Monday, August 22, 2016

very briefly

"Owing to variations in humidity and likely clothing, recommendations for summer and winter may vary; a suggested typical range for summer is 23 °C (73 °F) to 25.5 °C (78 °F), with that for winter being 20 °C (68 °F) to 23.5 °C (74 °F)."

my personal preference would be in the higher end of that range - and actually even higher than that, if the external temperature allows for it.

fwiw, i am in the midst of some massive insomnia in what is now a three day and may become a four day vlog. i've had several two-three hour naps

over the last three days, but every time it seems like i'm going to actually sleep i end up jolted awake....

i haven't been as productive as i'd have liked. there have been some annoying issues that have had to be tended to, and a little bit of time wasting,

although i am finally a good ways of the way through the final sansa listen. that is: mp3--sansa--440-IIs. it sounds great, so far. but, these are the

unshielded cables that are prone to interference.

thankfully, the temperature has come down. the a/c is off, so the heat is off.

....but i'm getting the feeling that things are 'back to normal' for me, meaning that these multi-day vlogs will be the new normal and sleeping more than

three hours at a time will only happen when my body just refuses to co-operate any further.

what that also means is that the vlogs may start to come up two-three times a week, but in extra long installments. i simply don't know how much

longer i'll be awake for. but, this at least three day vlog is currently over two hours.

i've stated repeatedly that this is documentation. i split the chunks of time up the way i do for a reason. and, if i can't sleep for a week then the vlog

will be 8 hours and you'll just have to accept it as it is.

the device is unfrozen

i don't know when it unfroze. i know the heat was on full blast most of the morning. i just checked now because i felt it cooling down in here and it was working again.

i guess it will happen again at some point, but it's useful to know that the situation is recoverable and it's up to you whether or not it's worth swapping out.

all the polls out yesterday are trash.

j reacts to the media's curious focus on 'debunking conspiracies' about clinton's health

if the accusations about clinton's health were as frivolous as are being claimed, the media would just ignore them. they don't dedicate that kind of air time to the clinton body count, or the theories of david icke or any other idea that is firmly in the realm of the absurd (although it's almost impossible to argue that all of those dead bodies are a consequence of coincidence).

i'm not going to dwell on this, but let's be clear.

1) there's clearly an issue of some sort. i see no evidence of any specific diagnosis, like parkinson's. but, the clinton campaign has not provided a good explanation for any of the unusual images or videos that have surfaced. while we should all realize that we are not doctors and should not diagnose at a distance, we should also realize that the evidence before us requires some explanation that has not surfaced.

2) clinton cannot rely on 'trust us'. she's a known liar. only the very core of her base will accept this. the left will not. the right will not. the swing in the middle will not.

she may have dug herself into a hole. the clintons are experts at hole-digging, after all. but, she needs to be more clear about what's happening. if it turns out that all that's happening is that she's a 70 year old woman in terrible shape, so be it. but, she'll have to own up to it rather than continue to deny it.

it could be a real factor in terms of creating voter apathy. but, what can i say? she's obviously not very healthy....