Tuesday, June 9, 2015

dammit, this is so predictable and the entire country is clueless. it's the most obvious thing in the world: obama is a republican operative.

i'm sitting here watching this and thinking "well, yeah. they don't want a long term solution because they want privatized infrastructure. it's a part of the neo-liberal project. so, they're giving you the least they can so they can rip it apart when they get control."

and, lo and behold, what does obama announce? privatized infrastructure.

we saw this with the government shutdown. we saw it with health care. we've seen it over and over again. congress refuses to act on basic and routine legislation, which forces obama into an executive order. he then signs into law what the republicans actually want to do, but could never get through congress. then he spins it as stopping republican obfuscation - when it is, in fact, fast tracking republican legislation.

i don't know if y'all are ever going to figure this out...