Tuesday, January 28, 2020

we're reimaging. that's fine. it will be quick, there's nothing to play with this time, i didn't really alter anything.
on second thought....no. 

this is what i had:

type='audio/flac; codec="flac"'

i thought i had dropped the ' after the flac, and changing it to:

type='audio/flac'; codec="flac"'

did actually get it to work in the chrome browser, but now i'm concerned that it's going to be broken in firefox, because it should actually be wrong, and i don't have a soundcard...

these finicky browsers, huh? fuck...

i'm convinced that my hard drive is fine, so i'm going to turn the hd audio chip on in the bios and take my chances. i may have to reimage. whatever. i need sound. when i come up in the laptop next week, i'll need to add hardware components back in one at a time - including my new wired usb keyboard.

but, it's hard to understand how it could be a driver issue if it boots fine and is fine for a day or two. that doesn't add up.

i'm also going to copy over all five options for inri003 and test them thoroughly in the chrome os to see if i can figure out a pattern.

i think i want:


...i.e. i should drop the codec specification. that seems to be what's confusing things. but i need to make sure it actually works.

so, let's try to get the audio up on the desktop, here we go....
to be clear, it's just the html5 frontends that need the update. the pdfs & docs are fine, so the stuff at noise trade can stay, and the music journals are ok, too.

it's just the zip files in each of the liner note packages...

and, then i'll have to redownload everything again and replace it on the external.

this is a pain in the ass. absolutely. but, it's just time consuming, it's not hard.

i had only previously tested in firefox, and everything worked perfectly. so, i was a little surprised to realize that flac wasn't playing back on the chromebook.

it turns out i dropped a ' in the controls, and i did it consistently - hundreds of times.

so, i have to go back and fix everything. 

that should take the rest of the night.

to be clear: it's very minor. but i have to do it.

it will give me some time to listen, and there's maybe more going on this month than i thought, after all.
if you know a little bit about the history, this should not surprise you.

the assimilation policy has remained essentially unchanged for the last 250 years, since the 1763 proclamation.

the government of canada intends to eventually get rid of the native population through a combination of eugenics and assimilation. and, we broadly don't understand this, because they've gone out of their way to obscure it.

every once in a while, they come clean - like the chretien white paper did - but the policy has remained unchanged the whole time, and it doesn't seem likely that anything will ever change it.

rather, the indigenous population in canada needs to adopt a more adversarial approach and stop buying into the lie of reconciliation.

i mean, my rejection of sanders is not about some broad moral principle. it's neither deontological, nor is it consequentialist, although i would usually lean more towards consequentialism, and i agree that colin powell is infinitely worse than joe rogan.

rather, he's made it clear to me that it would not be in my self-interest, as a trans person, to support him - because he'd throw me under the bus as soon as it's expedient to do so.

and, yes - this is frustrating, because he's the only mainstream candidate with anything approaching a political program that i'd even consider supporting. warren has made attempts to court voters like me, but i don't support her politics, and i'm not going to pick appeals to identity over economic self-interest.

i need to retreat back to the far left, which is where i came from.
joe rogan is not on the ballot.

but, he does have the inalienable right to cast one, and what the rest of the world thinks about that doesn't actually matter.
i think there's a difference between talking to joe rogan - which didn't bother me much - and accepting his endorsement, which leans more towards shrugging off his politics. but, bernie sanders has already established a pattern with this, and this doesn't surprise me.


i sometimes feel like we get this backwards.

i reject claims that being critical of islam is "bigoted" or "racist", especially due to the fact that so much of the criticism is due to islam's own inherent racism and bigotry - and homophobia and misogyny. it's a false equivalency. while it's important to recognize that humans are individuals, and wrong to prejudge them based on their background, it nonetheless remains the case that standing up against prejudice means standing against islam, rather than with it. you can't pretend to stand for equality if you're standing there endorsing islam - it's preposterous, and that kind of hypocrisy needs to be called out loudly. i'm wiling to do that openly, and i'm willing to take flack for it.

so, i reject the idea that i'm in any way promoting oppression - i insist that i'm consistently fighting against it, and my critics are deeply confused as to what the right side of this debate is, or actively supporting oppression, themselves.

but, i recognize that a lot of people might not want my endorsement, either because they legitimately disagree with me (in which case they're wrong, and need to be convinced of it) or because they just don't want to engage in as subtle a debate as this is. they don't want the controversy...

but, i'd basically tell them to fuck off if they told me that, because politicians don't pick voters, voters pick politicians.

i've decided i'm not endorsing sanders, i'm going to support the greens. the greens might not exactly like my endorsement - i would hope they'd see where i'm coming from, and there are issues that for me are not ballot issues where we'd disagree (such as iran. i'm not voting on iran.), but they might make the choice to say "we don't want this", and that's fine. but, that doesn't change where my self-interest is...

if my ballot issue is about health care, and the party that best represents my interests in health care (speciously) thinks i'm a racist, that doesn't change where my interests on health care are. i'm still going to vote and support the group that is best for me, whether they like it or not.

i think a lot of the disconnect with this comes up with the concept of identity voting. if voting is about joining a club, i'm willing to acknowledge that i'm certainly not in the democratic club, and that i'd no doubt have a lot of disagreements with anybody in the green socialist club. i'd want to join the insurrectionary anarchist club, but that would be a very small club. i completely reject this, though. voting is not about joining a club, it's about advancing one's self interests. i consequently don't really care about these identity issues. but, i abstractly grasp where people are coming from with this, too.

so, should sanders reject rogan's endorsement? i think that if you were expecting him to, you haven't really been paying attention - that wasn't an expectation that is supported by the evidence built up over the last few years. i think he might not realize that it's in his self-interest to say something about it, and that, if he doesn't, it might hurt him with key demographics that he's likely to do poorly with, anyways. he seems to have a flawed concept of the demographics that he needs to win; this is a broad strategic problem, and we'll see how it plays out over the next few weeks. i think he's going to regret the decisions he's made, and his uncritical acceptance of rogan's endorsement is just one example of this.

but, it's ultimately not his place to pick his voters, it's ultimately the place of voters to pick the candidates that best represent their interests.

so, i've got the list built up, but i'm actually mostly going to be listening to classical music for the next however long.

i told you this was coming.

i like ravel, but i couldn't imagine going to one of his operas. the "debussy and ravel" night the week after is more likely. and, then they're doing beethoven's sixth the week after that.

as for rock shows, it is very likely that i'll hit man or astroman at the end of the month - that's actually a kind of a bucket list show, for me. that's the only thing i'm taking seriously, right now.

there are a few shows in march, but it looks like april is particularly stacked. i may find myself wanting to save up, instead.

so, i'll be spending the day listening and testing.
this is our last solar cycle to figure this out in.

and, if business continues as normal, we probably won't make it through it without seeing irreversible climate change kick in.
i remember back around 2013 or so i was saying things like "this might be the last serious winter that we get here".

then we got some brutal winters. and, i had to adjust my thinking around the topic.

the way climate change has been affecting us here has been to incrementally shift the oscillations upwards. there are 11 and 22 year solar cycles (roughly), and climate change doesn't reverse or negate those, but it can exaggerate or blunt them. the last couple of years have felt very cold, it is true, and we have seen some record breaking temperatures as well, but, on average, they've trended upwards.

but, we were at the low point of the cycle, and we're coming out of it now...

the northern hemisphere has an exaggerated importance regarding climate feedbacks. the next 11-22 years are really critical. politicians keep looking for deadlines, because they think we need some kind of business normality, that we need to get the fucking memo, but of course it's not going to actually work like that - we can't calculate the exact moment where we're officially fucked. we won't know it until it happens....

but, what we can say with some certainty is that we're entering the end game. we don't know how strong this solar cycle is going to be. if it's really, really weak then maybe we eek out another cycle before we're officially fucked; more likely is that the coming tipping points are now imminent, and we're in a race against time, as the sun starts to accelerate the process rather than slow it down.

if these tipping points click in over the next 11-22 years, then winter's years in southern canada may be numbered, and we may have seen our last serious winter, here. 

so, i'm out of the shower, and i kind of lost the day, but i guess that's expected.

i actually haven't finished testing the stuff i uploaded yesterday, yet. i'm about half done. it's really a formality.

but, if i'm going to have the chromebook on anyways, then i'm going to use it to do the february lookahead. i've 95% convinced myself that the hard drive and operating system are stable, but i want to leave it on until i get groceries, which will probably be on friday. at that point, if it hasn't crashed, i'll pretty much have proven the point....

that means i have no audio on my main system for the week.

but, i'm going to plan to set up the list for the month first, then finish the testing and then get on to the next thing. 

i must call the court early in the morning.

and, i'll want to get the motion in the mail on friday.