Saturday, September 1, 2018
i'd rather have alreaady moved by now, granted.

but, i've still got a few weeks to figure this out.
i've posted this more than a few times...

i've written a dozen iq tests, and they all put me in the highest percentiles. and, i do exceedingly well in school when i'm able and interested in applying myself - across a wide variety of topics. so, when i tell you that i have a high aptitude level, that's not my opinion or some other unqualified person's opinion - that's an objective testing criteria. and, you can disagree with that if you want, but i'm just telling you what the tests say - although if you disagree with the objective testing criteria, it probably says more about your own intelligence than it says about mine.

why am i not rich then?

well, i keep telling you that i don't want to be rich, what i want is to be free, and that freedom is only possible by rejecting wealth. wealth is a type of slavery, not an escape from it. your car is not a symbol of freedom, but a symbol of slavery.

and, so we're left with one of two possibilities: either the tests are wrong and i'm actually an idiot, or my rejection of wealth as a basis of happiness is actually a reflection of the high aptitude level.

maybe the truth is that i'm poor because i'm too smart to be rich.

what i'll say is that i probably think you're a moron, regardless of how much money you make.
...and, in the end, trump may very well end up being the most liberal american president since nixon.
trudeau's best friends on nafta are going to be people like mitch mcconnell and paul ryan.

...because that is where the sitting liberal party actually is on the spectrum, right now.
listen: i'm a leftist.

and, on nafta, it is trump that is pushing ideas that i agree with, and trudeau that is pushing ideas i don't agree with.

at all.


and, we will see this come up in the upcoming weeks, when trump finds himself aligned with the democrats in congress, and trudeau finds himself aligned with the republicans.
i did see something this morning, but it was smoky and way too small.

so, i got home and decided i was going to be stuck here for the month, after all. so, i called my landlord to explain i was willing to pay the balance, and i didn't get instructions on payment this month, as i usually do.

"but, you haven't been paying the rent."
"there was a court order. if you do the math..."
"i thought you just weren't paying rent."

see, and i've known this all along. i've explained my reasons and behaviours very clearly to these people, and they're just ignoring her majesty's court altogether, as though it doesn't exist.

and, what is at the root of this is just absolute ignorance of the legal system in this country. i've stated this repeatedly: the basic entry point of ignorance in this society is what we call "libertarianism". that is where ignorance starts. they don't understand anything besides this archaic nineteenth century concept of contract theory...

i made a complaint. it was ignored. i sought relief. it was granted. they ignored it. so, i withheld. and, now i owe them $50 to balance it out.

"'s a $50 balance. so, should i come in to the office and pay it or...."
"i'm going to have to call the owner."
"but, if you do the..."
"i have to call the owner. there's a holiday monday, so it will need to wait until tuesday."

& maybe i've still got time to get out of here, after all, then.




i'm a thief,
i'm a liar.
there's my church -  i sing in the choir!
watch my vlogs.

there's clear evidence of the roach infestation in at least 20 videos.
these are big insects - bigger than your thumb

they're not easily mistaken for other things - especially not a small bug that is a tenth of it's length.

i'm not an entomologist. but, i know a roach when i see one.

and that unit was infested.

they admitted it.

they're lying.

because they're liars.

i have substantive documentation showing the existence of asian cockroaches in the previous unit i inhabited, and anybody suggesting otherwise is maliciously lying through their teeth - and not for the first time.

like, videos of them. pictures. this is not up for any real debate.

those people are pathological.

their words are meaningless.