Tuesday, March 16, 2021

so, i dunno. maybe these missing posts are there, and maybe they're not.

it doesn't matter right now. 

i'll have to wait until i get the 32-bit desktop up and running again.
i can't open the 200 mb archive file at the one drive site.

i'm going to try google docs, but it probably won't work, either.
i didn't have autoforwarding set up at the time....

i may have some of it archived. let me check the end date.
let me go back to earlier in 2018 and just read through it and get a handle of the damage.
so, how do i react to the destruction of evidence in this matter?

i don't want to make it up.

but, i want a record of my history back - and i'm absolutely distraught by the book burning.

this is what happens when the religious authorities take over a society - they destroy history, they burn books, they eliminate data.
there was one sequence where i pointed out that the most obvious thing in the world is that they'll go after the communist jew.

any reference to the idea that i may have been targeted by muslims because i'm ethnically jewish and openly queer has been removed - which is telling.

i'm definitely missing posts.

specifically, somebody seems to have gone through and deleted any reference to the laws in canada being different than they are in iran. which, frighteningly, may no longer be substantively true, anyways. 

i need a way out of this increasingly fascist, increasingly dying country.

and, i'm not sure how to react next....

who deleted these posts?
i'm almost to the end of october, 2018 and need to get to march, 2019 by thursday. i also need to get some rest.

today's post is inri001.


my second demo, recorded over the second half of the tenth grade, is a considerably more polished recording. by this time, i had learned a lot about how to record things and had improved my drumming and keyboard playing. while the vocals remain highly erratic, ranging from precociously insightful to devastatingly stupid, the music here is actually not far from a professional recording. 

recorded in spring 1997, remastered in fall 2013. finalized on july 3, 2016. first liner note release added on dec 23, 2019 & updated to include the video for inertia on jan 26, 2020. as always, please use headphones. 

i consider this an archival release with little direct listening value. i've pointed out repeatedly that i was 16. however, various segments have been isolated and pulled out for a higher listenability value over here: 

this release also includes a printable j-card insert and will also eventually include a comprehensive package of journal entries from all phases of production (1997, 2013-2019). as of dec 23, 2019, the release includes a 35 page booklet in doc, pdf & html, with an html5 audio frontend, that includes journal entries from the remastering process over nov, 2013. as of jan 26, 2020, the html5 frontend has been augmented to include the video for inertia, which has been added to the download, and while the booklet is still 35 pages, it now encompasses sept-dec, 2013. 

released June 1, 1997 

j - guitars, effects, bass, drums, keyboards, tapes, vocals, found sounds, metronomes, production