Tuesday, May 21, 2019

the truth is that i was hit on by both genders at mocad last week, and while it is unlikely that i'm going to go for a dude (and i think facial hair is revolting, remember - if you want to hit on me, please shave first.), there is absolutely no possibility at all, whatsoever, that i'm going to go for a female.

so, that girl had absolutely no chance. at all. zero. zilch.

and, that dude would have needed to shave, first - at least.
do you know how i actually react to the gpdr requirements, the pop-ups, the scripts that slow everything down, waste resources, kill bandwidth and just annoy the fuck out of everybody?

i have a javascript blocker in my taskbar. whenever i get the nag from the eu parliament (thanks. assholes.), i just prevent the page from running scripts and hit refresh.

i don't want to answer that question over and over again, and that's my primary issue here, as a voter - make the nagging stop. please.

i'd be more likely to vote for somebody promising to exempt canada from the eu rules than somebody promising to enforce them here.
if you don't want to share your personal information, don't upload it.

and, it should be up to the individual to manage what they're allowing through software, not up to the government to regulate it.

this is a job for firefox, not a job for the legislature.
but, i will reiterate: it is not the government's role or responsibility to protect a segment of a free citizenry from the free expression or speech of another section of it, and any suggestions that it is have no place in the discourse of a free and democratic society.

this is a non-starter.

if you want a guardian council, move to iran.
there's not a lot of details released so far, and, as i said before, it seems more like political rhetoric than actual policy - and again reflective of the alternate reality that this government exists within. i mean, who the fuck wants the government policing the internet? twitter?

it sounds to be me like they're trying to ruin the internet, and this is going to be horribly unpopular with everybody outside of the twittersphere, and probably cost them votes and maybe even seats.

but, as an aside, the extensive negotiation process enforced by the eugpdr every time you want to visit a website sure is absolutely fucking annoying and inconvenient, isn't it? can i not opt out of the eugpdr? i don't even live there.

you can't have "online privacy", it's a contradiction in terms. the internet is a public forum, and you need to treat it like one.

i guess i don't really care if people are paranoid about this, but i don't want it to inconvenience me in any way, and i'd like to have the option to just opt-in to data sharing, manage what i'm exposing myself to on my own and not be asked about it every thirty seconds.

the difference is just that i understand that.
so, you think you have friends.

but, you don't.

none of us do.
what i learned a long time ago is that friendship is one of the many contradictions that are irresolvable within capitalism, and this is really just a question of maturity and life experience in getting your head around. i could even go so far as to define an adult as the following...

adult: a person that has experienced betrayal.

it's not a question of doing things differently, of changing yourself or of surrounding yourself with more pure people. it's a socio-cultural reality of the economic system we live in: friendship under capitalism is a joke, and you're a buffoon to suggest otherwise.

now, i don't want to be cynical about this, though. pointing out that we can't have friendship and capitalism at the same time isn't to doom friendship as a concept, so much as it is to present a pre-condition for it's realization. i mean, it's easy enough to see the truth of it: i'm too gentle for this, too lost in a set of discredited ideals. so, i'd be happy to be your friend, if i wasn't convinced you were trying to kill me.

as it is, i keep to myself because i know i'm too fragile, too vulnerable to exist.

i'm friendly. everybody knows that. but, i'll never trust you, and i'd ask that you respect that in not expecting me to.
there's a quote about dancing and revolutions that is always relevant, but i like this one better:

your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance then they're no friends of mine.
it would be easier if everybody went to my bandcamp or patreon site on the side there and gave me $26, granted.

but, resistance means withholding labour as much as possible, even if it merely reduces you to an insolent slave, crying through the beating, in the end.
while i do acknowledge at this point that i've been out of work for so long (i haven't had a full time job since 2008) that i would likely be unable to find meaningful employment should i try (and i haven't tried since 2011, after spending 2008-2010 and 2012-2013 in school), and i likewise acknowledge that i have had no choice but to work in the past and done so out of threat of homelessness and starvation, i think i've been as clear as a human can be that i don't actually want a job at all.

i have presented lengthy, detailed arguments around this point, presenting labour in a capitalist society as a waste of time and life wasted on employment as a sad, pathetic, wasted life. the individual's task in a society such as ours is not to find employment or work it's way up the ladder to the top, but rather to avoid labour as much as possible. true freedom means abolishing capitalism, but the only way to approximate freedom within a system of capitalism is to escape the market as much as is possible.

stated tersely, there is absolutely nothing that employment can offer me that is worthwhile, no task that is fit for a free human being. all employment reduces to some kind of market relation, which is by definition reducible to slavery. my aspirations are strictly and purely in the realm of free expression: music, literature, politics and etc. all that any sort of employment could ever do is interfere with my real aspirations, thereby slowing me down and wasting my time. there is consequently no end point for me in employment other than misery, and most likely suicide.

i know that the world is full of people that would love a six figure salary, a 9-5 job and a loving family. i doubt i'd last more than a few months without losing my mind, and i am certain that i would choose death over slavery to possessions and status if it were to come down to it. if i woke up tomorrow with a high-paying job, a paid for house and a loving partner, i would instantly start planning a way to get a divorce, sell the house and live off of the investments. i could probably live for free for three years just by selling the car, right?

the evidence that i actually believe what i've been saying over and over again for years is in truth pretty overwhelming, if you ask anybody that's ever known me or seen me behave - the jobs i've quit or turned down, the life decisions i've made, the arguments and comments i've articulated and etc really going back to the time i was 15. the point i'm getting at with this post is that any attempt to suggest differently is just being dishonest. you don't have a clever diagnosis from a distance, and your pop psychology is bullshit pseudoscience. your argument is not intelligent; it's invalid. i mean what i say - and you're dishonest if you insist otherwise. and, this is going to be my approach if you push it - i'm going to wag my finger at you widely and thoroughly, and make sure that everybody knows that you're a worthless, piece of shit liar, regardless of how much stolen wealth you've accumulated, or how much time you wasted doing so.

we can have a discussion about the merits of capitalism, if you'd like. i like doing that, i think that's obvious. but, you need to take me at face value when i argue that the biggest problem with capitalism is how boring the quality of life is, and how meaningless existence is as a result of it. i mean, i didn't make this stuff up, you know - i can cite some smart people if you really want, from the ancient story of sisyphus to camus and all the anarchists in between. and, you can save your psychoanalytical pseudo-scientific bullshit for your victims. don't you waste your time on me....