Sunday, January 6, 2019

so, it seems as though the syria withdrawal was some kind of political ploy, or some kind of depraved negotiating tactic or something.

but, all it's succeeded in doing is broadcasting that the americans are unreliable in their statements, and can't be treated as serious negotiating partners, if there was ever any question that they could be trusted or treated seriously.

the conditions that bolton has put down will never be met, so the so-called withdrawal is in fact a permanent, illegal occupation, and a de facto partition of the country.

the russians should just start carpet bombing the remaining isis footholds.
this evening's soundtrack.

a brief history of kim campbell, written in an appropriate tone.
when somebody gets beaten as badly as kim campbell did, it should come with a lifetime ban on any attempt to speak on behalf of the country, however indirectly.

you'd think that most former heads of state would know better than to risk an international incident like that.

but, this particular person has shown absolutely no inclination towards common sense, or common decency, throughout her career.

she does not speak on behalf of anybody except herself.
"but it was sexism".


she was horrible.
she is a vile, horrible person that canadians summarily rejected.
there's some cancer survivors down the street that could use a good taunting, kim.

why don't you get out of the house and give it to them?
tell her to stop wasting her time on the internet, and go make fun of some autistic kid or something.
so, what is kim campbells's legacy?

an analysis of somebody's legacy is no place to have a serious discussion.
twitter is clearly no place for a serious discussion.

she's an idiot.