Wednesday, March 12, 2014

you ever helped a bug get from a to b, or maybe moved it out of the sink because you're doing the dishes (but didn't want to kill it because it's a beneficial insect) by coercing it on to a spoon and then carrying the spoon across to a crack in the floor?

might that insect think it just had an experience with god, or perhaps was abducted by an air monster?

i'm going to hang on to them; used tires aren't particularly hard to find for free, and there's enough rubber there for a few tries.

why not try it? nothing to lose.
i wonder if it's possible to just buy a sheet of rubber and cut it up with a drywall knife.

yeah. that should be possible. hrmmn.
actually, you know what? i bought some goo. i'm going to see if i can hack something together.

that's too big for tape

the one on the other side is a little smaller, but the same basic problem.

if i actually *could* scan it and feed it into a printer that could print out the right size...
those shoes were actually split right down the sole, both feet. if somebody told me that a nefarious shoe vandal broke in overnight and used a machete to slice right through the bottom, i'd agree it was a plausible explanation of the state the shoes are in, if a little less credulous an explanation regarding the path of them getting there.

i hadn't checked the bottom until now. well, i could see holes on the front, so i didn't have to get that far to come to the conclusion that the shoes have holes. the rubber is worn through around the places the sole is cut, creating what is almost a "sinkhole" kind of effect.

just literally worn out.

....meaning i'd need more than epoxy or shoe goo to fix these things. i'd need plastic and rubber. and a 3-d printer might be useful. really, it would cost less in both labour and currency to replace them. they're dead.

so, they are now drying in the sink, until i can get them to a proper disposal centre along with a bunch of electronics and other things i've put aside. they were a pair of gravis skate shoes that lasted close to five years, which is not bad at all considering how much walking i do.

nothing to be done about that.

you should be able to see the slice through the material.

i'm actually surprised i couldn't feel this, except for the wet.

routers are universally marketed as wireless nowadays, but it turns out a lot of them are also wired - which is what i need. always have to ask, though...

i got the following response back from somebody:

"it has five wired ports in the back"

so, i think - a five port router? unusual, but not unheard of. i only need four, but why not...

price after exchange rate conversion: $30.02

paypal balance: $30.

amount of time to wait to transfer the extra few cents: 8-10 days.

hopefully, the exchange rate will modify slightly in my favour before then.

actually, it already has.

a live rate says it should be $29.17.

and, you know, they advertise being up to date. bullshit. well, unless there's a hidden service fee.

i'm going to put it through and see what happens...

yeah, the rate they're using is just flat out wrong. 0.874590. but it hasn't gone that low in years. it's been down a little over the last month, but never below 0.89.

the rate hasn't been that low since summer, 2009.

some up to date exchange rate...

ok, there's a hidden fee, at 2.5%. adding 0.025 gets the current rate.

that two cents is still an incredible annoyance. hopefully, they just put it through. if not, it's not particularly unlikely that the rate will go up over .9 in the next day or two...

it was even over .9 this afternoon. low close.


it doesn't matter, because it's an e-check anyways, meaning i actually just wasted a week. ugh again.

<----- clearly using paypal for the first time. well, with a bank account anyways.

now my bank account is basically frozen for a week as i wait for the $30.02 to come out through e-check and the $30 to go back into the bank account from the paypal account, as i only had $45 in there. it should wash itself out, but i don't want to go under $31 as the e-check will probably clear before the transfer back in does.

*shrug*. i've got enough to eat for a few days.
this is the closest thing i've yet to find to an unbiased report from the region. it's not unbiased in intent. but, it works itself out that way. see, basically, the guy is trying really hard to find something juicy, but isn't willing or able to fabricate it, so is instead demonstrating that the situation is very calm and under control.

"nationalists, not racists."



Lee Grove
"Center for American Progress"? How is it funded?

Actually, I was serious. I have a friend at Morgan Stanley that says it is a Koch shell. And Orwell, surely, is bruising the backs of his hands applauding the Newspeak...

they're generally acknowledged as being exceedingly cozy with the white house. this guy is noticeably pushing talking points, and it's not an accident - but it's more about political support for the democratic party, rather than direct industry support.

see, it's not actually a jewish state anyways...not any more than america is a christian one or...well, i guess the saudis are a muslim one...

if the so-called jewish state will not protect jews, isn't it time to abandon the delusion of israel as a jewish state and abolish the nation-state as an international principle?

i may not want much to do with ultra-orthodox members of any religion, and i doubt they'd extend the same respect to me. but they should not be forced to serve. nobody should be forced to serve in any army.

that being said, this opens up a can of worms. israel is currently on a path to being dominated by ultra-orthodox israelis and palestinians (or arab israelis), leaving secular jews as a tiny ruling elite. if the orthodox will not serve, who will? and, if the nation believes that prayers are more powerful than guns, is it worth saving from it's own stupidity?

simply moving to a secular, inclusive democracy where all races and religions are equal would end all of these middle age problems. i can't support the right to exist of any ethnic state, be it jewish or arab or any other identity.

i don't agree with her position, but i don't think she's being inconsistent. it's a standard (if incoherent) statist liberal position about the government upholding the "rule of law". which is to say that she's not stepping back from her support of government spying, she's just upset that the elected government isn't able to properly manage the unelected part.

...although she does also seem to be trying to change the subject.
weird dream.

and i don't think i'm doing much over the next 24 hours or so. very sore from 6 hours of walking yesterday...

it always astounds me how many self-identified socialists will go on and on about the benefits of small businesses, especially v. big business. sticking it to the man. that kind of bullshit.

what they seem to not realize is that their arguments consistently reduce to free market arguments, as their vision certainly aligns with a free market society: small, independent businesses everywhere that are competing with each other.

what astounds me is that workers are never mentioned by any of these self-identified socialists. the rhetoric about hating the establishment at no point translates into questions of working conditions.

so, can the local diner afford a dental plan for their dishwasher? can mom & pop afford sick days for their cashiers? do they have any kind of union representation for disagreements?

of course not, nor are they feasible in the liberal fantasy world of open markets and contract theory. rather, these things are only made possible by unions that develop out of large businesses.

it follows that socialists should boycott small businesses and shop purely at large businesses. yet, try debating that without getting an earful of liberal market theory thrown at you.

now, that doesn't mean that there aren't moral questions to ask in engaging in commerce. i've bought some sneakers over the last few days and had little option but to get shoes made by children in asia, because that is what exists. on the other hand, i tend to buy jeans and shirts second hand. if i know one grocery store is not unionized and another is, i'll choose the unionized one. likewise, walmart is never my first choice.

...but a bourgeois society based on private ownership of small business, which is made possible by workers that are essentially personal slaves and exist solely to generate profit for bosses, is something to fight against, rather than uphold - and the preferred socialist model as an alternative to that liberal society is rooted in economies of scale made possible by collectivized labour and redistributed profit, which is something that is very big in nature.