Sunday, May 11, 2014

what i've been saying.

unfortunately, i suspect the rebels are pulling out to facilitate an air attack.

i'm very staunchly pro-choice, but this is not smart politics. the issue splits strongly along urban/rural lines, meaning it's an issue in currently liberal-held ridings where the ndp is often uncompetitive.

if he stays strict on it, it could be as much as +10 for the conservatives. if he's serious, it's more important to get back in power and regain an influence over the courts.

good. hopefully it gets demand down.

i just don't know why you're playing off globalization against hegemony. that's the same logic that argues that markets work because entities seek to compete for the common good. as integration does not negate nationalism, it does not negate conquest, either. i mean, it's sort of hilarious to me how often you hear this idea from leftists. it's really just a restatement of the end of history. if you really think capitalism is inherently unstable, you shouldn't be shocked by the failure of globalized markets to bring peace and stability to the world.

yup. shooting on the remembrance day ceremony is an absolutely splendid way to polarize the population, to usher in a civil war that will bog the russians down for the next decade.

what? you thought they were trying to do something else?

good. get that price through the roof, and watch the economic infrastructure adjust for the better.

tactical? mmmhmmm. unfortunately, i suspect this is to facilitate an upcoming air onslaught by nato forces.

i think it's reasonable to take farage at face value. he claims he's not geert wilders or marie le pen, and i think the evidence justifies mostly believing him.

but, what of his political support?

street protestors that call themselves leftists nowadays have a lot of views that don't make a lot of sense within traditional leftist thinking. the person briefly interviewed in this clip was presenting a libertarian or even objectivist argument that most leftists would ridicule as laissez-faire liberalism.

marx spoke of something called the "industrial reserve army". it's a simple market argument. if there are more people that want jobs than there are jobs, wages decrease and profits increase. it is consequently within the interests of capital to ensure that unemployment remains high. this is the reason that bourgeois states demand so much control over immigration - they need to ensure that unemployment does not fall below a certain level, or wages will go up.

that's not to blame the issue on the immigrants themselves, as they're merely tools in a government policy. to look the white trash protester in the eye and say "it's your fault you're poor and unemployed" is as grossly ignorant and uneducated as the white trash' argument that it's all the immigrants' fault in the first place.

these so-called leftists should be out trying to explain the economics of the situation to the working class, so that they support revolutionary movements. instead, they look down their noses at them.

fools, the lot of them. but so long as the system remains in tact, the ukip will not reverse bourgeois policies. this is neither resolvable with racism nor electoral politics.

why do people do this?

although, i have to admit it'd be fun to stumble around pretending to be napoleon for a few days, snapping dry self-deprecating wisecracks at anybody that comes near.

neither force nor authority has ever succeeded in eliminating religious superstition, which is a truth that the russian state knows very well. yet, the teacher's role is not irrelevant. the bible is full of false information, and she has an obligation to explain that to the student. what she should have done was engaged with the student in discussion and provided some other suggestions that would correct the false information he was consuming. that would have addressed the actual concern, rather than turn it into an empty clash of egos and a confused misrepresentation of otherwise meaningless "civil rights".

they should nationalize the vatican.

i don't really care if these paid murderers get their memories back or not. i'd rather see them deported to antarctica...

but, this has greater implications in the quest for immortality by peaceful, law-abiding peoples. my understanding of the situation over the last few years has been that the question of storing and restoring memories is one that belongs to the era of quantum computers, and serious applications would have to be put on hold for the next several decades as a result of that.

it'll be interesting to me to see if this research confirms or contradicts this, or if it sheds any light on possible civilian application.

this is another centuries old conflict. there's a bit of a contradiction in the liberal assault on papal totalitarianism, which is this idea of "religious freedom", which they should really understand as an oxymoron. post-liberal leftists used to understand this better, although post-leftists have returned to this liberal confusion (unfortunately).

every time they have the chance to really stamp the church out, they get trapped in their confused ideals and show it mercy. yet, when they start showing signs of rejuvenation they go into containment policy. so, it's this pointless loop that just wastes resources - and, worse, keeps a dangerous institution in existence.

they should just put the vatican out of it's misery. one approach would be to nationalize the holy see and redistribute the wealth.

yeah, it's a joke. but latvia is smaller than most american states and has an economy smaller than most major cities. it can't sustain any kind of meaningful independence in the 21st century.