Wednesday, November 8, 2023

obviously, this is my site. however, somebody else seems to want control of it.

this site has no revenue and no audience. you can see the number of sales by sorting through my bandcamp site. this blog has no followers.

i'm not a sex object and this site isn't about selling my sexuality. i don't want to be a sex symbol, and i'm actually celibate; i don't have sex. i'm certainly not a sex worker. if you think this page is about my sexuality, you've misunderstood it, and dramatically. this page houses my ideas and my art, it's not a personal ad or a pornography site. while i understand that i need to present myself in a certain way, as a female musician, my audience is not interested in my sexuality. i actually push back against it, but i'm seen as an intellectual by my audience; i'm not an egirl, and i don't present myself as one.

i would strongly suggest that anybody seeking to sell their sexuality find somewhere else to do so, as the reality is that there isn't an audience for it here and the people that do come here will quickly tire of anybody that lacks the analysis i post here. nobody comes here to look at my pictures; people come here to read my writing.

i still don't know exactly who the unwanted editor is, but it's becoming clearer. it's been clear the whole time that they don't understand this site, but i'm starting to realize that i'm actually dealing with a capitalist looking to buy a startup and convert the site into something else. given that fact, this site is not what they want.