Tuesday, February 9, 2016

09-02-2016: a day in the life (got up, got out of bed....)

tracks worked on in this vlog:

see, the results are still early, but it's easy too see what i'm saying.

suppose there were only three candidates: rubio/cruz, trump and one of the others. let's say bush.

the math of just combining everybody is of course perilous. but, it's hard to see how the argument is otherwise. would kasich or christie supporters pick rubio over bush? highly doubtful.

so, given the numbers at 8:11, you'd have:

bush: 41.9
trump: 34.5
rubio: 21.3

once you do that, trump begins to fall apart - because the people that were backing him to block the tea party now have a better candidate. what's left are independents and idiots. and, it doesn't take long for bush to run away with it.

in the end, it may not be bush. it might be kasich. it won't be fiorina or carson. it probably won't be christie. but, it's these people that aren't getting coverage that are the actual serious candidates - so long as most of them drop out.

even if only christie and fiorina drop out and bush and kasich split the difference, it forces the right of the party to make a choice between rubio and cruz in order for one of them to remain competitive.
the comment section in this video is a veritable two-minutes of hate.

ol' dubya has always made me sad more than he's made me angry. it's partly because you could see it coming so clearly. but, something that's even more depressing and even more disturbing is that all three of the major candidates on the republican side (trump, cruz, rubio) make bush look like a kitty kat.

and, they make his brother seem outright electable, in comparison.

let's pick a topical tune at least, guys.

i'm not sure when the primary starts announcing results, but i want to make a few comments about trump. can he actually win?

well, if the republican field doesn't narrow pretty soon, he sure will. but, let's not be confused about what the "lanes" are.

the media keeps putting rubio in the "establishment lane". this is really some kind of hilarious slip-up, indicating that they're viewing their role pretty actively. "establishment" isn't an issue, or a place on the spectrum. it's a source of funding that indicates this guy doesn't care about you.

so, there is no "establishment lane".

there is a "tea party lane". that lane has cruz and rubio in it. they are each other's competition. one will absorb the other. it's also the "goldman sachs lane".

there is a "trump lane". he pays his own tolls. and, he's ringing his own bells, too.

then there is the "moderate lane" and just about everybody else is in it.

in order to beat trump, what the republican party needs pretty soon is to have the race narrowed down to a candidate from each of these lanes. the media gets this part right. but it seems to want to put rubio in the moderate lane, thereby actually making trump the most moderate candidate. which is horribly fucked up. but, what's really going on here?

my guess is that they wanted to initially go with rubio, but cruz pulled some strings. or his wife did. so cruz took his place as the bankers' darling. but, rubio is still on the pay roll. so, rather than throw him away, they're floating him as a "moderate".

despite the reality that he's off the spectrum.

it's cruz' wife that will need to take the blame when this whole thing collapses and trump pulls away by cementing moderate support, which rejects rubio as too extreme. because, that's what they're trying to do: run cruz on the right and rubio in the centre. but they're both on the lunatic fringe, in terms of policies. leaving trump as the least insane option.

so, can the rest of the field pull together? my money is on bush. the top three in new hampshire are going to be the same as in iowa, but it doesn't matter - it's whomever comes in fourth that really matters, and who needs to convince everybody else to step down.

if they can walk into the next primary with a reduced four candidate field, trump will bleed to the moderate and it's just a matter of time before the moderate eventually catches up - forcing the right to pick between rubio and cruz. and, then it's a two-way race - with trump reduced to irrelevancy under the challenge of a united party.

but, if they keep the field split, then that vote never coalesces and trump wins by default - because he's less scary than rubio or cruz.

whatever happens, i think it needs to be acknowledged that trump has irreversibly altered the nature of american politics.

the attack ads against him paint him as somebody that essentially has no political ideology. and, he doesn't seem to be really upset about it. and, voters don't seem to be, either.

this idea that money runs politics has been well understood by everybody for a long time. but, candidates reject these accusations as slurs.

trump seems to actually take pride in it. and, nobody seems to really be outraged or shocked by it. it's hard to see how that gets put back in the tube, now that it's out.
the solution to problems created by drugs is of course more drugs.

it's those lobby groups. they're crafty.

streaming media sites like spotify are not the future of independent music. rather, what i'm doing at this very moment - telling you to buy a couple of my records or to stop wasting my time, to fuck off and to stop following me on the internet - is the future of independent music.

as consumers, you have a choice to keep art alive. if you choose not to do this, the era of art as an accessible product for middle class consumption will end. the era of consumption will end, altogether.

this is the future that the internet is leading us towards:

Music is banned in Khomeini's Iran
On the grounds that it stimulates the brain

We've done him one better in the land of coke & honey
using music to put people's brains to sleep

Ever wonder why commercial radio's so bad?
It's 'cause someone upstairs wants it that way
If the Doors or John Lennon were getting started now
The industry wouldn't sign 'em in a million years

So what do we get
Christian censorship and taxed blank tapes
Shoppers strung out on our false hopes
Will flock to obey

i've got a start on wiping the old deathtokoalas profile. the videos are all gone. the truth is that it's going to be a while.

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