Thursday, April 30, 2020

i can put a sweater on if i'm cold.

dealing with the coercion of market forces is not so easy.
and, yes, i'd rather find a female landlord than a partner; i'd rather just pay rent and tell her to leave me alone.

what about buying a house, though? it would solve the problem, surely?

well, yeah - but then i'd have to go to work to pay for it. i'd rather be cold and unemployed and free than employed and warm and enslaved....

i don't need control over the thermostat, i just need somebody who has a more similar body weight to me to make those decisions.
it's just kind of a bad match.
for now, i'm freezing, and he's probably overheating at the same time.

so, i just need to find other ways to generate heat....
it's a bmi thing.

i'm an underweight transfemale; he's a fairly muscular, jockish sort of dude.

i've said this before: i need to find a female landlord, next time. living with a male is never going to work out.
to be clear - he's not withholding heat.

he just doesn't want the heat on.

i want it to be 30 degrees and humid so i can sit in my underwear; he seems to prefer 15 degrees with a breeze, which, for me, requires a winter jacket.
i wasn't sure if the rule in ontario was that you have to have the heat on until may 1st or june 1st.

it turns out it's actually june 15th.
so, i stopped this afternoon to build up the linked lists on the left side (your left, while reading it) of the music journal. i've added linked lists to records, symphonies, alephs, etc.

i tried to post that here, but it broke the formatting on this blog, so just go here to check it out:

i fell asleep while doing it and have finished it now....

that would be a detour that spun me around a little; there were some posts at the dtk blog, as well. so, i got a little distracted. i wanted to wait to eat, but now i kind of have to. so, i'll be back to rebuilding the master document in a few hours.

something else that happened when he got home is that he turned the heat off. it was actually nice and warm in here when he was gone, but it's now freezing cold again. so, i'll need to find ways to produce heat in here, like showering more frequently.

i've been musing about finding a way out of here. maybe i'd be better off if he just sold the place....

why do people like it so cold? i don't get it.
what about the listener on my internet line?

i've been quietly checking my usage stats on a day-to-day basis all month, and they haven't been out of line. i guess my usage is a little higher just right now because of the virus - but that's the difference between 15-20 gb on a slow month, and 35-40 on a heavy month. the idea that i was going to log anything higher than 40 gb in one month was ridiculous from the start.

i checked my stats this morning, and there's no numbers for yesterday. at all...

so, in the last 12 hours, (1) my internet connection appears to have been recompromised and (2) i appear to have had somebody set up a fake kickstarter account using my email address. is it a coincidence that he just got home?

it's starting to look like i'm going to have to cut the line again, for who knows how long. i'm certainly not interested in connecting to my bank account over this line....

i was considering getting groceries today, but i'm not going anywhere until i get this figured out.
so, it seems like somebody tried to set up a fake kickstarter account using my email address under the name "marge batson".

it seems as though they were unable to verify that account.

i have since deleted it. but, i will remind you - my sites are on the side, and if i set up a new site then i'll post about it, at least, and probably add it to the side quite quickly.
this has to be china's last chance to demonstrate that it's a responsible member of the global community - before being sanctioned for refusing to be.
right now, they're best described as a bad actor.

they should take heed not to turn themselves into a rogue state.

north korea is a relatively small export market.
i don't just mean participation.

i mean enthusiastic participation.

otherwise, we should throw them out of the un and erect a total economic blockade on them, indefinitely.
we have a virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, and may just be getting started. nobody really questions the premise that it originated in china.

if they don't participate in an investigation as to it's origins in good faith, they should be treated as outcasts and shunned.
the chinese may cry "racism", and a lot of very stupid people may fall for it.

but, this is just another iteration of a longstanding problem, regarding their refusal to be responsible global citizens.

the premise that this is even up for debate is surreal.
also, i would call on the chinese government to pull it's head out of it's ass and realize the importance of participating in a proper investigation of the origins of the virus, with the intent of being open about accepting any recommendations that an investigation may find.

the rest of the world should have very little patience with the chinese if they resist this.
as you should expect higher per capita rates in detroit, overtaking them on that graph doesn't suggest higher levels of incidence than new york, yet - it more likely suggests higher mortality rates.

so, you can have new york well past it's peak, with detroit not quite yet there, and still have detroit with higher per capita levels.

poverty may be the root cause (well, after racism). but, the medical answer is likely diabetes.
if there are 1000 deaths in the city of detroit proper, then a .3% death rate would suggest roughly 50% of people have contracted the virus.

a .5% death rate would suggest it's more like a third.
unfortunately, this was indeed predictable.

i don't actually think that detroit has peaked yet, but it's much closer than toronto.
fwiw, i also drink chocolate soy in my more than a half a pot of coffee a day.
this is a little outdated.

but, my diet hasn't changed.

brace yourself.
i don't think i've ever bought a carton of cow's milk in my life.

but, i eat a large amount of cheese.
how do i get enough c?

1) i eat a bowl of fruit daily, which includes:

- 5-6 strawberries <-----
- 20 blueberries <------
- 10 raspberries <--------
- 1 large kiwi  <--------
- 1 banana
- 1 scoop of cherry ice cream
- a bit more than the daily recommended serving of the most fortified soy milk i can find <-----

that is quite a bit of c, and i get it every single day.

2) when i make pasta, i include an entire tomato and an entire green pepper, in addition to the pasta itself. these each give me even more c. i also include a tall glass of apple juice. so, on days that i have pasta, that is in addition to the fruit bowl.

3) on days that i have eggs, my c intake would be a little lower. i heavily rely on the eggs for other nutrients, though. and, i get a lot from that bowl of fruit...
think of it like this...

your dna is elite.

it codes in c.
so, the latest round of anti-science stupidity from the fake left appears to be a denial of the efficacy of vitamin c in immune system functionality.

let's clarify a few points.

1) with the exceptions of water and glucose, vitamin c is perhaps the single most important molecule in your body. you need a lot of it.
2) your body uses vitamin c as a building block in erecting it's immune response.
3) while your body is efficient in eliminating excess amounts of it, it's almost impossible to take too much of it.

so, should you take it as a prophylactic, then? the right answer is actually yes - or, at least, sort of.

the most correct thing to say is twofold: (1) a vitamin c deficiency will certainly increase your risk of getting sick and (2) if you do get sick, you will certainly need a sufficient amount of c to successfully defeat it.

if you eat a halfways healthy diet, you get plenty of c and shouldn't worry much about it.

but, if you survive on restaurant food and pantry items, then you should strongly consider modifying your diet to get more c, for sure, and might even consider taking pills, if you can't, for whatever reason.

will it work as a treatment? i'd argue it very well might, in patients with severe deficiencies that should otherwise be able to beat it fairly easily. i'd be specifically looking at relatively young people with diseases like diabetes, which are caused by eating garbage and are known to be a major risk factor. these people are almost certainly not getting enough c, and it is almost certainly a factor in their higher levels of vulnerability. it may very well be the case, in the end, that vitamin deficiency is the reason patient a dies and patient b lives.

with c, you would have to prescribe regular doses, and you'd have to get the disease at an early enough stage that your body can still beat it on it's own. further, it should not be seen as an end-all, or a reason not to move to more advanced treatments.

i would not expect that vitamin c would help much with very old patients, or patients that are very advanced. but, i don't think anybody would expect that it would...

if prescribing vitamin c is probably a good idea, and is very low risk, why is this idea being attacked by the corporate media and it's shills on the fake left?

my best guess is that it threatens to cut into profit margins for pharmaceutical companies.

c is cheap, and it's good for you.

make sure you're getting enough of it.
so, i slept later than i wanted to again this evening, and decided i'd get the local section of the master document done first, before moving on to eat...

then, i heard somebody upstairs, and realized they were smoking. so, i took a very, very long shower...

hopefully, the air quality holds overnight, and i'm able to get some work done while it does.

he's been gone for weeks. i don't know if he was in quarantine, or what...
why is the washington post, specifically, so insistent that we adopt fascism permanently?

democracy does, indeed, die in darkness - but that's supposed to be a stark warning, not a hopeful prediction.

i've largely avoided the bezos hate-on, but this is a paper that clearly needs more responsible ownership.