Tuesday, December 19, 2023

i have a new years resolution.

instead of trying to fix everything so it's perfect and i can finish everything effortlessly, i am going to need to adjust to the chaotic nature of the reality around me and focus on being pragmatic.

i need to start over in 1996 and i need to do that in order to focus. i will need to be project-oriented rather than process-oriented, moving forward. i'm going to need to work on one release at a time, starting with inri000. as i do so, i will need to pull together data from as any different places as i can find. that may leave my notes chaotic and unorderly, but i'll need to address it as i go.

i'm never going to finish anything, otherwise.

as mentioned previously, the journal is being moved offline, but i need to eliminate that as a process and do it project-by-project, instead.

that may mean finishing inri000 may be lengthy. that's ok.

in fact, i need to unpublish everything and start from total scratch.
