Tuesday, October 29, 2019

i think the right thing for the international community to do in response to this is to place economic sanctions on the united states.

i repeat: i am calling for economic sanctions on the united states.

this can't be tolerated.


the first run is done.

time to eat and shower.

politics: 320 pages
music: 132 pages
dtk: 110 pages
travel: 3 pages

i'm going to cross-reference as a finishing step, and i may add a few things to it, but i mentioned that the travel blog won't pick up until mid-2014. the politics site will slow down quite a bit moving forward into the new year, while the dtk site will pick up quite a bit - there's a bit of a tease near the end of november, but it doesn't really start up until mid-2014 when i started trolling hard. and, i have two more months to get through before the end of the first reconstruction phase. there's also six liner notes to type up, and six releases to republish.

i want this all done by the end of the month...
you have to be careful remastering something like this, because it's such a product of the (now ancient) technology. it's cleaner, maybe, but the tape reverb is a part of the song.

i just hope the original masters are still kicking around.

i'm just about done. really. a few more dtk posts at the end of the month, that's it.

i just need to remind people just how much lennon i listened to as a kid, and just how much of an influence he was on me. i just listened to this for the first time in years, and laughed....
it absolutely reeks in here, but the plumber is going to be here tomorrow so i'm going to let it stink the place up.

hallowe'en was always my mom's favourite holiday, and i grew up with a lot of negative memories around it. i guess that's what happens when you grow up with abusive satanist parents rather than abusive christian parents - your negative childhood memories end up attached to secular holidays like hallowe'en rather than religious ones like easter.

"no, mom, i don't want to wear that".

so, i wouldn't care much for hallowe'en on a good year. and, i never go to costume or dress-up parties. ever. i'd rather kill myself.

i felt like i was too old for hallowe'en when i was about 10. if i thought holidays were dumb in general, i always thought this one was the dumbest holiday of all of them. i'm way too old, now.

as it is, it's cold this year, and i'm feeling gross and anti-social. i have absolutely no interest in this right now, at all, whatsoever.

i wanted to be done the rebuild yesterday afternoon, but i got circled around and had to back track. i finally stopped to eat this morning, and then had to nap. i've got a few dozen posts left, max...