Monday, February 6, 2017

actually, i made the choice a very long time ago: i have no interest in organizing with foucauldians. i'm just waiting for them to go away, so we can get back to a broad, class-based struggle. and, in the end, the way this will probably work is that they'll just get ignored. movements will generate past them, and they just won't get listened to.

i don't want to argue with them. i don't want to try and push them out. i just choose to avoid them until they go away.

movements need people like fire needs oxygen. boycotting the foucauldians will be effective, if we hold to it.

and, how does that work, in practice?

when a foucauldian speaks, just get up and walk out. don't bother arguing with them. don't try to enforce yourself on them. just get up and walk away...

eventually, organizers will get the hint and stop inviting them. and, eventually, they will get the hint that nobody's listening and change their approach.

i've had short days for weeks...

i finally get a long day, and the stomach wrench hits along with the warm front.

so, i'm wide awake but have to stop and curl.

i was much more productive, today, getting two and a half months in. or, perhaps, the volume went down. either way, let's hope i can stay this productive when i get back to it on wednesday.
i'll tell you what....

i'd be more willing to support funds for refugee resettlement if they were matched, dollar-for-dollar, by funds to address the staggering problem of homelessness amongst young queer people on this continent.

and, how about this: for every refugee that you resettle, you resettle a canadian homeless person, too.

and, i'd also like to see the people that want to bring refugees in put funds aside to deal with the inevitable conflict that is going to arise between secularists and religionists. this is going to include funds for court battles to prevent the religionists from discriminating against queer people, atheists and women and funds for policing to ensure that certain aspects of their religion are repressed. if you want an example, fgm is an example: that cannot be tolerated. period.

once we've addressed these issues, the next thing we're going to need to do is commit to a dialogue about opening the religion up to allow for greater participation by women, by queer people and by other groups that it currently discriminates against.

if all of these conditions are met, i'll be less apprehensive about bringing in refugees.

but, the honest truth is that this is a headache that i'd rather not deal with. we have enough fundamentalists to deal with already, as it is....

the relativism in the situation is not pointing out that the russians are no worse, and in fact far less brutal in terms of total body counts, but in pretending that american crimes are justified due to some absurd notion of exceptionalism.
see, the media is making it easy for trump when they pretend that there's something controversial with pointing out that virtually every american president since world war two would be sentenced and hung at nuremberg.

and, that's not a "relativist" position. it's most prominent spokesperson is noam chomsky, who might be the least relativist intellectual on the planet. obama, bush, clinton,'s a statement of fact: they're all war criminals.

i look at the situation and interpret it as a farce. how can the media honestly treat this as controversial, and then expect to be taken seriously?
it seems like the weather met me halfway: it's not as bad as they said, but it would not have been a pleasant walk with that nasty north wind. i'm glad i stayed in.

back to the rebuild...

i'm at the start of february. i'm alert. the air is clear, tonight. hopefully, i'm productive.