Tuesday, February 9, 2021

i'm a secularist to my bones, and i want to see a modern democracy in the geographic space, one where everybody has equal rights. but, the whole point of the jewish state was so that what you're seeing in the orthodox community wouldn't happen. it completely undercuts the idea of israel as a jewish state - which i don't support anyways (i want it to be democratic, not jewish), but...

i mean, it's almost comical.

even israel is anti-semitic, it seems.

pat m
While AIPAC secures the support of US politicians, the pro-Zionist Scofield Bible secures the grass-root support of 50+ million US Christian Zionists. The Scofield Bible by convicted conman-turned-Pastor Scofield was published in 1909 by pro-Zionist Oxford University Press, after Scofield was befriended by leading Zionists. It was the first edition of the KJV Bible to insist that Christians must support Israel. The vast majority of Christian Zionists don't know they've been conned and Israel would lose a lot of US support if they did know. Making them aware would greatly help in the fight for justice. https://www.wrmea.org/015-october/the-scofield-bible-the-book-that-made-zionists-of-americas-evangelical-christians.html
i have no interest in this comment, whatsoever.

pat m
Driven by insatiable greed and with 800+ military installations in 140+ countries so far, the corporate-controlled US Empire's relentless agenda is total ownership and control of the world's natural, financial and human resources. This makes it the main instigator of wars and terrorism worldwide. Toppling elected governments and replacing them with puppet regimes of the US. This makes it everyone's problem. Humanity urgently needs real democracy in the corporate-controlled US. 

we might have a bot here, folks. whaddya up to, pat?

pat m
In Israel bribery is a crime, fraud is a crime but slaughtering entire families with warplanes on, Gaza etc., is an accepted norm. The brutal Israeli apartheid regime breaks international laws with impunity because it's funded by the U.S. and supported by puppet states of the U.S. like the U.K. etc. Mutual backscratching between the Israeli expansionist agenda and relentless corporate-controlled US empire-building. Many Jews rightly condemn Zionism as a political movement which uses Judaism as a front. BDS!

i see. you think i'm a zionist, apparently. you're trying to drown me out. you were perhaps even sent by mr 1% banker elitist dmitri lascaris, himself.

see, this is what happens when you binarize everything - you turn your intellectual opponents into enemies.

listen - i'm very much a post-nationalist secularist, meaning i reject nation-based states all around. i neither want a jewish state, nor a palestinian one. imagine there's no countries....and no religion, too.

but, fwiw, i actually think that calling the situation an apartheid is too timid, and serves to distract from the genocide occurring.

apartheid is an economic relationship between a dominant group and an enslaved one, where the enslaved people exist apart from the dominant group for the purposes of their economic benefit. while the united states has actually attempted to coerce the israelis into an apartheid relationship on multiple occasions, most recently under john kerry's direction when he was secretary of state, israel has continually rejected these sorts of things. so, kerry wanted to build a factory in the region and put the palestinians to work in it (to produce goods for the dominant israelis), but the israelis would have none of it. rather, the israelis just want them gone, altogether.

while genocide and apartheid are both severely unjust relationships between a dominant group and an enslaved one, there is a difference of scale - apartheid is a less severe form of brutality, as it is restricted to exploitation. genocide is a much more severe situation, as the dominant group does not even seek to maintain the enslaved one to exploit.

what is happening in israel is not apartheid, it is genocide. and, bds will do nothing to end it.

bds needs an actual apartheid, or other type of slave relationship, to actually work - the exploitation must be financial. you have to cost them money. but, this isn't about money, it's about land. the israelis aren't doing this for money and aren't going to stop if they lose some....

i'm sympathetic to the arguments i've heard about it backfiring. but, it's not even the point.

this is not going to work; it's rooted in a false understanding of the nature of the exploitation, and it doesn't make any sense.

the reason that bds worked in south africa was partly because it was about the money. it's just not true, in israel, today.
this kind of puerile catholic nonsense needs to be left behind in the era of ignorance it belongs to.

nobody should read this stuff....it's worse than a waste of time - it's intellectually damaging, in the perpetuation of dangerous, medieval thinking.
it's legit backwards thinking, and i don't have time for it...
i would consider a discourse on suffering to be a medieval anachronism, and people pushing it to be stuck in the dark ages.

i'm not interested.

at all.
i don't want to talk about or explore human suffering, i want to alleviate it and emancipate people from it.

and, that is the point of being a leftist - if you don't realize that, you've lost the plot.
paine is a topic that is interesting to me.

pain is not.

so, i forgot to mention this morning that i tried the pasta bowl with a teaspoon of cayenne and a little less garlic salt and learned that:

1) i can taste it
2) but, it's too spicy

this is somewhat of a problem. replacing the hot sauce with cayenne was done partly to reduce the sodium, and i need enough of it to get some carotenoids, which seems liike i'll be unable to handle.

that's partly why i got the paprika.

so, i'm going to try it with a tablespoon of paprika and no cayenne next time.
i've added some posts about trudeau's longstanding disdain for civil rights laws.

and, i should be able to get to looking at mid-march when i wake up.

get rid of this idiot...
and, the liberal party needs to throw this twirp under the bus.

i mean, c'mon. this is absurd....

his father is spinning in his grave.
you can't block entry to canadian citizens because they have a virus - it's blatantly, absurdly unconstitutional. that law will be struck down within seconds of being put in front of a judge, and somebody needs to get it in front of one immediately.

i also hope that people fight these tickets being levied upon them for hotel stays, to the point that it costs the government more in legal costs than they generate in fees. and, i'm putting out a call for people to make the government pay for this through their nose - make it backfire.
stopping to eat...

this is just a quick update, up to mid-march 2020:
so, i don't get along with princess, clearly.

off with their heads....
you're not separate but equal.

you're just equal.

suck up your existential dread and fucking deal with it.
i will always treat ciswomen the same way i treat everybody else, and if they don't like it they can get the fuck out of my face.

i'm not interested in treating you like a princess, and you can go cry somewhere else if that makes you sad.
but, i have no vested interest in you interpreting me as a feminist or not.

i want you to interpret me as a woman; if you chose not to, don't enforce your expectations on me - i don't care. i'm not interested. fuck off.
what gets under my skin is when women want to have it both ways.

i won't give it to them - they get strict, literal equality. for better or worse.
if you want me to answer this question of whether i'm a feminist or not, you have to define what it means, first - and that's challenging, because the word holds multiple entirely contradictory meanings.

i'm not at all interested in third-wave concepts of feminism, and i've never claimed i am.

what i believe is that all humans should be treated equally under the law - what i am is a radical egalitarian, and i have a concept of feminism that follows from that. that means i'm going to clash strongly against certain conservative constructions of women's rights within the framework of patriarchy, and i have no time for people that advocate these positions; they can fuck off. and, what it means is that i have no patience for people arguing for inherent gender differences, and they can fuck off too.

that puts me in a minority position and i understand that - i'm both arguing against conservatives that call themselves progressives and against militant rad fems trying to segregate themselves as some kind of nationalist movement. in that sense, the word has become it's opposite meaning. and it makes sense to define me in opposition to the opposite meaning the word has embraced.

but, i'll still use the word as i see fit to because i believe i'm using it in the proper framework, and all of these other people are lost in foucaldian, orwellian backwardsness.