Wednesday, May 5, 2021

what the government's position on this seems to be is something along the lines of that it wants to be an import-dominated economy because it wants to put faith in global trade. so, supporting domestic production is therefore racist.

it looks stupid, on first glance. i mean, what?

but, then you look at the fact that the canadian investor class is tied up in foreign stock portfolios, and it makes sense - the government makes itself dependent on imports because the money from the domestic investor class is tied up in foreign production.

and, you'll just have to wait until it's profitable for the investor class before you're allowed to get vaccinated. sorry.
in fact, canada itself would strongly benefit from the eradication of property rights around the vaccines, as it could allow some of the dormant, if dwindling, manufacturing capacity to develop more quickly.

it's not even in our self-interest.

but, they don't care about you, they care about investors.
the last time i checked, the liberal party of canada remained a member of the socialist international.

this is a party that once up and flat out nationalized the oil industry.

for them to get squeamish about taking property rights away from foreign pharmaceutical lobbies (as canada has no domestic vaccine production capacity. at all.) is both in contradiction to the party's traditional position and uncanadian on it's face. it's embarrassing - flat out.

but, it's predictable. you should be shocked but you shouldn't be surprised.
i agree that this is baffling, but only up to a certain point - this government is unusually right-wing, in canadian terms, and this particular issue of property rights is the kind of thing it's moved very hard to the right on. so, it's baffling, yes, but it's also predictable....if you were paying attention.

once again, i'm on the side of the americans on this: fuck property rights.

one has to think that the future of health care is going to relegate this kind of "general practitioner" as obsolete, in the face of technology that replaces it. it's an unnecessary step that can be taken out, at great cost reductions to society.

and, i'm all in. 

hurry it up. 
no, that's the right way to think of it - the doctor is just unnecessary bureaucracy, and the need to go to the doctor and have everything dealt with through the auspices of a doctor is just slowing everything down.

decisions that could be made in a few hours take weeks to process, instead.

and, it's just frustrating that i have to wait for the fucking doctor to do everything, when i could just do it myself.
i don't really want a doctor, at all.

what i actually want is to be able to order my own blood tests, and prescribe my own medications.

the doctor is just an annoyance in a bureaucracy - a formality that can't be done away with.
so, i still haven't received the zinc tests and i'm starting to get a little bit pissed off about it. i could be suffering through a zinc deficiency, and they won't tell me unless i pay to see him? you know, the fact that i have unhindered access to care is great and everything, but the profit motive has yet to be entirely eliminated, and we're going to be stuck with this kind of bullshit until it gets dealt with.

i understand that they had to send the blood to a different lab, but the doctor had the results last week and i don't have them yet. they could have emailed them to me, even, but they won't. it's unacceptable, really.

so, i'm going to call them tomorrow and ask them to leave me a voice message with the zinc results. i'm also going to ask them to mail me the results from yesterday, and then reschedule the appointment until next week, so i have time to look at the results before i request further tests from the doctor.

i'm not interested in being managed by a "professional". i will make these decisions myself, or they will not be made at all.
so, today's post is the deny everything box set - closing period 2.1. that's up to inriā„µ7, now.


purchasing this release comes with the immediate download of the release that you linked to it off of. be sure you make the right choice. 

inri036: written and recorded in late 1999 and early 2000. these versions of these tracks were sequenced without further modification in jan, 2014. released on jan 9, 2014. re-released on physical media and finalized on oct 3, 2017, with the remainder of hummer added as a bonus track. 

inri037: recorded in spring, 2000. released, unmodified, on jan 10, 2014. release finalized on oct 3, 2017. 

inri038: written and recorded, 1999-2001. track 3 was reconstructed out of existing sound in june, 2004. initially sequenced on jan 12, 2014. expanded with remixes from 2014-2017, re-released with a newly remastered lead version and subsequently finalized on oct 5, 2017. 

inri039: this was constructed over a little more than a month: from 7/7-8/20, 2000. it seems to have been recombined into one track around 2006 but has otherwise not been modified since it was completed. first released as an ep on jan 14, 2014. release finalized as symph004 on oct 8, 2017 

inri040: recorded in april, 2000. samples added in oct, 2000. album version reverted to original mix in sept, 2006. released as a single on jan 14, 2014. expanded & finalized on oct 9, 2016. 

inri041: recorded over the space of the year 2000. remixed substantially in 2004, 2006 and 2014. existing version released on jan 14, 2014. finalized as lp009 on oct 9, 2017. this is my fourth official record. 

inri042: this record was recorded over the years 1999 and 2000, but did not take this form until mid september, 2017. the first track list dates to sept 14, 2017. these tracks are technically outtakes, but did not become outtakes until the remastering process removed them from their respective recordings. released & finalized as lp010 on oct 9, 2017. 

originally created from 1999-2000. this compilation is dated to dec 1, 2000. slowly remastered, reconstituted, compiled, reconstructed, released and finalized from 2013-2017. compilation finalized on oct 9, 2017. as always, please use headphones. 

released december 1, 2000 

j - guitars of all types, effects, bass, synth, piano, organ, ebow, flute, mandolin, drum kit, drum programming, sequencing, sound design, found sounds, granular synthesis, noise generators, generative synthesis, generative percussion, cool edit synthesis, light-sound synthesis, loops, films, tapes, sampling, vocals, vocoders, digital wave editing, digital effects processing, treatments, coughs, a broken equalizer, production 

the rendered electronic orchestra includes ukelele, theremin, orchestra hit, string ensemble, taiko drums, gongs, trumpet and saxophone.

today was a sleepy day, but that's a kind of normal consequence of spending a weekend smoking. but, it means i'm still cleaning, and everything is put off for a few more days. 

if i can stay awake for a bit, i should be able to get most of the kitchen done before it's time to eat again.
i believe that the earlier source for this would be cavalli-sforza. i don't see anything in here that wasn't developed by him more than 20 years ago.

and, cavalli-sforza was of course drawing on gimbutas for her archaeological work in central asia.

if you want a gentler introduction, there's a text by jp mallory called "in search of the indo-europeans" that i found very useful when i was studying this ~20 years ago. it's from 1989.

the major problem with these models - and this guy is not the first person to do this - is the assumption that the rate of mutation is constant. there's really no reason to think that, and it's no doubt horribly wrong. that said, we don't currently have a better idea, either. we could, in theory, try to model the rate of change by looking at snapshots of actual dna, but we're in a kind of circular logic problem with that, as we have to assume constant rates to do much of any analysis. but, it's still the better approach, and it will need to be done, eventually. until then, these models can come up with approximations, and they can help give us clues,  but they shouldn't be taken particularly seriously. and, they definitely shouldn't be used to try to test hypotheses, where errors in modeling rates could very well affect the deduction presented by the model. so, i don't want to write this off entirely - largely because he's just redoing things that were done decades ago, or much longer than that, and just confirming the results we already knew. but, the premise that this is some kind of giant advance is an exaggeration - it's a baby step, and it doesn't address the longstanding, pre-existing problems with assumptions in the modeling.

if you want to look into this, look up the (unresolved) gould-dawkins debate to start.


when i was working this out at the time, i became convinced that the historical elamite civilization was probably south asian in origin. linguists have proposed a theoretical elamo-dravidian language, but they generally derive it the other way. so, it's useful to envision an ancient south asian civilization that was centered in the harappan space but spanned the distance between mesopotamia and china, and trade links all along the path. local derivations of south asians in iran need not be recent immigrants.
neo-cons and rabid dogs have a lot in common, in truth.

and, they respond to the same basic concept of authority.
something else to keep an eye on: if biden can't even take control of his dogs, what are the chances that these neo-cons that he brought back into government are going to listen to him?

look for people openly disregarding his directions, flaunting him in public, etc - and expect the dereliction to come from the right side of the democratic party, and not the subservient left.
this picture is going around and has been for a while.

in it, the prime minister is clearly shit-faced stoned and retarded. you can tell by the shape of his eyes,

it's been clear for a while now that the pm is in fact a pothead, that he actually goes to work stoned. i'm in the group of people that would rather just sweep it under the rug until he finally just goes away, because it's really too embarrassing to react to in any other manner.

but, if the media could collectively stop posting pictures where he's obviously shitfaced, while talking to major world leaders or not, that would be in everybody's benefit. it's probably too late to undo the reputational damage to the country as a whole, but we don't need foreign leaders expecting to talk to a retard.

and, on the other side, if mr trudeau's habits are interfering with his day-to-day life (they're clearly interfering with his fashion sense. yuck.), perhaps he ought to be coerced into rehab.

i'd rather he just go back to the mountains and smoke all the drugs he wants, myself. but, some decision has to be made - we can't have a constantly shitfaced-at-work prime minister. 
no, let's be clear thinking, here.

while vaccination has clearly helped get the issue under control amongst the elderly population, it is more important than ever that they continue to be isolated from contact with the general population, because the variants that can evade the vaccine are going to be especially deadly on the people that get it. and, it only takes a minor tweak to get us back where we were when we started this.

life will never be normal for these people ever again.

but, that doesn't mean everybody else has to suffer with them - and that's what's pissing me off about this, this centrally enforced penance, this idea that we have to all suffer together. like i have an obligation to give a fuck....

it's an idea that is foreign to any sort of secular-derived contemporary western culture, and any kind of celtic or germanic or even greek culture, as well. you have to look towards mid-eastern cultures like judaism and it's offshoots to make sense of that, and that's not my culture and those aren't my values.

so, i mean, how did we get stuck with this idea of enforced collective penance in a secular society in the 21st century? that's the idea we need to figure out as we normalize the virus as a fact of life, and get back to normal along with it.