Friday, January 22, 2016

22-01-2016: start of archival week

tracks worked on in this vlog:

in a few hours, it'll be 13 days cold turkey - which at the very least indicates i'm serious about this.

as i previously stated, i'm in the process of collecting writing from various sources. i should get through the first phase of this today, and be over a hurdle by the end of the weekend. this *is* actually important for the period discs, even if it is writing rather than music.

so, i'm working. productively, even. really. i may even meet my feb 1 release date.
dec, 2011

the ignored drawback of choosing charity over public aid is that, while it eliminates a means of questionably justified coercion, it also removes aid work from public oversight, allowing financial dictatorships to pick and choose which causes they wish to support based on their own whims and amusements. that prioritizes wealth over research as a factor in decision making. philanthropists should consequently be regulated.

to put it another way, these are resources that should be controlled by the community and not by what amounts to the modern equivalent of feudal landowners.\

Spain had a budget surplus before the economic collapse. Spain had a budget surplus before the economic collapse. Spain had a budget surplus before the economic collapse.

Perhaps repeating this line three times will help the type of people who have columns in the Washington Post on the euro zone crisis get some understanding of the issue. Today we get a lecture on southern country profligacy from Daniel M. Price. Yesterday, Post columnist Matt Miller told us how he misleads his daughter about the nature of the euro zone crisis and suggested that the rest of us be equally misleading with our own children.

The reality is that most of the countries currently facing debt troubles were not profligate prior to the crisis. While it may be reasonable to describe Greece as being profligate, the only euro zone country that looks much like Greece is Greece. The other euro zone crisis countries had hugely better finances in the years leading up to the crisis.

Italy, the closest Greece competitor among euro zone crisis countries, had relatively small budget deficits in the years before the crisis. Its debt to GDP ratio fell from 93.7 percent of GDP in 2001 to 87.3 percent of GDP in 2007. In other words, the deficits of these years were completely sustainable.

Spain ran budget surpluses in the years from 2005-2007. Its debt to GDP ratio fell from 50.3 percent in 2000 to 26.5 percent of GDP in 2007. There is no remotely plausibly story of government profligacy here.

In short, people who describe the euro zone crisis as a story of excessive government deficits are pushing an ideological agenda that has nothing to do with reality. The story of the current deficits of the non-Greece countries is the story of the collapse of housing bubbles that threw the euro zone economies into a severe downturn. The European Central Bank (ECB) has magnified the problem by maintaining relatively tight monetary policy in order to maintain very low inflation and also explicitly asserting that it would not act as a lender of last resort to the heavily indebted countries.

Blaming government profligacy may be useful to those who want to see cuts in social spending, but it is not a story that is based in reality. It conceals the incompetence/greed of the private sector bankers who fueled the bubble. It also ignores the recklessness of the ECB of clinging to its inflation obsession even in the midst of a crisis that threatens the survival of the euro and could cause millions of additional workers to lose their job.
do you know what i think, honestly?

it's that merkel's concept of currency is rooted squarely in conservation laws.

it's what happens when you send a plumber to fix your car.
dec, 2011

looks like i'm waiting a few days. i expected the decision to be ripped to shreds, even by a lot of conservatives.

to be clear...

the agreement is that the various governments will force balanced budgets on themselves without the use of integrated monetary policy. this completely misunderstands the problem. the problem is monetary, not fiscal. this is equivalent to implementing a de facto gold standard in the euro. the result in the satellite countries will be very difficult to manage, as they all have individual economies with individual stimulus requirements.

this will not rein in debt, it will spiral debt out of control as austerity exponentially shrinks the economy into a deflationary spiral.

don't just divest. emigrate. this is going to get ugly.
the future of conflict!

don't miss out! don't be left behind... - .UuJIThBOnIU

you actually want to read it more like a sales brochure for military equipment - which is surreal and disgusting and absolutely accurate all at the same time.

10-01-2016: dropped section

this is a section from the tenth that the device deallocated because i physically dropped it. it was recovered after the fact in a chkdsk and is uploaded here as a standalone file. i discuss the effects of quitting smoking.

see, the writing in these skits is actually often fairly subtle.

it's been clear the whole time that these were skits, but i was wondering if they were actually his parents or not. clearly, what's happened here is that "dad" has taken off all right - no doubt because he's not getting paid. he's not coming back, either. twisting the narrative around like this is something he seems to do fairly often.

i'm going to point something out here that you won't see pointed out elsewhere and is probably very relevant:

1) the female appears to be an upper class indian.
2) the driver appears to be a lower class arab.

so, i don't think the observation of her skin colour and ethnic background is entirely irrelevant, it's just that you have to put it in context; i think that what you're seeing here is a normal class relationship in india, with the difference being that, in india, the lower class arab would not dare defend himself.

to be clear: what i'm saying is that it seems as though she is behaving in a racist manner.
i find the cluster in the alps very curious.

is this a still existing measure of hannibal's army?

what he's talking about is mt-dna haplotype X, and his presentation here is incredibly inaccurate.

the mt-dna is traced through maternal lineages, and it is indeed a little bit curious to find it in north america. this is not because it clusters specifically with jews - in fact, it does not. it actually clusters with greeks. search terms would be "mt-dna haplotype X". the wiki map is good at showing where it clusters.

it clusters as a minority lineage everywhere it exists, so it is very difficult to try and determine it's origin using migration patterns. molecular testing has suggested that the lineage probably originated in central asia and migrated over to the americas with the bering land bridge, while it also stayed behind in asia and floated towards greece. but, molecular testing of this sort is a kind of house of cards argument.

a more interesting - and probably more correct - suggestion is the idea that it may be a carthaginian lineage. this would suggest pre-columbian transoceanic contact - which is an idea that is increasingly gaining momentum. we can measure the effect of colonialism in the native american gene pool (you may have noticed that many people that identify as natives actually look very white; in fact, some tribes report upwards of 90% european dna on the male side). it's entirely reasonable to suggest that carthaginian contact may have left some evidence of itself.

but, this is not the dominant theory. the dominant theory is that X developed in the steppes and found it's way into the greek speaking areas by genetic drift, then spread around those areas through trade.

they wish they were forty...

i'm going to guess the female is 47 and the male is 52.

i'm 40.

and i look and act half their age.
it's nice to see that people have stopped pretending that there aren't bosses in china.

maybe a little bit of a shift in consciousness will lead to a rekindling of the revolution.

i believe that the use of the words new american is a sort of a code that suggests that marco is essentially a front for the john birch society (that is, the koch brothers). whenever you see those words together, you should be a little wary.


center for a new american security
project for a new american century

...and, of course, the new american magazine, itself.

the religious thing has been a front from the beginning. that's the actual history lesson. those guys were all deists. and, marco's master is likewise not his god but his handlers.