Saturday, January 23, 2016

23-01-2016: still archiving

tracks worked on in this vlog:
what i've noticed with strawberries, specifically, is that the grocers will buy them, pass the costs down and then watch them sit on the shelf. eventually, they have to cut the price - and then you can pick them up. so, as a consumer, i'm sitting around waiting for the food to go rotten, so i can get it at discount. if they'd just cut the price, they'd move the units at a higher volume, and make up for the loss. so, for the last few months, some of the stores haven't even been carrying strawberries at all. but, i'll come out and say it: at the end of the day, i won't pay exorbitant prices for imported produce. i'll just buy something else. so, again: let's get some local growers going.
if you're curious, the results of this were very predictable given the content of canadian law. it's the fear thing that's key. the article actually explains it fairly well...

this sets the precedent. these are the rules. it's a pretty trivial jump from the abstract to the concrete - there was very little ambiguity in how the law should have been applied - but there it is, nonetheless.
that's what guard rails are for.
i'm not going to pretend that i know how to target democrat-leaning votes in iowa or nebraska or missouri or colorado. i'd have a better handle on seattle or detroit or pittsburgh or minneapolis. even los angeles is sort of alien. so, i'm going to put that down and be quiet.

other than to point out that there's something inherently necessary in resuscitating the electoral powers of the progressive movement (which is very alive, on the ground) if sanders wants to beat clinton, let alone win the presidency.
that's two weeks, btw.

cold turkey.

it's in the two-three week window that i usually crack, although i must say this: i don't usually go that long as total, cold turkey. there's usually some kind of break in there. i might buy one of those $1.25 cigars, or maybe bum a smoke when i'm out. normally, what it really means is "two-three weeks without buying a pack".

but, this is totally cold turkey. so, it's different. and, i think i'm consequently just about there.

i guess i have about another week of data archival ahead of me. so, that will be three weeks - cold turkey. and, i can't see why i'd look back after that...