Thursday, April 15, 2021

so, i'm going to throw out a request for anybody reading this that has been considering buying something but has held off - now's a good time to send me a few bucks.

my income is dramatically fixed, and it's not generally an issue. i've budgeted very closely for quite a long time now and can generally get by with almost nothing. but, i had to react to the low iron at the beginning of the month by spending about $40-50 on meat products, and it screwed up my budget plan for the month.

this was clearly a mistake, and none of this meat is going to regularly be worked into the meals. but, it was a justified reaction to looking at my ferritin levels collapse, and i'm going to stand by the decision, even if what i learned was that it didn't work.

i had to do it - suggesting i had a choice is disingenuous.

to be clear: i'm not going to starve to death. there's more than enough food here to survive on, and i can get access to emergency food if i have to. and, i don't want you to choose between feeding some starving person and feeding a relatively comfortable, if very poor in terms of income, disabled person. 

but, being $50 short this month due to buying unbudgeted roast beef and salami and hamburgers and anchovies means my testing regime is going to suffer, and it could create confusing results as i try to hone in on what the cause of the iron deficiency is. i don't want my vitamin levels to dip just right now, as it could create the misperception of malabsorption.

so, what i'm saying is this - if you read this regularly, and you can, then now's the time to donate that couple of dollars, to prevent my meal plan from falling into disarray. buy a digital download, or just wire me the cash over paypal. it'll hopefully keep me humming and typing.