Thursday, April 15, 2021

so, i'm going to throw out a request for anybody reading this that has been considering buying something but has held off - now's a good time to send me a few bucks.

my income is dramatically fixed, and it's not generally an issue. i've budgeted very closely for quite a long time now and can generally get by with almost nothing. but, i had to react to the low iron at the beginning of the month by spending about $40-50 on meat products, and it screwed up my budget plan for the month.

this was clearly a mistake, and none of this meat is going to regularly be worked into the meals. but, it was a justified reaction to looking at my ferritin levels collapse, and i'm going to stand by the decision, even if what i learned was that it didn't work.

i had to do it - suggesting i had a choice is disingenuous.

to be clear: i'm not going to starve to death. there's more than enough food here to survive on, and i can get access to emergency food if i have to. and, i don't want you to choose between feeding some starving person and feeding a relatively comfortable, if very poor in terms of income, disabled person. 

but, being $50 short this month due to buying unbudgeted roast beef and salami and hamburgers and anchovies means my testing regime is going to suffer, and it could create confusing results as i try to hone in on what the cause of the iron deficiency is. i don't want my vitamin levels to dip just right now, as it could create the misperception of malabsorption.

so, what i'm saying is this - if you read this regularly, and you can, then now's the time to donate that couple of dollars, to prevent my meal plan from falling into disarray. buy a digital download, or just wire me the cash over paypal. it'll hopefully keep me humming and typing.
i've said this many times before - if orwell was right, you'd never figure it out.

and, the less you can see a foot in front of you, the more right he was.
and, that's not alt-anything and that's not right-wing, that's a faithful reading of marx.
why would the elite want to force us all to convert to islam?

because islam works from their perspective, as a tool of domination and control. that is, after all, what the function of religion is, in any complex society - it's a system of rules that the elite push down from the top in order to keep society in order.

i think we can all agree that christianity has failed at that purpose, even as we may debate the pros and cons of that fact. as such, our elite is in the market for a new system of control - and islam has a lot of selling points.

they obstruct this reality by concocting stories about "oppressed muslims" being targeted for their race or not allowed "religious freedom", which is just a contradiction in terms in a marxist framework. when you hear this kind of language, you should know right away you're being co-opted.

unfortunately, a lot of the fake left seems to be in line with this, either because they desire the totalitarianism (see foucault or, even stalin) or because they're just useful idiots (like glenn greenwald, as a random example).

and, if we don't understand that almost immediately, there's nothing we're going to be able to do about it.

for right now, i have no suggestions regarding actual actions, other than building awareness and educating people. but, the gramscian conditioning, the hegemonic power, is to treat them as an oppressed minority that requires empathy, and it's very hard to push back against that without coming up against the systemic pressures designed to counteract the awareness.

and, i don't know how far they're going to go or how fast - i just know the elite needs a new system of control, and islam is the top-selling product on the market, for that purpose....and that you need to understand it like that, or we're all doomed.
i also got my full blood lab results in the mail, and every single metric came back negative or clear, meaning:

- my liver is fine
- there's no evidence i have an autoimmune disorder
- there's no evidence i have a parasite

the tests are quick to point out that that doesn't necessarily mean i can rule these things out.

i also set a phone appointment with the stomach specialist for the end of april, and i have to assume he's going to ask for a stool sample. i will provide this to be sure, but i think i've already ruled this out. i'm going to send him a fax with the shit blog link, i think.

fwiw, after an initial bout of diarrhea, my shit has actually solidified dramatically since starting taking the iron. but, i've also been drinking less water and i suspect that's really what the mushy shit was about.

so, after dozens of tests, it seems like there's nothing wrong with me except an iron deficiency....but we'll take the next steps with the doctors to clarify the point.
if they want to reduce the number of people in enclosed spaces, they need to stop creating policies that produce runs on items.

personally speaking, i'd be happy to go shopping at 3 am and reduce the load on the main system, but the province is forcing me into a crowded space by restricting hours, instead.

again, i need to ask the question - are they trying to stop the spread of this virus or are they trying to maximize it? because, by restricting hours, it sure seems like they're trying to maximize it.

but, as mentioned many times before, i suspect these debates are not occurring in the realm of reality and that the actual reason for these shutdowns is drastically different than anything being talked about in the news: these shutdowns are happening due to the observation of ramadan, and we only have so much time to figure that out before we're being forced to lie on our faces at gunpoint.

so, i got bogged down yesterday and didn't finish updating the syntax switch, although i got close.

i got the landlord down here to look at the fridge, after it expelled a bunch more water last night. i think this is what's wrong:

he's suggesting defrosting it, which is probably the simpler solution, if a particularly frustrating one. i mean, if it doesn't work, i've got a puddle of water on my floor with no answer, and we'll have to open it up, anyways. and, if it does, you'll never know for how long - if the problem is mechanical, it'll just happen again. so, if it were my fridge, i'd just take it apart and clean it from the getgo, rather than messing around with defrosting. it's not, though.

what that means, though, is that i need to reclean the space in preparation for recleaning it again later. ugh.

i'm going to start by eating.
i am.

i've never been the type to throw swastikas in people's faces just to piss them off. i'd rather burn the american flag or go after veterans as war criminals; i tend to focus my wrath on systemic concerns, in ways that get the agit-prop pumping.

but, if anything, that kind of iconography is more shocking today than it ever was.

and, i don't mind getting a little saucy, if you're going to push me.

hey, he was more of a white supremacist than i'll ever be...

and, i mean, there's a shock component in my art going back to the start. i'm not afraid to upset people.

these accusations are too specious to bother with.

but, it's always fun to be a little bit bad. right?
in terms of co-opting this as a marketing tool, i'm really better off not responding. it's more mysterious that way.
listen - i didn't ask for this, but, ultimately, any publicity is positive, when you're trying to draw attention to yourself as an artist. so if somebody wants to smear me, i'll take it. i'm confident in the strength of the writing, and will allow it to stand for itself - just please actually read it, if you're inclined to.

i don't expect to sell many records to religionists anyways, and the music is difficult enough to act as a kind of filter for anybody dumb enough to fall for the smears.

but, understand that i want you to listen to the music, first and foremost.

that's the point.

that's why these blogs exist.
my sole request is that any videos made about me on youtube include links to my bandcamp site.
i hear that somebody put up a video about me being a white supremacist and a fake logician, and desperately wants me to respond to it.

the idea that i need to defend my credentials against some idiot religionists on youtube is laughable. and, the idea that i'm a white supremacist is quite easily debunked by reading through this page for five minutes.

so, i haven't watched the video, i'm not going to watch the video and i'm not going to respond to the video, either. my official position is that the authors of the video are complete idiots, and it's not worth my time or effort.

but, if you'd like to defend me then have at it - i'm not interested. at all.
so, it seems like that identifier is the code for  the first video in the playlist, meaning that the new format is:

that's useful to realize, as it means i don't have to click "share" a zillion times.
actually, if i do a search for: seems like there's only about a dozen or so links to fix.

i'm going to fix them right now.
not only do i not have ads on this site, but i don't even have an ad revenue account.

and, i believe the only traffic here is the police.
i'm going to guess that it's probably just to track the streams better, to maximize ad revenue. 

but, when you're dealing with a site like mine - that doesn't want anything to do with the ad revenue side of things - it's just an annoyance.
it's a minor change, but it breaks all the links. hopefully they unbreak it. but, i'll fix it as it comes up...

the old format was like this: number

the new one is like this: number

unfortunately, you seem to need to click the actual "share" feature to get that unclear identifier, which i hope isn't temporary.
yeah, that worked.

so, i'm going to have to update a lot of links, it seems.
ok, so it works if you push their "share" feature, meaning i should be able to salvage the code.
so, i want to embed my shit blog, which is now complete, and am going to go ahead and do it and hope it works out.

the shit blog is here:
they broke the embed feature, meaning i can no longer embed my own videos on my blog.

do they want me to mirror them here?

that's stupid - i shouldn't have to upload the same file to both servers.
i stopped uploading persies because i realized that a bunch of losers were going to my facebook site to jerk off and it kind of creeped me out.

here's a few pictures of me taken the other day:

they were kind of mainstream techno kids and they probably only interacted with rollins as an actor, but it's in this lineage, so i heard:

inri027 was first presented as a standalone single in 2013 for historical reasons, as that is how i presented it to the person that asked for it. it's also on my third record, inridiculous.


somebody asked me to do this for them for a school project in the second half of grade 12, which was early 1999. we're both italian. silly joke, no offense intended. 

i never saw the final version, but the guy described it to me. it was an anti drinking and driving ad (think madd) for a marketing class. they sequenced it up with shots of one of them stumbling towards a car, getting in and driving off. very clownish, apparently. 

i didn't spend a lot of time on this, so i didn't charge them for it or anything. i think i was more hoping that it would float around a little, but if it did i'm not aware of it. 

streamed to disk in one take on the afternoon of march 9, 1999. ripped back to wav format from cd-r in late 2013. released as a one track single on nov 21, 2013. release finalized on sept 12, 2017. first liner note release added on dec 25, 2019 & updated on jan 27, 2020. as always, please use headphones. 

this track appears in slightly modified form on my third record, inridiculous (inri033): 

this release also includes a printable jewel case insert and will also eventually include a comprehensive package of journal entries from all phases of production (1999, 2013-2019). as of dec 25, 2019, the release includes a 4 page booklet in doc, pdf & html, with an html5 audio frontend, that includes journal entries from the remastering process over nov, 2013. as of jan 27, 2020, the booklet is 6 pages and includes entries from nov-dec, 2013. 

released march 9, 1999 

j - hammerhead (909 emulator), digital wave editing