Thursday, June 24, 2021

most places in the world provided some kind of subsidy while the economy was shut down.

the amount provided by the government in the united states was not sufficient to prevent people from resorting to criminality out of desperation.

for all the rhetoric in the fake left media and these kinds of ennui bourgeois youth movements, the reality is that biden's black conservative church attending base wants more policing on the ground to reduce violence in their communities.

and, if you tell them he just wants to put them in jail, they'll call you a communist nut.

it's shown time and again that the people that understand the realities of systemic racism in the united states the least are in fact the black americans that the system takes advantage of the most.

so, he's going to pass some awful bill that'll throw more black kids in jail. the left will point out that it's racist, and blacks will keep voting for him to keep them safe.

we need to break the hold of the black church on the population if we want to get anywhere in the south.

sounds like the lamest msm bullshit in the world.

i've been quiet on the narrative for a few days.

i finally got the other room completely cleared out last night, and i'll have catch-up writeups going back to the 15th fairly soon. but, i've been doing minimal amounts of sleeping the last few days and need to get in the shower and get some rest.
yes, hormone therapy will change your bone structure, but it's most effective if you take hormones when you're very young. if you wait until you're an adult like i did, it takes years to see a result.

but, i've been on them for years...

it's just the specific places they measured around the hips. this is one of the very few examples of statistically meaningful sexual dimorphism in humans. if they tested my arms, it would be less of a difference. so, i wonder if i can even ask for that, too.
you know, i'm looking at how bmd is calculated and i suspect the number i got may have been crunched poorly.

the femur was -1.2 (which is a little bad, but not terrible for a 40 year-old) and the lumbar spine was -1.9 (which is very bad for my age). but, that's a big difference. why is my spine so much worse than my hip?

at first, i thought that it was actually worse than stated because they used female references. as male bone density peaks at a higher rate, i'd have to have even worse scores if they used a male sigma.

but, it turns out that the calculation has to do with the area measured, and women should have wider hips than men. so, while men may be expected to have higher bone density, women are also expected to have wider hips. what that means is that if you plug my numbers into the formula then you end up with a density divided by a much smaller frame than i actually have. that is, a woman my age, height and weight would be expected to have much wider hips than i have, so i would be a very narrow-hipped woman, which would suggest a problem, and that might have exaggerated the results; a cis-woman with my hip size, compared to my age and height, would have either been estrogen-deficient as a teenager, or be suffering from severe osteoporosis.

that said, my body shape would also be unusual for a man my age - hormone therapy has made my hips wider than most men and narrower than most women. i'm actually moderately hour-glassed in a dress - most comparable to a thin, tall, lanky woman.

it may be hard to get a good reading for that reason.

so, i'm going to call them in the morning and ask for the full test results, analyzed via both sexes. they don't give you absolute numbers, it's just a standard deviation. and, i may find that this is not as severe as it looks.

i've never broken a bone and don't feel as though my bones are particularly weak.
i think it would be a good idea for the united states to tax owners of vacant property, as well.

in fact, i'm going to officially propose that as a means of protest - instead of the normal drunken nonsense, let's have a series of funeral marches, instead.
we should all be collectively embarrassed right now and have a day of mourning for our sad state of affairs, instead.
the true north enslaved and locked down.
do you want to celebrate this dystopian hellhole?

no thanks.
to put it another way - when you live in a policed state, there's not much to celebrate about the country you inhabit.

with the horribly unfree state of society right now, there's not much to be proud of.
i mean, you can sit in your backyard and have a beer and watch tv.

if you want.

you can't do much else...
canada day is a silly, stupid demonstration of half-witted nationalism, which is something i oppose to my core. but, it's also a reliable party in the middle of the summer. i don't see any harm in it, so long as you don't get stupid about it.

but, it's cancelled this year due to the pandemic and discussions about whether you should cancel it or not due to something else are irrelevant - it's cancelled, regardless.
it's a culture rooted in the total glorification of war.

what the fuck would you expect?
again: gun violence in the united states is a cultural problem, not an economic problem. you don't solve cultural problems with economic policies. and, you don't change the country's culture by restricting the supply of weapons.

i don't like guns. and, i'm never going to stand up for gun owners.

but i'd like to see some policies that are likely to actually work in reducing gun violence, and approaching a cultural problem like an economics problem is never going to be one of them.

so, when you've got gi joe up there talking about restricting the supply of weapons? it's a fail.

if you want to know why there's so much gun violence down there, just look at his election campaign.