Thursday, February 20, 2020

well, this debate is certainly more lively.

- bloomberg is getting slaughtered.
- warren is making the kind of "i know i'm done" plea that klobuchar made in the last debate, that i thought was a sign of desperation there, and i think is one here, too. maybe she surprises me....
- bloomberg is exactly what sanders needed to focus.
- biden looks dazed and confused, and barely there at all.
- buttigieg continues to come off as "presidential", even if his policies suck.
- klobuchar was not given as much time to speak as she was in previous debates. she got hit a little, but i don't think it was too bad.

is that the end of bloomberg? i don't know.

i think it's the end of biden.

i'm going to hope to see a snap poll or two before i make a final projection, but the question here isn't about who is going to win the first ballot. sanders will. that is clear.

who else ends up viable? i'd put my bets on buttigieg, and i'll at least acknowledge that warren gave herself just about as good a chance as she could have, even if she doesn't actually get there.

this could be the first in a long list of states where sanders gets 70%+ of the delegates with barely or less than 30% of the vote.