slowly fade away...

the spectrum is fucked. there's nothing resembling a left. that needs to be corrected.