Friday, November 10, 2017

mr. trudeau,

you have an election in less than two years. re-election campaigns are invariably a referendum on a prime minister's record. and, what is your record to this date?

1) carry on with the policies of the existing government.
2) legalize marijuana.
4) profit.

while i recognize that there is a subset of voters that voted for the legalization of marijuana, there is not any reason to think they will vote for you as a thank you gesture.

there were lots of good ideas in your platform. you're going to have to actually carry through with a couple of them if you want people to vote for you again.


ps: jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
The chapter relating to intellectual property has been "suspended," which means, in plain terms, that it will no longer be part of a renegotiated TPP, a victory for Canada as many companies — as well as Blackberry's former CEO, Jim Balsillie — were worried about those provisions. The intellectual property chapter, which essentially applied U.S. patent laws to other member countries, was originally demanded by the former Obama administration.

that was, indeed, one of the major problems, and it's good to see it gone. but, it's just one.

i would have greatly preferred bilateral deals that take into account the specifics of each situation. these one size fits all solutions just don't fit anybody.

well, hopefully it becomes an election issue. but, can we count on the ndp to oppose it?

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
Champagne said if a country does not adhere to these requirements as called for in the agreement, any country could haul another offending partner in front of a trade tribunal, and they would be subject to the dispute resolution process.

that's never going to happen.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
there are parts of ceta i don't like, but i'm in favour of trading with europe.

i'm in favour of open trading with australia and new zealand and japan, and with slightly more restricted trading with chile and peru. and, we need some kind of agreement with china, who i know is not in the tpp.

but, a tpp that includes countries like vietnam, brunei, malaysia and mexico is just going to recreate all of the problems that we created with nafta, and for this reason canada should avoid signing on to it.

the chretien liberals had an impossible choice with nafta: they were screwed either way. and i do think they made the right choice, as difficult as it was.

but, trudeau is being given a golden opportunity to correct the errors of the 80s, and instead he's intent on repeating them. he doesn't have the situational problems that chretien had; he doesn't have the pressure from the americans to sign on.

this isn't a difficult choice, it's a foolhardy decision that will lead to a further hollowing out of the canadian economy in favour of a continued redistribution of wealth to the investor class. and, signing this will do the kind of long term damage to the liberal party of canada that clinton's championing of nafta has done to the democratic party.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
but, this is not our self-interest.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard
i don't tend to have a lot of empathy for soldiers. sorry.

they sold their soul to the devil, and they got burned.

(deleted response)

it's not hard to figure out that killing people is evil.

so, i don't really buy that defence.

that's basically "just following orders".

(deleted response)

that is not what these trained killers do at all - what they do is protect and uphold american corporate interests at the expense of anything and everything else. the only thing they are servants of is capital.

and, there are certain sorts of criminals that should actually probably be sent to combat instead of to jail.

send the rapists to iraq to fight isis....

(deleted response)

suggesting that criminals aren't a good fit for the military is a category error, a contradiction in terms, as one becomes a criminal as soon as they join the military.

we should neither have a standing army nor should we have conscription; we should rely on the ability to spontaneously come together in mass movements of popular solidarity, when we need to.

once in a while, the united states military will do something good - like help the soviets defeat the nazis, or not get too much in the way of the russians defeating isis. isis is the kind of thing that we ought to come together to fight. but, that doesn't change anything, or make the army's existence any less egregious.

(deleted response)

what i actually said is that certain kinds of criminals should be forced (conscripted) to serve a military term as part of their sentence. "allowed" implies some kind of privilege; the idea is that this is a punishment.

rich stoner
We are trained to handle situations and be efficient in what we do. We don't go around just killing. We detain if we can but like any criminal trying to get away it's either fight or flight and I'm not going to stand there and get shot. Also the reasons so many Innocents died kids included Muslims/foreign fighters love making vehicles into bombs, setting out landmines and other explosives, mortar rounds, shooting wildly into crowds knowing we won't fire back with bystanders around and most importantly strapping bombs to their own kids. I didn't sell my soul to the devil. So when you are sick, dying, alone and scared I will have no empathy for you. Much love

your personal anecdotes deeply belie the evidence released by sources like wikileaks, which present modern warfare rather as something not much different than playing a video game, and with not much more concern for lost life than the average gamer would demonstrate.

rich stoner
hahahaha that's too funny

well, it's the truth. you've got what amounts to naive kids playing rpgs, in the military nowadays. the work on the ground is done by local forces, and their lives aren't particularly important, either.

rich stoner
I'm 32 and I'm laughing because you act like you've been there. I know you get all your facts from reading internet garbage and watching the news. So you obviously know they didn't have police over there. We trained and setup an entire police force so they could take care of their own city. We gave people food and water, played soccer with kids. Ate meals with families, pulled tower guard. It's not just guns blazing and killing everything. Its boring about half the time, just gathering Intel so we could figure out where the insurgents were hiding at. I think you watch too many movies little girl.

i think perhaps i don't watch enough of them, and if i did i might be more inclined to accept the sanitized, hollywood presentation you're presenting. but, i do know better. sorry.

ps - there were police in iraq before you arrested, tortured and/or executed them all.
so, i'm in for the weekend. i need to recuperate. my legs are still bad. and it's cold out.

the landlord is illegally coming by on a saturday. she claims she's bringing "the new tenant". well, we'll have to film this. if it's not her mom, i could get this process rolling early.

it's actually the end of a long day for me, right now. i think i'm going to eat and shower and go to sleep. but, that means i'll get tomorrow and sunday for music, and could even ship on monday.

i'll need to call both disability and the electric company on monday. i'll need to put up an ad on kijiji for the fridge, too - but pick-up after the 29th, if i get the keys. that's another $100, hopefully. well, it's what i paid for it. and it works. i checked briefly and it seems right for a functional, if old, fridge.

arranging the move will take priority. but, i expect to get caught up by the 29th, at the very latest.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
nov 9th: served at 7:00 am.  saw apartment at 11:00 am.
10th:  signed lease at 11:30 am. mailed documents around 1:30 pm.

nov 11th & nov 12th & nov 13th: holidays

14: first day after mail
15: second day after mail
16: third day after mail
17: fourth day after mail

18th & 19th: holidays

20th: fifth day after mail. service effective.
21st: first day after service
22nd: second day after service
23rd: third day after service
24th: fourth day after service

25th & 26th: holidays

27th: fifth day after service
28th: sixth day after service
29th: seventh day after service. date of keys pickup. date of first & last drop-off. potential end of process.
30th: eight day after service.
dec 1st: ninth day after service. date of eviction notice. date landlord can call sheriff. date i will need to file on if i have to file.
file: 61a, 61b, 61c, request for hearing audio, form to wave fees
receive: stay. bring to sheriff.

2nd & 3rd: holidays

4th: 1st day after filing
5th: 2nd
6th: 3rd
7th: 4th
8th: 5th

9th & 10th: holidays

11th: 6th
12th: 7th
13th: 8th
14th: 9th
15th: 10th

16th & 17th: holidays

18th: 11th
19th: 12th
20th: 13th
21st: 14th
22nd: 15th

23rd & 24th & 25th & 26th: holidays

27th: 16th
28th 17th
29th: 18th

30th & 31st & jan 1st: holidays

2nd: 19th
3rd: 20th
4th: 21st
5th: 22nd

6th & 7th: holidays

8th: 23rd
9th: 24th
10th: 25th
11th: 26th
12th: 27th

13th  & 14th: holidays

15th: 28th
16th: 29th. order hearing transcript & file proof of order.
17th: 30th day after filing. 1st day after ordering hearing transcript.
18th: 2nd day after ordering hearing transcript.
19th: 3rd day.

20th & 21st: holidays

22nd: 4th day
23rd: 5th day
24th 6th day
25th: 7th day
26th: 8th day

27th & 28th: holidays

29th: 9th
30th: 10th
31st: 11th
feb 1st: 12th.
2nd:  13th

3rd & 4th: holidays

5th: 14th
6th: 15th
7th: 16th
8th: 17th
9th: 18th

10th & 11th: holidays

12th: 19th
13th: 20th
14th: 21st
15th: 22nd
16th: 23rd

17th & 18th & 19th: holidays

20th:  24th
21st: 25th
22nd: 26th
23rd: 27th

24th & 25th: holidays

26th: 28th
27th: 29th.
28th: 30th
mar 1st: 31st
mar 2nd: 32nd

3rd & 4th: holidays

5th: 33rd day after filing notice of transcript. begin perfection of appeal.  see rule 61.09(3).
6th: 34th
7th: 35th
8th: 36th
9th: 37th

10th & 11th: holidays

12th: 38th
13th: 39th
14th: 40th
15th: 41st
16th: 42nd

17th & 18th: holidays

19th: 43rd
20th: 44th
21st: 45th
22nd: 46th
23rd: 47th

24th & 25th: holidays

26th: 48th
27th: 49th
28th: 50th
29th: 51st

30th & april 1st & 2nd & 3rd: holidays

4th: 52nd. serve perfection documents.
5th: 53rd. mail perfection documents..
6th: 54th. 1st day after.
7th: 55th. 2nd.
8th: 56th. 3rd.

9th & 10th: holidays

9th: 57th. 4th.
10th: 58th. 5th day after.
11th: 59th day after filing notice of transcript. file notice of perfection.
12th: 60th day after filing notice of transcript.

hearing date set for june, maybe? july?
“It was an Iranian missile, launched by Hizballah from territory occupied by the Houthis in Yemen"

this isn't even worth debunking.

"it was a russian missile, launched by bolivarians from territory occupied by the zapatistas in mexico."

but, this is all just an excuse.

if saudi arabia wanted to outlaw orange juice, it would claim there was an iranian plot, carried out by agents of assad, to poison it with anthrax. and, if it wanted to enforce a mandatory style of under garments, it would claim there were iranian spies peering at saudi citizens through an elaborate system of telescopes and satellites, designed by heretic shia scientists.

they're a permanent scapegoat. a bad guy. and, ultimately, a distraction.

what the saudis really want is to expand their control over the region. and, while it is true that iran is both in the way of this and in fact actually a useful foil to spur on these ambitions, they would be doing all of the same things whether iran was there or not.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
i really think that if you want to understand the destruction horizons in pre-historic greece, you should look primarily at the slavic invasions into the balkans. that's the model. it was no doubt a very similar event.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
also: i don't think that evidence, or lack there-of, of pottery is as convincing as you do. because trade. and diversity. sorry.

anything involving pottery should be seen as a supporting argument, at best - and any theories built solely around pottery, or an absence of it, should be discarded as nonsense.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
challenge: without using historical sources - written histories - convincingly prove to me that there were celtic, gothic, slavic and then turkish migrations into the balkans and greece via the north - and, even some low level movement of wayward iranians over this path, too.

i wish you luck.

but, we know it's true.

i think you need to explain to me why there weren't invasions into the balkans from the north during immediate pre-history, given that it was a constant throughout the historical period until the russians put an end to it via just existing in between - which was like the year 1500.

when something is a fixture of history for 2000 years, you need to explain why it didn't exist in pre-history, not why it did.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard
this morning has been a wash because my legs are so sore. it's the calves. it's what happens when you walk 30 km over 12 hours.

i do have important things to do today, but i needed to let them rest. i basically had to sit and read and watch the news.

and i might need to take a nap, now.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.
this is the current furthest extent of the montreal transit system - one ride in during the day, one ride home at night.

there isn't a way to make this work, yet.

but give it another ten years and it might make some sense.

i would really like to see the montreal urban sprawl spill over into ontario....

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.