Wednesday, October 28, 2020

so, it should be clear at this point where the virus is actually spreading

- schools
- workplaces
- family get-togethers
- religious activities

so, if the government was actually serious about slowing the spread of the virus, those would be the activities it would target.
large num nums.


lots of c, but a little dangerous for me.

i'm going to check my mail tomorrow and wonder what shuffled out into the bushes, only to look around the corner and see there was actually just a fat kid standing out there eating a pile of cooked cow and farting into my window the whole time.

and, he'll just blink. and ask me if i'd like some.

"oh, no thank you. but what are you doing?"

no response. just eating, and looking the other way

and, then what?

what it smells like, more than anything else, is that sweaty smell you get from giant fat asses passing wind through their own filth. you know that smell - it was the smell the fat kid three seats up from you had in class, or the smell of particularly bad sex with a partner that's picked up a few pounds. but, it's very particularly an ass smell, and an ass smell that is drenching with sweat and excretion, for whatever reason that may happen to be. 

i'm going to guess that the sewers backed up and it interacted with the car exhaust.

it's just vicious.
the pollution outside right now is just vicious, and it's been like that for a few days, now.

it's just gross....

i'm going to have to lather the windows with latex, it seems. soon.

i wanted to pick a brand of yogurt before i went out next, so let's hope i get this worked out in the next day or two.