Monday, September 30, 2013

on building an anarchist grade school system

on building an anarchist grade school system
feb 4, 2011
written by jessica murray

"they hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,
till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules."

- john lennon, 1970

      it's 6:00 PM on a wednesday evening in july and mary jane is just getting ready for her first day of grade 4. her mom works an evening shift as a waitress, so she attends classes in the evening at the local elementary school, which is open 24 hours a day - just like all elementary schools are now. while there are no schedules or set times, mary jane is expected to be at school for a total of eight hours a day, five days a week. she signs in when she arrives and signs out when her mom picks her up after work. rather than supper, this family has breakfast; mom is just thankful that she gets to see mary jane during the week as she wasn't able to see her youngest child very often at that age due to her evening shift.

      mary jane has decided to spend the first half of her evening reading an english book and the second half getting a head start on her math homework. the new curriculum allows her to study these different subjects independently in the way, order and length of time that she feels comfortable with. when she's done her work, she'll bring it to the teacher and begin the next task in her curriculum list, which was presented to her when she jumped grade levels the previous week. when she was in grade three, she put the math off because she doesn't like it so much....this time she's going to stay on top of it because she knows she'll eventually have to do it correctly in order to jump to the next grade level. mary jane is a conscientious student; she's working on her third grade level since september.

      the night classes are a little bit sparse, but mary jane does have a group of friends that she sees every day. some of them are still in grade three because they weren't able to keep up with mary jane, others are further along through grade four than she is. one of the kids a little further along is a boy that she likes. mary jane doesn't want to get too far behind him, so she makes sure to keep up with her schoolwork. one of the kids that's still in grade three is her best friend, ever since kindergarten. mary jane has been trying to convince her to do more homework so that she can keep up with her.

      there's one boy in the class that works really, really slowly but always does a fantastic job when he finally finishes his work. the teachers always show his work to the rest of the class and comment upon the attention to detail that he demonstrates, especially on art assignments. he's been in grade three for two years and is finally just about done. some of the other kids make fun of him, but mary jane thinks he's really interesting.

      there's also a group of bad kids in the corner that don't do any school work at all. one of them has been in grade two for four years! the teacher always says that whether he wants to do his homework or not is his choice but that he'll be stuck in grade two until he does, whether his father likes it or not. she also tells him that he's almost old enough to go into one of the big kids classes, and they'll make fun of him if he's only in grade two when he gets there.

      sometimes, mary jane has to write tests. she doesn't write them with the other students, she writes them whenever she decides that she's ready to. the teacher says that there's a computer program that writes the tests, so there's no point in asking the older kids what the questions on them are. when she was in grade three, she had to write her last math test twice because she only had 77% the first time and she had to get 80% to pass. one of her friends had to write it three times! the teacher always tells her that it's ok if she doesn't get 80% the first or second time, it just means she has to study a bit more.

      mary jane has heard her older brother talk about the days when teachers used to stand in front of the classroom and everybody had to do the same thing all at the same time, but she can barely believe it. to mary jane, teachers are just people who mark homework and answer questions about stuff. why would the teacher want to stand in front of the class and say stuff? what could she say to all of the kids that are in the class that would make sense to all of them? the old system seems really, really silly to mary jane; she's glad she's allowed to work by herself.

Conversations I Have With Myself

(edit: this text was isolated from a much earlier written and much longer passage and stored in it's own file on 30/09/2013 for probably forever forgotten reasons - 07/08/2019)

I tried to explain to him that you can’t eat steel. You can taste steel, sure, but eating it is impossible. First of all, you could never digest it. If you were to attempt to eat a platter of steel and you were somehow able to chew and swallow it, it would simply languish in your gut for eons. The steel in your stomach would likely outlast your own existence. 

Yet, what if you were able to outlast your own stomach? This was his retort.

While it is true that in such a scenario - and we still need to ignore the logistics behind the physics of actually consuming steel – it would not be as devastating to consume steel as would be initially assumed, the value of consuming steel is still up for debate. Yes, it is true that the ability to discard the bodily shell and move existing memories and thought processes (and even such a thing brings with it severe logistical concerns) into an entirely new place of habitation would render the inevitability of an impending stomach disaster virtually irrelevant, but of what value would it be to consciously attack one’s own digestive system?

I have answered a question with a question, and he claims that this is bad form.

Well, then, I relent. If we are to take immortality into account then I suppose I have no further objection to the consumption of steel. Yet, you have not explained the logistics behind your proposal. How precisely do you propose that one goes about consuming steel? A steak knife seems to be of little value.

Well, you’d have to melt it first, obviously. You’d just pop it in the oven for a while…

But this is ridiculous! The oven in your home is not capable of melting steel!

Maybe your oven is not capable of melting steel, but mine certainly is. It seems to me like you need to buy a new oven.

Right. So I can melt steel. What do I do with the steel once it is melted?

You’d drink it, obviously.

No! Never! I will not consume steel at all and will certainly not consume it when it is in a liquid state. It would burn right through me and kill me instantly. What is wrong with you?

Concerned with the bodily shell again…when are you going to ignore your physical existence? You don’t really exist in any kind of physical state except as a fragile and tenuous temporary host; your body has no value. You understand that perfectly well, and yet you continue to maintain this childish obsession with your own physical well being because you’re morbidly afraid of pain. Enough already. Be a man and consume the goddamned steel and be done with it.

This conversation is over. You will never convince me to consume molten steel.


That’s it….I’m going to sleep.

Right, you can’t beat me so you let me take over. You’re such a fucking defeatist. What did I do in my past life to get stuck with such a lame host? Turn that music down and listen to me!

the jessica murray aimless drifter scholarship

troll target: carleton university senior management
troll method: mass email 

a proposal for a new scholarship program designed to help floaters continue to float
august 1, 2010
written by jessica murray

"lots of people seem to think i'm lazy.
i don't mind; i think they're crazy!"

- john lennon, 1966

      the floater. we're an odd bunch, us. absurdly intelligent, idealistic, over-read, highly capable and yet, through most of our lives, uninterested in performing well in school or in succeeding in the world of business. most of us end up floating because, at some point, we walked down the wrong path and decided that we enjoyed being lost...

      while we will likely never cure cancer, become prime minister, construct a perpetual motion machine, eliminate nationalism or even succeed in holding a 9-5 office job for more than a few weeks without getting fired, we have plenty to offer in the areas of art, music, literature, abstract mathematics and philosophy. yet, we are floaters; we could not, by definition of a floater, have realized this at the age of 19. it must be something that becomes clear somewhere midway through adulthood.....

      our scholarship program currently has two primary purposes. the first is to act as a means of identification; the kids with the scholarships are the best kids. this is obvious and requires no further explanation. the second purpose is to help smart yet disadvantaged kids out of poverty by giving them a serious opportunity to jump socio-economic classes. this is also obvious...

      ....should we consider a third purpose, namely one based on the idea of an expansion of the welfare state to help certain kinds of older students define incentives to get their lives moving? should we set up a limited scholarship program designed specifically to help certain kinds of aimless adults - drifters, floaters - stay within the scholastic system essentially indefinitely under the argument that going to school is essentially the only thing that these individuals are capable of doing at a level of excellence and that they still nonetheless need some incentives to help get them focused?

      while i have outlined a set of general principles here, it's probably best that i jump right into the proposal.

the jessica murray aimless drifter scholarship


- the student must be between the ages of 29 and 34.
- the student must have completed at least one degree but no more than three degrees.
- the student must not have completed more than two degrees in the same subject.
- the student must not have completed a phd.
- the student must have completed at least 30 university credits, or 60 university courses, in total.
- of those 30 credits, at least 5 must be in the requirements of some b. mathematics, 5 in the requirements of some b. science and 5 in the requirements of some b. arts.
- the student must have taken courses in at least 10 different disciplines.
- the student must have an average between 70% and 90%.
- the student must be able to at least display flashes of brilliance.
- the student must be able to display long stretches of apathy towards his or her studies.
- the student must be diagnosed with a "controllable psychological concern".

number of candidates

- one candidate will be chosen every year.

awards & benefits

- the length of this scholarship is indefinite subject to the student meeting the conditions outlined in the next section.
- full tuition, books and all other scholastic costs.
- $20,000/yr living expenses, adjusted yearly for inflation to 2010 base levels.
- full medical, dental under a plan similar to that given to professors and staff.
- the student is entitled to one year of "sabbatical" per every ten years.
- if the student lasts ten years within this program, any and all remaining student loan debts will be wiped out by the scholarship.
- after ten years within the program, the student retains the right to modulate between years of teaching and years of studying at will, meaning the student can put the program "on hold" so long as s/he is putting it "on hold" in order to teach.


- the student must have an average above 90% at the beginning of each subsequent school year (september) in order to retain the scholarship.
- the student must take at least one math course, one science course, one essay-based arts or social science course and one applied arts course per year.
- the student may or may not take courses in the summer.
- the student is required to attend classes and to provide evidence in the form of signatures by the professor of the class at the beginning and ending of the class. this will be checked rigorously and weekly by an officer of the school. failure to attend classes without a good reason will result in immediate termination of the scholarship.
- the student must not use non-prescribed drugs or alcohol between the times of 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM on weekdays and, if found doing so, will be immediately cut off from funding.

      perhaps the change in mindset is a bit more apparent now; this is a scholarship designed to pull old, nihilist, depressed, under-achieving students out of their own oblivion and provide them with some kind of meaning and purpose. it is consequently, fundamentally, a means of social welfare, not a loan to enhance opportunity or an attempt to differentiate the best from the pack, and so a very different approach to both scholastics and to scholarships.

i propose that the scholarship is implemented beginning in september, 2010 and that the first candidate great! yet, who is going to fund my noble construction?

demo #4: neglected

weak lyrics through most of the track, but i actually sort of dig the musical part of the song. and i like the lyrics in the bridge.

the track is called neglection, i guess that's what i was feeling at the time, and it was probably a fairly common state for mid-90s teenagers who were raised by their television sets and never really developed much of a sense of family. but i could rename it depression, and replace the words throughout.

i didn't re-record this. i think i wanted to rewrite the lyrics and never did.

recorded in sept, 1996. remastered sept 30, 2013.


From: the surviving uncle
To: <>

Just wondering how you're doing.
installation file:

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jessica Amber Murray
so, what's the deal with moving out of your apartment? did you find a friend house in ottawa, like you were looking for, or is this a part of your march out of ottawa...?

Shelly Teagan

Jessica Amber Murray
planning on staying there, then?

Shelly Teagan
Not forever. Of course not.

demo #3: I did your mom

written way back in 1994. this isn't the first recording, but it's the first full recording.

now that i'm an adult, this isn't something i would write or promote. yet, i sort of am by uploading it. the interest here is to document the existence of a troubled child. well, and to document myself - i was that troubled child.

the history of the track is perhaps a little less obnoxious than may be suspected. i was actually being taunted by somebody in the eighth grade. that person had never met and never would meet my mother. it's just a remark that young boys make. freudian analyses aside, i don't think there's really that much conscious thought put into it.

my decision to write a song about it was half a joke and half a response to being teased. i listened to and feigned laughter at a lot of oppressive jokes when i was younger; to an extent, i regret not speaking up, but i can state with honesty that i never felt comfortable taking part (now, self-deprecating humour, often of a sexual nature, is another thing). this reaction, on that "fuck you" level, shouldn't provide for any specific discomfort.

however, the fact that i explored the topic in a deeper level of depth than my taunters did perhaps might, and perhaps should. i need to bring you back to my aims in recording this early demo: i was trying to be as disturbing and shocking as i possibly could be. my taunters provided me with a particularly disturbing subject matter to explore, and i took full advantage of that.

this track is certainly disturbing and certainly shocking. success? well, i guess. looking back, i've always been torn between regret and satisfaction. i still am...

recorded in september 1996. remastered sept 29, 2013.
installation file:

the landlord was convinced that the leak was around the seal, but it seemed obvious to me that the leak was under the base.

installation file:

Saturday, September 28, 2013

demo #2: hey god

kind of an angry kid that maybe wore my influences on my sleeves just a little too much. mid '96, maybe written a little earlier. this track ended up in a grade 10 french project, oddly enough.

recorded in sept, 1996. remastered on sept 28, 2013.

the silver mt. zion memorial orchestra & tra-la-la band with choir - this is our punk rock, thee rusted satellites that gather + sing


this was the first gybe/mt. zion record that i wasn't salivating over the day it came out. in fact, i was actually in a rather different mental state. i barely even registered it's existence.

the female i was living with at the time had picked it up. i thought this a little strange, as it wasn't really previously in her sphere of interest. she really liked the second record, though; perhaps i had expanded her horizons a little? then again, a lot of people really liked the second record. see, a war had just started. a social movement was beginning...

....or, at least, that's what it felt like, anyways. people that i had known for years and listened to a cross of alternative rock, reggae, funk, political rap....all of a sudden these people were picking up mt. zion records. they were somewhat shocked that this was the kind of thing i liked.

well, yeah, it was the kind of thing i liked, and the feeling was mutual. the whole buzz around the band, combined with reviews indicating a vocal focus, really scared me off. i wrote it off without ever really giving it a chance; it wasn't until a few years had passed that i went back and gave it a serious listen.

i learned a couple of things at the time:

1) when political music threatens to affect real change, the movement surrounding the music gets co-opted into just another mainstream trend and it brings out a lot of poseurs that are attracted to the music for it's trend status. they get interested for all the wrong reasons, bring their status quo attitudes in and counteract that developing movement. therefore, music cannot affect real change. what happens, instead, is that musical movements conform to their surroundings. ultimately, the sale and distribution of music is too inherently capitalistic to act as a force against it. it's a design flaw that marx missed altogether; plato was describing an effect rather than a cause. if you study musical trends before and after this, the same pattern emerges. that at least makes it easy to understand what refused was focused around near the end, even if their approach turned out to have about the worst effect possible. you can reach an audience with music, but you can't kickstart a movement that way. if we take plato more seriously than marx, we can maybe understand this music better as a reaction to the failure of the alter-globalization movement than as the start of something in itself; a resigned reaction of accepted failure, a soundtrack not to the end of the prevailing status quo but to a resigned, if scathing, acknowledgement of the end of history.

2) i'm way more anti-social and suspicious of the mainstream than even i ever realized. i always told myself i wouldn't be the type that would drop a favourite band just because they went mainstream. the thing is that mt. zion went mainstream in a way that hit me off guard. i was expecting the next radiohead, not the next rage against the machine. the scene that built up around them was full of precisely the kind of people i was trying to escape from....

i did notice that mt. zion seemed to disappear from the tips of these people's tongues as quickly as it entered them. i figured this was their ten minutes, they watered themselves down to get it, it's all over now. next up: efrim doing green day songs to play over the radio system at your local walmart, and discussion of their early work coming only in hushed tones as something that only freaks could like. fucking dark side. ugh. hey, did you know that roger waters is a trostkyist? he does a good job of sounding like an upper-class liberal. (don't get me wrong, i like most of waters' vocal work). and, what ever happened to moya, anyways? the comparison, at the time, seemed very real. i didn't realize that the actual reason mt. zion lost the buzz was actually because this is a mostly mesmerizing record that flew over most everybody's head. had i actually listened to it, i wouldn't have made such a set of ridiculously bad assumptions.

musically, the record sounds like a realization of the sound they were toying with on their previous record. spaces that would have been repetitive, nicey-nice minimalism over there have become crashing, dissonant vocal sections over here. i used to think of this as a correcting process, but in hindsight i think it's better to think of it as a culminary one. this is the first and last perfected realization of what they were initially hinting at. while the record does retain a sense of the previous one's aimlessness, it is elevated to a tragic flaw, here.

something else that's become apparent to me is that the bulk of the best material from the collective has been defined by thierry's bass work. the truth is their discography is very spotty, and i've long struggled to understand why there's such a disparity within it. that it's the bassist isn't likely something that is going to be obvious; it will likely need to be explicitly pointed out before it's realized. his bass parts only jump out in isolated places, but it seems to be that what really takes some of the collective's tracks to the next level is defined by whether or not he's driving them from the bottom end. the nature of a collective is slightly different than that of a band; he's not equally involved on every track, and in truth juggles a great deal of things with his time. this record, however, features him fairly prominently on the first three tracks, which are three of the band's most powerful.

while it fits easily onto a compact disc, this was meant to be listened to as four full-length record sides. the tracks are consequently entirely self-contained, each exploring something just a little bit different than the last. the record opens with the band introducing a vocal technique, the rondeau, which would become a central focus of their writing over the next few records; here, it is presented tongue-in-cheek as a practiced exercise. coupled with the powerful figured bass work, it gives the band a decidedly renaissance feel that very much suits them. it maybe tries a little too hard to be a little too epic, and in the process maybe drags on just a little too long. the second track is the best example of how this record sounds like a fully realized version of the last one. the minimalism has recaptured it's dissonance, and been propped up by a vocal section that better retains the listener's attention. it eventually builds into a schizophrenic romp that radiohead could have only contemplated actually constructing. i've variously interpreted the topic of the vocal sections in the middle of this record to be about missile attacks into gaza or about missile defence in canada. the vocals themselves are defined by a sort of sloganized paranoia that melds into the repetition-based writing by repeating disturbed and disturbing statements in co-ordination with the crescendos as they rise, explode and fall. the third track manages to convincingly channel genesis c. 1971 without ripping on them, although i have to wonder if the reference to weeds thriving is conscious or not. is this song about ariel sharon or george bush? are the burning children eating dust in iraq or palestine? the slow defeat of whose reckless destiny? is the malfunctioning fence the israeli "security fence" or the proposed missile shield around north america? the final track is a much less compelling piece, apparently an homage to the band's roots. it seems to signal a desire to leave the sound that is presented here behind and move forward, which was certainly accomplished, albeit with varying results. it accurately foreshadows the less interesting direction the band would take on the next few discs.

i've long had a suspicion that somebody in the band has a keen interest in the music i'm working on. i may have attracted their attention through writing that i posted to their mailing list; years later, i noticed a certain efrim (of no specific last name) following my commentary at the cbc news site. there are various moments on "lift yr skinny fists", including the cover art, that seem borrowed from some demos i had sent to constellation. there was a song on one demo called "curious george" that featured samples of george bush cut up. there are also moments on "born into trouble" that seem curiously similar to ideas i had worked out on that demo, including a section of wilderness sounds. this record continues that trend in a number of strange ways. the first half of the second track seems to be based on the introduction of a demo i recorded with a friend, called "clarity". the main riff that dominates the first track seems to be borrowed from a demo i constructed in 1999, while the processed middle section of the last track almost sounds sampled from the end section of clarity. i don't know how they could have heard these things without investigating. on later records, it would even seem as though i eventually become the topic of the lyrics. am i so vain? or am i an object of fascination? i am not making accusations, as the compositions are substantially altered and the influence is circular, anyways. further, i would rather have my ideas orchestrated and distributed than left to die in obscurity. i record this solely for the sake of curiosity and historical interest. whether i'm right or not is really now a question for historians to investigate; if i am correct, i am a person of interest to history, so, to history, i merely offer some clues.

had the disc been pared down just a tad, it would have been flawless. despite my apprehension about the vocal contents of the record, the middle two tracks are really just phenomenal realizations of vocal post-rock (post post-rock?), almost without parallel. it's not any specific track that is problematic, so much as it is that several sections repeat beyond their point of interest. while there's maybe a sense of bravery and anti-thesis in moving from a fully developed sound to a stripped down folk feel, the end result isn't particularly compelling and it ends the disc on a disappointingly weak note. on balance, though, it's a very strong disc that i'll strongly recommend, up to the aforementioned caveats.


uploading the worst profile pic i can find to google+

Friday, September 27, 2013

figured it out...'re a jesuit spy. it's the perfect answer. christian taoist? bah.


..and what information did you pass along to rome about me through the proxy of your hapsburg friends? mmm?

not much of interest, clearly. i'm fairly harmless.

i'm in windsor, and life is actually pretty good. no stable internet yet. next week.

i moved here for cheap rent. i needed cheap rent for studio access. i have nothing but time to record in and am going to be uploading lots of stuff to my site.

lots of creepy stuff.

some of it about you.

*twilight zone theme song*

spooky jess

updates to the install scripts for the old pc, as it is being repurposed to stream video from youtube (fileextensions.reg)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; clean openwith list
[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Open With EncryptionMenu]

;remove null persistent handler

; remove unused file extensions

; remove unused filetypes

; remove file filters

; remove xsl templates

; remove unused MIME types
[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Bootstrap Content Type]
[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type]

; remove non-text persistent handlers

; set htmlfile behaviour









@="HTML Document"




@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Alleycode\\alleycode.exe\" %1"


@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe\" %1"


@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE11\\msohtmed.exe\" /p %1"






@="XML Document"

@="C:\\Program Files\\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe,0"



@="C:\\Program Files\\Alleycode\\alleycode.exe %1"


@="\"C:\\Program Files\\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe\" %1"






@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe\" \"%1\""


; clear wmf perceived type

;clear unused programs

;clean mru

; restore txt shellnew

"Text Document"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,54,00,65,00,78,\

;change places
maybe those seemingly laughable solipsistic quantum mystics that successfully manage to trick gullible idiots into thinking their ideas are rooted in physics are on to something after all. this song jumped into my head a few hours ago, out of nowhere. now it's on the radio. it was a pretty popular song in the mid 90s, but it's a strange coincidence, to say the least. did i create that?

stop laughing, i'm serious.

neat coincidence, though.

demo #1: please don’t hurt me / fire

this is literally the first thing i recorded, when i was 15, so i'm not particularly invested in defending it's quality. yet, it remains an intriguing listen.

i suppose it's sort of fitting that my first musical statement reduces to some kind of anarchist rant about burning the world down, or more accurately about letting the world burn itself down. somebody said that destruction is never negative because it is required to rebuild. that's stuck with me for many years.

so, the crux of this is an orchestration of a world on fire, as i imagined it, when i was 15.

recorded in sept, 1996. remastered sept 27, 2013.

as i go through my discography, i'm going to be posting one of these a day for the next several weeks. i understand that my music is best presented in short sections, as it is difficult for most people to listen to it in long sections.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

installation file:

finally ready to get started on finishing my discography

did it really take two weeks to finish scripting and installing and organizing my recording pc? well, it's something i had put off. now's a good a time as any to finally do it. and it's finally done.

and i've been thinking.

i spent so long trying to scheme up a way to get myself in a position where i can basically just do what i want that, now that it's here, i'm sort of dumbfounded by it. how long is this going to last for? how long will it take to recreate these conditions if the shit hits the fan at some point?

i think i'm safe for at least a year, anyways. after that, i don't know. i'd better make the most of it.

it's strange that all this feeling of something new has given way to focusing on the end. morbid as always, jess. you get a new start on life and you're just obsessed with preparing for your own death. congratulations on missing the point. really.

....but the blunt truth is that i'm not going to get a third chance to get my recordings finished. if or when i end up back on the street again, there's not going to be anywhere to store my belongings. nor am i likely to find a way to repurchase them.

so, i'm finding myself in the mental state of absolutely needing to get all of the things i was supposed to do one day done *now*, as though there is no future left to plan for to do them in.

i've got a year of nothing but time, let's see what i can get done.

there's just so many half finished things. i'm going to start from the beginning. so, first up? listening to demos i recorded when i was fifteen and laughing at myself....

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

installation file:
i'm supposed to be mad at teksavvy, but i'm seeing through it and am pissed at cogeco - double for trying to get me pissed at teksavvy.

basically, cogeco just didn't respond to the request for a hookup. so i got stuck at the end of the queue. this has been happening to other people. it's a conscious attempt by the companies that own the lines to coerce customers back into their arms.

the telecommunications situation in canada is pretty awful and i think just about everybody realizes it. the predictable response is for greater markets. more competition. well, if it wasn't for these other companies, i wouldn't be getting a better deal, right? i'd be stuck overpaying cogeco for shitty access, right? hooray for markets, right? let's open it up further. more competition will bring the price down...

ugh. idiots.

i think we can all agree that the problem is the oligopoly that exists, but what seems to fly over people's heads is that the problem is rooted in private ownership of the lines. you can open up the market forever, create infinitely many service providers, but if the lines remain under the ownership of a single company then there's nothing that can be done to resolve the price gouging. the infrastructure is inherently monopolistic.

i don't need to go very far left to get a reasonable answer. none other than that paragon of liberal free market theory, adam smith, was well aware that some services cannot operate under a market. forget about whether or not markets work (of course, they don't). markets in certain things are impossible. roads, for example. liberals once included power generation and phone lines in this list. you can add cable lines in. there's going to be a monopoly, whether market fundamentalists like it or not. the choice is between a public and a private monopoly.

we should really be thinking of cable lines the same way we think of roads. they should be publicly owned and administered through taxation. this would actually succeed in bringing the price down by cutting out the profit motive.

so, i'm hereby calling for the nationalization of the cable system.

updates to the install scripts for the recording pc (imgburn.reg)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"InstallDirectory"="C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn"
"GENERAL_ImgBurnPreviewFileName"="C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\ImgBurnPreview.exe"
"ISOREAD_MRUDeviceName"="[2:0:0] VBOX CD-ROM"
"ISOVERIFY_MRUDeviceName"="[2:0:0] VBOX CD-ROM"
"GRAPHDATA_DefaultFileName"="%M %F %D %T %I %S"
"SOUNDS_SuccessSoundFileName"="C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\Sounds\\Success.wav"
"SOUNDS_ErrorSoundFileName"="C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\Sounds\\Error.wav"
"FILELOCATIONS_GraphDataFiles"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\jessica\\Application Data\\ImgBurn\\Graph Data Files\\"
"FILELOCATIONS_ImageFiles"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\jessica\\My Documents\\"
"FILELOCATIONS_LanguageFiles"="C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\Languages\\"
"FILELOCATIONS_LogFiles"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\jessica\\Application Data\\ImgBurn\\Log Files\\"
"FILELOCATIONS_ProjectFiles"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\jessica\\Application Data\\ImgBurn\\Project Files\\"
"FILELOCATIONS_QueueFiles"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\jessica\\Application Data\\ImgBurn\\Queue Files\\"

"InstallDirectory"="C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn"
"GENERAL_ImgBurnPreviewFileName"="C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\ImgBurnPreview.exe"
"ISOREAD_MRUDeviceName"="[2:0:0] VBOX CD-ROM"
"ISOVERIFY_MRUDeviceName"="[2:0:0] VBOX CD-ROM"
"GRAPHDATA_DefaultFileName"="%M %F %D %T %I %S"
"SOUNDS_SuccessSoundFileName"="C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\Sounds\\Success.wav"
"SOUNDS_ErrorSoundFileName"="C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\Sounds\\Error.wav"
"FILELOCATIONS_GraphDataFiles"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\jessica\\Application Data\\ImgBurn\\Graph Data Files\\"
"FILELOCATIONS_ImageFiles"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\jessica\\My Documents\\"
"FILELOCATIONS_LanguageFiles"="C:\\Program Files\\ImgBurn\\Languages\\"
"FILELOCATIONS_LogFiles"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\jessica\\Application Data\\ImgBurn\\Log Files\\"
"FILELOCATIONS_ProjectFiles"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\jessica\\Application Data\\ImgBurn\\Project Files\\"
"FILELOCATIONS_QueueFiles"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\jessica\\Application Data\\ImgBurn\\Queue Files\\"




@="Burn using ImgBurn"

updates to the install scripts for the recording pc (java.reg)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\1.6.0_26]
"JavaHome"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.6]
"JavaHome"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6"
"RuntimeLib"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin\\client\\jvm.dll"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.6.0_26]
"JavaHome"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6"
"RuntimeLib"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin\\client\\jvm.dll"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.6.0_26\MSI]
"INSTALLDIR"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\"




[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.0.1]
"Home"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.0.1_02]
"Home"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.0.1_03]
"Home"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.0.1_04]
"Home"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin"

"Home"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.2.0_01]
"Home"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web Start\1.6.0_26]
"Home"="C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin"





[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects]