Tuesday, October 24, 2023

it's easy to stand in canada and call for a ceasefire in the middle east. who would disagree with you?

what conditions do they propose hamas meet to attain such a ceasefire? they don't attach any at all, because they're not serious voices.

due to what has happened, a condition for a ceasefire in the region needs to be the complete liquidation of hamas as an organized entity. i'm on the side of those arguing for search and destroy as a pre-requisite, because it is plausible, with them isolated and cut off in a small region, the way they are. hamas can be destroyed and therefore should be.

the destruction of hamas will be damaging to the citizens of the region. hamas should have thought that through. in fact, it did, and non-serious calls for a conditionless ceasefire are exactly what the intended response was. these people are irrational nihilists.

israel is entitled to some time to level as much of the infrastructure as it can level. like others, i would call on israel to be as careful as it can be, but it is difficult to place that in context. calls for ceasefires and for withdrawals need to wait until hamas is annihilated, first.

i generally argue that israel needs to be proportionate. i haven't changed my position. but, a proportionate response to such a massacre is a frightening barrage, indeed. they have a ways to go still before they've reached the fury and wrath they're justified to inflict on a group that has forfeited it's right to exist.

this is a situation where a call to smite one's enemies is justifiable, and i support israel's goal to smite hamas, as an enemy.