Thursday, January 3, 2019

it's not some moral trip. it's not even a health issue.

i just actually don't like being stoned on a daily basis. i prefer sobriety, ninety-five days out of a hundred.

i'm on average a couple-of-times-a-month smoker. but, it's going to be a while, still.

i want to use my brain, not destroy it.
but, i long does it take to get chronic, persistent exposure to marijuana out of your system?

it's been three months, now, and i'm still feeling it.
i'm using the term "detox" as a description, but i'm not concerned about my liver, i'm concerned about my brain.

i just don't want to be inebriated right now - i want to stop being tired and sluggish and scattered (which is what marijuana does to you...) and regain my caffeine-driven focus and wit.

and, it's getting better; this place isn't perfect, but it's far better.

we'll see how life turns, but i'm just not into it right now.
it's really not clear to me what the appeal of apple is to investors.

they make overpriced trash with minimal market share. even the iphone is at around 15%. the profit levels for the company are a result of an absurd markup, rather than strong sales - it's not that they sell a lot of stuff, it's that they repeatedly badly rip off a small, if loyal, customer base. there's really no rational basis for their share price.

there's a theory to look at: that those commercials ten years ago (and the ones 35 years ago.) were more effective at selling stock options than they were at selling products.  how true this is is a question of scale; the stock price is badly inflated.

this is important because the dow is massively skewed by the price of apple stock, and it is going to be in for a nasty tumble whenever people come to their senses about the long term viability of the company.