Thursday, September 26, 2024

lebanon is not a province of turkey.

erdogan needs to sit down and shut the fuck up and fuck the fuck off.

lebanon is ethnically jewish and historically and culturally descended from byzantine rome, which makes it culturally greek. that gives the greeks and the russians, as the successors of the eastern roman state, some leverage.

lebanon is not french and is not turkish and is not arab and these meddling colonizing powers need to get the fuck out of it.

this is a really bizarre issue.

frankly, i think that even most ten years old can process the clear reality that these protesters are idiots and the best way to show these kids how stupid the pro-hamas protest movement is is to bring them to a protest like this. it was hopefully an educational experience for most of them as to why they should avoid pro-muslin protests and muslims in general. i knew what a nazi was when i was ten and i knew they weren't good people and i should avoid them.

i'm old fashioned about speech nowadays it seems, but i still believe that the best way for idiots to discredit themselves is to let them speak and prove they're idiots.

that doesn't mean it's appropriate and it's hard to process what the intent was. everybody should be concerned about this, in trying to figure out why this happened.

i would insult harris' policies, but there's nothing to insult.
who needs the suez canal anyways?

that's old world stuff. monroe is spinning in his grave.

we've got panama's canal. right? USA.

and, we have a man with no plan and a camel.

we used to be the best country in the world.

then we embraced market capitalism.

now we aren't. not even close.
the prime minister recently told stephen colbert, who is the least funny host of his program in it's long history, that canada is the best country in the world.

he is relying on statistics and rankings from the 1980s, which was 40 years ago. canada has not ranked anywhere near the top of these lists in decades.

today, canada is the dumbest country in the world.
this is the predictable outcome of an unregulated market economy, and we're particularly stupid in canada for following this path, because it was already so predictable due to the existence of so much evidence.

canada's late embrace of neo-liberalism is like the idiot that starts smoking pot in their 20s.

in recognition of biden's generosity, i propose the ukrainians rename the giant, useless field being fought over, which history has referred to as the killing field, to Field Biden, or perhaps Biden's Field of Dreams.

if you fund it, the nazis will come.
maybe he can leave some war planes behind in egypt for the chinese as a gift on his way out.
why doesn't he just hand over the suez canal to the chinese in a special ceremony?

what a fucking idiot.
the walrus was paul.

everybody knows that.
i'd rather see the president put a 20 million dollar reward out for the death of john bolton.

this might be the one thing i agree with the iranian national guard on.

i guess there's always possibility for common ground.
there should only be one public housing solution available for crackheads and junkies, and it's the county penitentiary.
see, this is really not a very conservative perspective. doug ford apparently think that drug addicts deserve social assistance money while those with disabilities that are not addicted to crack or meth or heroin should get jobs like everybody else. 

this is what happens when you elect somebody with a loser drug addict in their family, they have warped and backwards thinking about drug addicts.

i would rather call on the ford government to take a harder line stance on cutting off social assistance to drug addicts so that those that need assistance and actually deserve it aren't stuck in line behind a parade of junkies. i'm in the absurd situation where it would be easier for me to get housed if i was a heroin addict. 

should i go out and get hooked on crack like his brother did so the government will help me find housing? 

that's retarded, like his brother was.

there should be a zero tolerance policy for drug addicts accessing any kind of social assistance and people with a history of drug use should be subjected to routine drug testing and thrown off welfare if they fail it. 

i suspect his caucus agrees with me and i'd encourage them to push the point.

too much public money is wasted on drug addicts and it's crowding out access to services for those that need and actually deserve it. it needs to end.

no more welfare for addicts.

let's make that real.

it just makes no sense for anybody to pay rent right now. there's no context where paying these prices is rational. you're just paying the rentier class, which is out of control and needs to be regulated.

anybody and everybody should be doing everything they possibly can to avoid any sort of rental agreement, until the market corrects itself.
i have a case conference on friday morning that was scheduled by a stupid court employee instead of doing her job and answering my questions. it will probably merely result in motions being scheduled, which is what i was trying to get done, and which this stupid conference has dramatically slowed down and screwed up. there are no grounds to quash, but it gives the landlords an opportunity to quash an appeal that i should win easily and which they don't deserve to have. this idiot woman should really be fired.

i moved to windsor because the rent was affordable. it's no longer the case. i'm left with the harsh reality that the units i can afford here are not worth renting.

for example, i could rent a room in a shared building for something like $900/month. but, why would anybody rent a room when they can stay at a shelter for free? it's the same thing, basically - you have to share a bathroom and a kitchen and you can't move anything into the house with you because your roomates could steal it. renting a room seems like a stupid waste of money when you can stay in a shelter instead for free.

can somebody explain to me what the difference between living in a rooming house and living in a homeless shelter is, besides the cost of rent?

this is a reflection of the parasitic nature of the rental market, as well. the reason the rents are so high is because there's too many middle class people trying to profit from renting out rooms to poor people at inflated prices. 

it makes no sense to participate in this system. i'm really better off putting my items in storage and sleeping in a hotel than i am renting a room and being forced to endure shared accommodations, given i'd have to put everything in storage, anyways.

i don't think i'd be unhappy living that way, per se. i mean, i don't want to waste my time going to work; that would get me absolutely nowhere, in finishing my art projects. i've recently been wasting weeks at a time washing my body off because these disgusting perverts won't stop drugging me. getting out of here under any circumstance at all seems necessary to get my life back in any context at all.

if i can get all of my items in storage except a couple of laptops and some devices, i can focus on building the offline archive out of a hotel room (and at tim horton's, or the library) and eat out of the food bank until they can find me a subsidized unit. it's a lot of effort to get into a stable housing situation, granted, but it's better than wasting my time going to work.

absurdly, if i do the math on this, i might be able to save up a down payment on a house by living in a hotel on odsp. if i can keep shelter costs down and eat out of the food bank, i could put aside around $400-500 a month by avoiding paying for rent by being homeless instead, which is pushing to $6000/year. i can maybe start accruing a little interest on that. if it takes more than five years to place me in a unit, i could have around $30K by the time it happens, which might be enough for a down payment on a 30 year mortgage that can reduce monthly fees to a "rent" i can afford, which would be substantively less than the current market.

i could also win a couple of court cases between now and then that could give me a boost to towards that goal.

the reality is that i have a lot of writing to do in order to complete my discography and that it doesn't really require having an apartment in order to finish. the spartan existence associated with living out of the library may actually help me focus.

i want to put something else out there: if i end up on the street, the straight edge lifestyle i've been living for the last few years will become permanent. i will not be touching any sort of intoxicants if i end up on the street: no alcohol, no marijuana, no cigarettes. i will drink a lot of coffee and do a lot of writing.

my odsp is stable and permanent (i will not face the stress of renewal. i'm permanent. for life.) and should easily cover the cost of long term storage. they will cover the cost of sleeping in a hotel every second or third day as well.

so long as i have a bicycle and a laptop and access to coffee money, i should be able to refocus on working on my art instead of wasting my time doing meaningless labour, which is what i haven't been able to do since this house was bought in early 2023. these people are forcing me to waste all of my time on legal battles and on washing the filth off of my body instead of being able to focus on my art. 

i want out. i want my life back; i want to be able to refocus on my art.

the situation i'm in is so shitty that i just want it to end and am starting to look forward to homelessness. i just want to get out of this hellhole and get away from these disgusting perverts.
people are accusing trump of isolationism, but, in four years, joe biden has failed to station a single us soldier overseas anywhere, including in places they should beyond any reasonable debate be, such as afghanistan and yemen, and if that isn't the most extreme form of isolationism that the united states has ever seen, i don't know what else is.

nobody should expect that kamala harris would attempt to micromanage global events like biden has, which has blown up in his face. trump demonstrated in his four years in office that he will likely listen to his advisors rather than try to force his policies down on anyone.

i have indicated that i think trump is the predetermined winner of the election and democrats will stand down, as they did in 2000 and 2016. nonetheless, i want kamala harris to begin to broadcast who she would delegate foreign policy responsibility to should she win.
this has no relevance in the modern world:

lebanon is not a colony of france.

the french need to fuck off.
they gave diplomacy a chance for 40 years and it failed, it put them in a crisis situation with hostile neighbours and useless fence-sitting allies that just sit around and watch. 

they need to secure their borders with force. clearly.