Thursday, April 15, 2021

inri027 was first presented as a standalone single in 2013 for historical reasons, as that is how i presented it to the person that asked for it. it's also on my third record, inridiculous.


somebody asked me to do this for them for a school project in the second half of grade 12, which was early 1999. we're both italian. silly joke, no offense intended. 

i never saw the final version, but the guy described it to me. it was an anti drinking and driving ad (think madd) for a marketing class. they sequenced it up with shots of one of them stumbling towards a car, getting in and driving off. very clownish, apparently. 

i didn't spend a lot of time on this, so i didn't charge them for it or anything. i think i was more hoping that it would float around a little, but if it did i'm not aware of it. 

streamed to disk in one take on the afternoon of march 9, 1999. ripped back to wav format from cd-r in late 2013. released as a one track single on nov 21, 2013. release finalized on sept 12, 2017. first liner note release added on dec 25, 2019 & updated on jan 27, 2020. as always, please use headphones. 

this track appears in slightly modified form on my third record, inridiculous (inri033): 

this release also includes a printable jewel case insert and will also eventually include a comprehensive package of journal entries from all phases of production (1999, 2013-2019). as of dec 25, 2019, the release includes a 4 page booklet in doc, pdf & html, with an html5 audio frontend, that includes journal entries from the remastering process over nov, 2013. as of jan 27, 2020, the booklet is 6 pages and includes entries from nov-dec, 2013. 

released march 9, 1999 

j - hammerhead (909 emulator), digital wave editing