Sunday, May 13, 2018
no sane person wants to be stoned by themselves at 10:30 on a sunday night. that is a time when people do things like read, clean, eat, etc.

if that sounds like "fun" to you, please seek the aid of an addictions counsellor.
for the record, i am once again stoned by myself and having difficulty focusing when i would rather be reading and thinking.

this is a profoundly negative experience that is dramatically affecting my quality of life, for the worse.
one of the big things is likelihood to vote; another is response rates.

how often is your 65+ sample disproportionately skewed with people over 80, who are more likely to stay on the line and answer questions? and, at what age does the increased likelihood of seniors to vote start reversing?

you could end up with a large sample of 80+ in the 65+ demographic and conclude they're more likely to vote, when they in fact can barely leave the house at all.

and, opinions and worldviews are likely to be dramatically different nowadays between a fully functional 69 year old and a totally geriatric 87 year old.
one of the things i point out in one of the videos coming up is that the age brackets polling firms use are out of date.

they'll do something like this:


that was fine when life expectancy was 75. but, it's 85 now. and, the population is aging..

they need to split 65+ into a 65-80 bracket, and an 80+ bracket.
yeah, as soon as i post that it's tolerable, she starts smoking again.

i need to get out...
so, i haven't moved since friday night, except to sleep in short shifts, naps, and to get up to eat, or use the washroom. i took a junk food run last night...

i'm through the first half of march, which closes season 4 and takes me into the start of season 5. the music vlog picks back up again in mid june, so i'm down to three months to fill the gap. and, the period one discs start closing in early july.

the air quality has actually been alright over the last 24 hours. i'm not sure exactly what the reason for this is, but it might have to do with the fact that the heat came back on. she seems to have made eggs last night and then stopped. i'm not expecting the situation to last.

that said., if it were to stay exactly like this, it would be fine. and i'm still not excited about moving...

i haven't given a technical notice to move yet, but i'm still planning on starting to look on wednesday. i'm going to need a very lengthy period of clear air to have me change my mind, at this point.

i don't know exactly what the market looks like right now.
so, you're going to hear all kinds of talk about the dangers of a war with iran...

...and it is true that a war with iran would be dangerous....

....but it's not imminent.

the russians control too much of the space for it to even be possible.
neither the jews nor the saudis are reliable allies.

america made a grave error in double-crossing the turks. it may be too late to reverse it.

it's putin's map to lose.
the jews have a special relationship with russia, of course.
last man in is china.

it's unclear if coming to tehran's defense is worth it to them.

it might be.
sending the israelis in protects them from liability; it may have been a little cocky, but we'll see where it leaves them in the end.

it's not like iran has a lot of options.
the russian plan in syria is quite clear.

they want to restore territorial integrity, and full sovereignty, then consider a transfer of power.

and, in the end, reduce it back to it's previous status as a cold war client state.

the iranians are this plan.
i'm neither convinced that the russians are particularly upset about the israeli bombing runs in syria, nor that they weren't informed first.

i hear that netanyahu has actually been spending a lot of time with putin, lately.

it is the russian reaction that an escalation turns around; i expect it to be muted, as kicking the iranians out of syria is ultimately both in their interests, as well as in the interests of turkey.

the russians control the board, at this point. it's not clear how long that lasts, but it's what exists, right now.
"but, maybe they really do have magic beards - how do you know? what if you're wrong?"


i'll take my chances, thanks.
ok, so, as far as i can tell, there's actually not a reason they can't remove their turban - like the hijab, it's really just a fashion decision.

what i already knew was all that there apparently is to know - that it's one of their "articles of faith" and that it's worn as an identity marker.

so, sikhs wear turbans because they're sikhs, and sikhs wear turbans.

that's fine and everything, so long as you're not going through a security screen, in which case that's simply not a valid argument.

it's not like they've been told they're going to go to hell or be excommunicated or something. it's just something they do because they want to, and because it makes them feel a part of a club. surely, removing the item from one's head for a few moments doesn't expel anybody from this club.

so, what's underlying the refusal, then, really isn't any religious significance, but rather just a trivial ethnic norm. and, that consequently isn't even a question of religious freedom, whatever you happen to think about it.

it would be one thing if somebody ripped it off his head and played soccer with it in front of him. that would be rude. but, everybody needs to go through some inconvenience, sometimes, to ensure we're all kept safe.

the real issue here is that navdeep bains appears to be a remarkably arrogant person that thinks he's special and deserves special treatment. he doesn't want to sacrifice for the team.

i repeat: i would like to see him defeated in the next election.
i can respect honest differences in opinion. that's fine.

but, i can't respect things like magic beards - that's just stupid.


let me see if i can figure out the exact reason why a sikh isn't supposed to take off his turban (i don't know, exactly), and we can analyse whether that holds up to any meaningful scrutiny in the face of a security screen at an airport.

did i upset you?

i thought your magic beard was supposed to protect you from harm.