Thursday, February 20, 2020

so, like...

will the results in nevada legitimize the results in new hampshire, after all? 

i'm sure the people of new hampshire appreciate that they have the approval of nevada in their voting choices.

it was a ridiculous, bigoted narrative from the start, and i'll be happy when the results bury it. but, i'd like to see some people held accountable, too.
when nevada basically ends up the same as iowa and new hampshire, will we call out the major networks and the dnc for their homophobia, their anti-semitism, their mccarthyism, their racism against blacks and latinos, in talking down to their voting preferences and, finally, their anti-white bigotry in writing off white people as different than everybody else?

there has been a fiasco, here.

and, it's been in the media coverage.
...but that poll i just posted is the first evidence of the expected bump for buttigieg. it's the data i've been referring to. i'd still like more, but thar she is. garr.

my stomach will be relieved that it no longer needs to direct adp away from digestion and towards oracular prediction mechanisms. it's enzymatic, i hear.
i find these results believable.

this cycle, sanders and biden have tended to have trouble matching their polling (it's much worse for biden) and buttigieg has tended to overperform. so, this might suggest something like 

sanders 25+%
buttigieg 20%-
biden 15% - maybe
nobody else viable

on the first ballot, with a slightly closer spread on the second.

also note that the early ballots are preferential. i like that. and, it introduces a level of unpredictability into the race, as these are voters that may not have participated in caucuses in years past.
and, realize this - steyer could very well come in third.
well, this debate is certainly more lively.

- bloomberg is getting slaughtered.
- warren is making the kind of "i know i'm done" plea that klobuchar made in the last debate, that i thought was a sign of desperation there, and i think is one here, too. maybe she surprises me....
- bloomberg is exactly what sanders needed to focus.
- biden looks dazed and confused, and barely there at all.
- buttigieg continues to come off as "presidential", even if his policies suck.
- klobuchar was not given as much time to speak as she was in previous debates. she got hit a little, but i don't think it was too bad.

is that the end of bloomberg? i don't know.

i think it's the end of biden.

i'm going to hope to see a snap poll or two before i make a final projection, but the question here isn't about who is going to win the first ballot. sanders will. that is clear.

who else ends up viable? i'd put my bets on buttigieg, and i'll at least acknowledge that warren gave herself just about as good a chance as she could have, even if she doesn't actually get there.

this could be the first in a long list of states where sanders gets 70%+ of the delegates with barely or less than 30% of the vote.
i guess that what i am is a representative of the radical queer agenda.

you didn't think we existed? i wasn't so sure myself. but, here i am.
if i tell you "i don't want to support bernie sanders because i am skeptical of his commitment to queer solidarity issues", and your response is "you must be a trump supporter" then, i'm sorry, but you're a fucking idiot.

i'm supporting the greens this cycle. 
so, that was the last one for 2013.

there's another handful of releases i want to get out there for jan, 2014 before i pivot. i'm not done more month....

i'm going to need to file some things for 2013 locally, first. and, i'm also going to want to create some seeds and otherwise distribute the material for the end of 2013 into the next batch of release notes.

but, if i'm lucky, i can get something for january up by the end of the weekend, i think.

i might sneak out on sunday, but i'm actually planning mostly for monday.

inri023 updated and tested

this is tested and working on the chromebook and on firefox on the windows 7 box.

what's in there, now?

- the 8 songs on the record
- cover.jpg & a jpg of the backsheet for cd-r printing (the insert for the spine)
- a playlist.m3u file stored as raw text
- a 72 page doc file of liner notes over the fall of 2013
- a 72 page pdf file (same)
- an instructions file
- inri023.html.7z.txt is a 1 mb document that must be renamed and unzipped and contains an html version of the liner note package, including an html5 player that can load the purchased audio in the browser.

the full download, in flac, is 155 mb.

there will be further updates to the liner notes as i run through the alter-reality, and as i run through the remastering period that took place over 2015-2016. but, this is likely the last major revision to this collection of glitch remixes from 1998, which is nearing a point of final completion.

it's time to stop to eat and shower.
i think it should be clarified that the rcmp's offer to remove itself from the unceded area in bc is under the condition that the chiefs will allow construction of the pipeline to continue.

this is obviously a non-starter, and should be interpreted cynically, especially given the media's dishonest reporting of it, which seems designed to manipulate public opinion.
they're not looking for an extra couple of blankets, or something.
so, what do these protesters want?

they want you and me to rise up and march on parliament hill and tear down the government. maybe, maybe, it might happen this time? hopefully? with the creator's blessing?

and, they won't leave until we do.....or they're removed. 

the issue in bc is more specific, and more detailed negotiations are likely to be more productive - that's an actual process around an actual concern.
and, don't confuse yourself as to what the protesters are thinking, either.

there's this media narrative that they're carefully trying to extract concessions. listen - i've been in these actions, and you're giving these people too much credit.

what they're actually thinking is that they're going to generate an uprising in the working class. they're not aiming for anything particular. when they tell you they'll be there until the end of colonialism, they're talking literally - that's exactly what they intend.

but, they also know they'll get arrested. they're waiting for the cops to come in, and that's a part of the intended optics of the action.

in their minds, it's something more akin to a race against time. they're hoping, and some of them are maybe even praying, that they can get to critical mass before the cops smash through and send them away. they know better, but they hope otherwise. it's not game theory, it's base desperation. and, recognizing that is the actual reason why it's so important to show restraint.

this isn't a group of savvy negotiators trying to extract concessions, it's a group of desperate poor people that don't know what else to do.

and, when they inevitably fail, as they expect to, they'll come back again later. 

because you can't kill hope with logic.
again: this is the subtle, psychological trick that they use to push through the perception of difference - they present this as though it's a question of if they'll use force, rather than a careful determination of when they will.

by the end of this process, you'll be carefully lead to conclude that they had no other choice and these groups did it to themselves, which, in context, is mostly true. but, they still think they need what is essentially a psy-op to get the point across....

i apologize for the source, but the other sites that google gave me were special-interest marijuana sites. in terms of useful information, i'll take a site like this over a site like leafly any day.

i'm just trying to get the point across that this is a known issue, even if you've never heard of it before: yes, marijuana can make people faint by triggering drops in blood pressure, and i'm pretty sure that's something that has happened to me several times, now.

but, it usually only lasts a few minutes. what made sunday weird is the amount of time that the reaction lasted, and that's what i need more information regarding.

i didn't expect the spanish inquisition....
that was a lot more sleep. i do require some sleep, i guess. but, i'm not used to feeling this tired.

it seems like my neck has finally loosened up.

a stiff neck like that is both a symptom of a stroke (which doesn't fit my medical profile) and a symptom of low blood pressure (which does). and, if i fell off that chair, i may have landed badly. i can't blame that on being drugged with any clarity, this could all, in theory, be the results of the worst green out in the history of humanity.

i haven't got a response from the bar yet. i'm thinking about going in on sunday, just to talk. i did that to the trumbullplex when i got knocked out by the edibles a few years ago, and i've been ok there ever since.

...even though i'm not likely to actually go back to a bar that called the police on me out of concerns for my own safety. that's like burning somebody at the stake to save their soul. it's wacked.

i got 75% of the way through the html file of inri023 before i crashed and should be done before sunset, when i will stop to eat and watch last night's debate.

first liner note release for inri023

when i sat down in late 2013, my intent was just to collect all of the tracks that were leftover. however, it became apparent quickly that i had a pile of these weird, glitchy remixes that i meant to do something with, but just never did anything with. they seemed to form an idea of their own, so i split them off into this inrimixed ep.

i feel that this decision was a good one, and that this collection has now become an important part of the discography - so much so that i am adding some tracks to it that were initially overlooked and then promoting it to 'remix lp'.

i need to be clear that this is a remix lp full of damaged, glitchy mixes. these tracks were left unscathed by the great remastering of 2013-2016. many of them are sourced from 112 kbps mp3 files, or worse. some are sourced from mono. i'm presenting the artifacts in the compression as a part of the glitch aesthetic. but, these are truly sad excuses for waveforms.

example: the cover art is actually the waveform for track 2; similarities to the mirror reflection of the cover of any seminal eponymous records from the late 60s are purely coincidental. waveforms like that do not bear any resemblance to any physical reality whatsoever. they fail, as waveforms. yet, these are the waveforms we have before us, and these are the sounds that such absurd waveforms make.

i suppose that the reason i have all of these glitchy mixes from the period is that i was planning on making a glitch lp. it's not that i specifically recall that as being wrong, so much as it is that my memories of it being right are not of clear strength. i sort of remember wanting to make a glitch record. the evidence exists that i wanted to make a glitch record. now i have the glitch record that it seems like i always wanted to make. at the least, my current self very much likes the idea that i released a glitch record in 1999.

constructed over 1998. compiled and remastered in late 2013. released dec 27, 2013. the first two tracks were corrected to stereo in sept, 2014. the last two tracks were added for re-release as a remix lp in dec, 2016. re-released & finalized as lp003 on dec 17, 2016. first liner note release added on feb 20, 2020. as always, please use headphones.

this release also includes a printable jewel case insert and will also eventually include a comprehensive package of journal entries from all phases of production (1998, 2013-2020). as of feb 20, 2020, the release includes a 72 page booklet in doc, pdf & html, with an html5 audio frontend, that includes journal entries from the remastering process over sept-dec, 2013.


released January 28, 1999

j - guitars, effects, bass, synthesizers, piano, drum programming, sequencing, vocals, cool edit synthesis, noise generators, found sounds, sampling, loops, sound design, digital wave editing, digital effects processing, noise reduction, a broken tape deck, production.