but, what of his political support?
street protestors that call themselves leftists nowadays have a lot of views that don't make a lot of sense within traditional leftist thinking. the person briefly interviewed in this clip was presenting a libertarian or even objectivist argument that most leftists would ridicule as laissez-faire liberalism.
marx spoke of something called the "industrial reserve army". it's a simple market argument. if there are more people that want jobs than there are jobs, wages decrease and profits increase. it is consequently within the interests of capital to ensure that unemployment remains high. this is the reason that bourgeois states demand so much control over immigration - they need to ensure that unemployment does not fall below a certain level, or wages will go up.
that's not to blame the issue on the immigrants themselves, as they're merely tools in a government policy. to look the white trash protester in the eye and say "it's your fault you're poor and unemployed" is as grossly ignorant and uneducated as the white trash' argument that it's all the immigrants' fault in the first place.
these so-called leftists should be out trying to explain the economics of the situation to the working class, so that they support revolutionary movements. instead, they look down their noses at them.
fools, the lot of them. but so long as the system remains in tact, the ukip will not reverse bourgeois policies. this is neither resolvable with racism nor electoral politics.