Monday, December 21, 2020

(as this post appears to have been edited to make it align with arab historical revisionism around the geographical entity that they call palestine, and which everybody else calls israel, by changing the language of a "return" to a language of an "occupation" (something i have changed back, and which is an idea i do not support - i do not agree with the idea that "palestine" is being "occupied" by israel. the label of palestine was created by the romans to remove israel from the map, in a conscious act of genocide. i strongly support israel's continued existence in it's historical homeland and have no sympathy whatsoever for arabs complaining about losing control of an area they conquered with the use of violence in the 8th or probably actually 9th century. this is not their land, and they have no grounds to be angry about losing it. i do agree that israel should be criticzed for mistreating other ethnic groups on land that is rightfully israel's, but i am not on your side if you want to "end the occupation of palestine". rather, i would like to end the occupation of constantinople and potentially liberate alexandria.), i feel the need to clarify that "the return" here refers to a biblical event that occurred during the reign of cyrus II of persia, and not to a process that began after world war two (or earlier than that, if you want to reference zionism, which i think is a half-truth, historically). for what it is worth, there were no arabs in the region until about the year 800 CE, after the roman collapse depopulated the area, and it was repopulated by migratory arab sheep herders moving in from the south. there is no history of arabs in the levant before they invaded after the collapse of roman control over the region. the ethnonym palestinian derives from a roman attempt to rename the region in the process of a purposeful jewish genocide, and refers to the philistines, which were a greek tribe that settled in the region during the bronze age collapse (as one of the "sea peoples" that attacked egypt, c. 1500 bce). when rome inherited the east, it was greek due to the conquests of alexander, and not semitic, which was a substratum in both language and culture. the gospels and pauline letters, which were jewish documents, were written in greek. the earliest buddhist texts were also in greek. so, it is most accurate to label the syrians and levantines of this period as greeks, which at least makes the roman elimination of judea from the maps in favour of the name of an even then ancient greek colony in the region somewhat reasonable. it is true that ancestral semites invaded the region from northeast africa, where they displaced the indigenous caucasian groups, around the year 3500 bce. they first appear in the historical record around 3000 bce, outside of the gates of sumeria, where they slowly take over the sumerian society. by the time of the assyrian conquest of the eastern mediterrannean coast, the people that lived in the region - the ancestors of today's lebanese, jews, syrians and jordanians - were west semitic speakers that had mixed with the indigenous caucasian populations, and not arabs, which had probably only begun to migrate north from yemen.

i have long been concerned about the writing here being edited, and have been struggling to understand who is doing it and why. the aggression and zeal underlying this does not make sense to me; i don't understand why this is seen as so important to whomever is responsible for it. please be aware that i will need to rewrite essentially all of this site (and that i already have rewritten large amounts of it, repeatedly) and that any particular, individual posts on the site are likely to be entirely rewritten in the near future for that reason. do not assume that i will support posts written here - i may very well argue that the post was edited by an unknown party that is hostile to my viewpoints and does not reflect my intent, at the time. should i be challenged in that manner, i will need to rewrite the post in question on the spot in a way that reflects my intent at the time in as best a way as i can reconstruct what my thoughts were. i cannot make general statements about 30,000+ posts when i know that some government entity is altering these posts, with apparent collusion by google. 

regardless of my views on current geopolitics in the levant, there is no possibility that i would have referred to the return of jews from babylon to jerusalem during the reign of cyrus II of persia as an occupation of jerusalem; that wouldn't make any sense. that is not coherent language. yet, that was the language found in this post in august, 2022. that replacement of language (occupation for return) was inserted by the hostile actor and is clearly based on a misreading by the group responsible for the edit, which thought i was talking about the migration of jews to their homeland after world war two rather than the quasi-historical event described in the bible, and helps me understand who they are and what they are trying to accomplish. this is a category of mistake i've noticed a few times - the entity responsible for editing this without my consent frequently misunderstands the historical context being presented, particularly when the issue relates to the levant, which helps me identify edits by their lack of coherency on first read after however long. another example of edits of this sort is a post where language about the iron age collapse (which was c. 1500 bce) was replaced with muslim revisionism about the collapse of the byzantine empire, due to the fact that i didn't specify bce when i said 1500, which confused them into thinking i meant 1500 ce. i did not specify because it was obvious to anybody that understood the post, but that wasn't enough to prevent the confusion. realizing that language intended for the context of the levant in 1500 bce was replaced with muslim revisionism relating to events in the levant around 1500 ce (which was blatantly incoherent, in the context of the post) helped me understand what was edited, by whom and why. reading through the text as it existed, i incoherently shifted from a discussion of the bronze age collapse to a discussion of the fall of rome in a way that just did not make any sense. it was more than the language, it was the shift in context, by somebody that was clearly confused about the dating. i simply can't assign that to an error by myself; there is no way i would have shifted the topic of discussion like that, in a way that makes it clear the author had merely become confused. it couldn't be explained or salvaged in any other manner: the editor read the post, saw the date 1500, misunderstood it as 1500 ce rather than 1500 bce and proceeded to edit in information about the fall of constantinoople in a way that did not make sense in the context of the post, which was about the bronze age collapse. most alarmingly, a reference to the end of the greek dark ages after the bronze age collapse got corrupted because the editor thought i was referring to the european dark ages that occurred after the fall of rome.

the posts that get edited here almost exclusively have to do with justin trudeau and islam; it's these two very specific topics that get targeted, so my best guess is that this is being done in the context of some kind of modern analogue to the historical translation event, which refers to a period where arab religious fundamentalists succeeded in rewriting history by altering the greek sources as they translated them to arabic, and then deleted the original greek. the result was that all that was left in the libraries was altered arab versions of greek classics, as they destroyed the originals, which are now almost entirely lost. then, they have the nerve to take credit for saving the knowledge, after they took control of the libraries by force and changed the content of the books.

i can only guess at what the link between trudeau and islam is, and i have done so elsewhere in this site, while realizing that parts of it have probably been edited. i clearly have no control over this, and the entity responsible is clearly extremely aggressive about it - clearly absolutely obsessed with it. i realize i need to understand this before i can react to it, but i don't even know how to start trying to understand it.

my tactic here is resiliency. i tried editing offline and uploading, but it doesn't seem to help. i actually think people have been in here when i'm showering or sleeping, to update files kept offline. i will outlast justin trudeau's political career, and i'll have to re-evaluate the situation when he's gone. i simply don't know what happens next, but i'd imagine that the next prime minister will have to be less neurotic regarding trivial concerns. i'm going to have to assume this is a consequence of his individual personality defects and that this will therefore lift in time.

this might seem irrelevant to the content of this post, but it isn't - i can only try to figure this out by collecting pieces of evidence like this, where the evidence of editing is clear due to somebody misunderstanding what they're editing. i caught them here. that's not unique, but it's rare.

i don't have any other real choice but to just waiting them out for now, under the expectation that this can't continue, that they will eventually get bored with this and move on.)

judaism, as we understand it, is in truth so overwhelmingly influenced by iranian religion that it doesn't make any sense to speak of it in a pre-zoroastrian context.

judaism gets credit for inventing monotheism, for example, but that relies on the myth that judaism in the region extends back to before the return from babylon (during the reign of cyrus). the archaeological record is clear that the caananites in the region before the captivity were garden variety west semitic pagans, like the phoenicians or carthaginians were. they were really the same people; the sparsely populated settlement around jerusalem was really a phoenecian colony. the people that then entered the region during the reign of cyrus in this quasi-historical event called the return worshipped an iranian sky god, and brought that religion into the region with them, which was a very different type of religion without any previous archaeological record in the area. so, when you understand the history, it's a lot easier to just deduce that the jews adopted monotheism from the zoroastrianism of the persians, and that is probably the actual truth of it, even if it remains hard to disentangle, due to so much corruption in the source, and the fact that the persians didn't leave us any historical record at all - or at least have left us without a single source that survived the islamic conquest. it is said that the persians wrote no history, but i've never been convinced of that.

worse, this whole space of pre-captivity jewish identity falls right into the black hole of carthaginian genocide that the romans carried out after the punic wars.

if there were texts that explained the history, the romans would have burned those texts. and, they would have burned any texts that referenced those texts, or any texts that reference those texts. and, then they would have killed anybody that had read the texts.

carthage, after all, had to be destroyed.
if you can actually put together a public spectacle around the floor vote with artists and musicians and actors, you can be sure that it will spiral out of control from there. you won't be talking about "what next", because it'll just keep coming.

listen, it's not that hard to grasp that a congressperson makes more than server's wages, even if she's still working for tips.
are you offended by this site?

just take my point.

your offense isn't concerning to me. i'm a leftist, and i don't give a fuck about your pc/progressive bullshit. like, at all. i have no interest in your beliefs, your feelings or your values. i just wish you'd stop calling yourself left-wing, that's what gets to me; you're not.
just one more thing about what we've learned from science over the last few decades.

what happened to the jews after the expulsion, anyways? did they go to spain? to iran? to ukraine?

obviously, a few of them left, sure.

but, the science has told us something that the history has obscured - that, in fact, what happened to the largest amounts of jews is that they went nowhere at all. they just stayed put.

and, then they converted to islam.

and, that they're still there - today, we call the true descendants of the jews palestinians.
listen, the science is pretty clear that this whole exodus thing never happened, anyways.

there is simply no destruction horizon in the region that fits the story line, remotely. we can trace the introduction of the philistines (do those phonetics look familiar? they should.) from greece, but the archaeological record presents absolutely no evidence at all of any sort of movement from egypt to the levant at any point close to the accepted chronology in the iron age. archaeologists talk of the region being a sparsely populated backwater, and of a canaanite-phoencian complex that shows remarkable continuity going back to the upper neolithic. 

it's worse than that, though - because the west semitic people that lived in the region for thousands of years before the assyrians, and were descended wholly from canaanites, really were expelled or otherwise slaughtered by the assyrian invasion and occupation of canaan, or south phoenecia (the phoencians did in fact call themselves canaanites; phoenecian is a greek label). hebrew ethnogenesis, as we understand it, really only starts when the persians allowed some other group of people to move into the land, after the assyrians had cleared it out. 

not only was the whole thing probably made up in assyrian-occupied babylon, but there's no evidence that there were any jews before the captivity at all.

that's science, and that's what socialists and the left are supposed to uphold as having primacy, not superstition and legend and ignorance. most jews nowadays are actually strictly secular and atheist and seem to grasp that, which makes them a little different than adherents to the other religions.
"but it was the holy land! not genocide!"

what a crock of fucking shit.
people are just going to get fed up and say "to hell with this".

and, if you listen to the kids, it's already happening.
"you think it's funny to make fun of people for their faith?"



religion is stupid, and only seems more stupid now than it ever did. how else can you react to stupidity besides ridiculing it? 

so, there's a lid about to blow off of something, very soon. wait for it...
"you can't talk like that anymore"

that's exactly why i am talking like that, though.

i'm getting a point across. this is what the traditional left has always looked like, and if you find it offensive or impossible to organize with, it gets the point across that i've been trying to get across forever - you're not a fucking leftist.

if you were a leftist, you would either find this sort of thing comical, you'd be in agreement or you'd at least shrug it off as unimportant. 

your outrage is evidence of your progressivism, which is a political ideology that mixes moderate-to-left (and often just common sense) economic values with right-wing social values, like speech suppression and the value of religion in society.

do you understand?
if you think moses was bad, his proteges were genocidal maniacs.

and, the whole concept of islam is rooted in imperialism.

there's really nothing positive to take out of any of these books, at all - it's just one form of barbarism built on top of another.
was jesus so bad, though?

mohammad was a complete asshole, and moses was a murdering piece of shit. but, was jesus so bad?

he was less terrible, i'll give you that, but you have to really cherry-pick his statements. these books are full of ridiculous, barbaric imagery, all around. you can find a few choice quotes from hitler if you look long enough, too.

jesus was, broadly, an asshole, too - just like the rest of them.

...even if i'll concede that there's a difference in scale. jesus is in the greek tradition, which puts him in the lesser-asshole category, along with buddha and pythagoras....
listen, i don't like progressives, just like i don't like any other type of religious people. i don't like conservative religious people, i don't like liberal religious people....and there is no religious left. it's a contradiction. i mean, they're out there, but they're contradictions in terms; no left-wing analysis could interact with religion as anything other than public enemy #1.

capitalism is bad, but religion is worse - it's the thing at the top of the list of undesirable social characteristics, that need to be wiped out. and, there's nothing "alt" about that, that's the traditional fucking anarcho-communist left

progressives have been confusing from the start, and i don't like them, and i never did.

but, i understand i have to deal with them - even as i viciously attack them, without any sort of remorse.

so, don't ever expect me to be your friend - i don't want to be your friend. but, expect me to consistently align where the traditional left always has, whether progressives happen to overlap with it or nor. and, expect me to try to push progressives out of the left and back onto the right, where they belong, on most issues.

even when i'm talking about "progressive democrats" or "new democrats" in canada, i still think 90% of what you say is too right-wing.
you can't force the world to conform to your arbitrary idealizations, and it's juvenile to think that you can.

worry about what's ten feet in front of you, and let other people take care of themselves.
but, their base eats the idiocy up.

and, this needs to end, soon.
if i was in london and i really wanted to get here for christmas, i'd just fly to new york first.
no, shutting down the border isn't going to stop the virus, you fucking idiots.

you don't fucking learn - you keep doing the same stupid, failed things over and over. the science keeps telling you it's stupid, too, but no - you have your "common sense".
i can't buy emdogain :(. you have to be a dentist.....

this is something else that's being worked on:

so, this seems like this is doable in principle, if you can get access to the resources, find a doctor that is knowledgable and able and, in the end, can afford to do it.

i need to call in the morning - let's hope i can avoid the headaches.
i know who my enemies are, and i'm not pulling any punches - this is total war.
the discrimination is systemic, and i'm perfectly happy to make everybody's lives miserable until they pull their heads out of their backwards, christian & muslim asses.
i didn't get a response from the store that discriminated against me last month, so i'm going to have to file a third human rights complaint as soon as the foia gets back.

further, i'm expecting that i may have to launch a fourth complaint against community housing, which is giving me a lot of "families first" type attitude, that is simply not acceptable.

and, i'll keep filing them over and over....and keep winning.....
so, they're going to try to cancel new years?

i hate the cold weather, and for that reason tend to stay in this time of year. it's not any fun to go out when it's cold like this - you have to wear too many clothes.

but, i hope the province completely ignores the government and parties in the streets, like it's saturnalia, instead.
so, i truly didn't want to spend all day sleeping, but i realize i didn't have a choice. 

now that the sunflower seeds seem to be isolated and removed, let's just try to wake up and have a long day.

but, there's often round two. let's hope there isn't.
well, i think he's got the crime argument backwards, though.

i grew up in a ghetto; i know that crime exists. but, the kind of crime that exists in these neighbourhoods is mostly property crime & drug crime. when more serious crimes do arise, they often occur as a consequence of the poverty, itself - so, gang wars, for example. much of this is crime that is potentially resolvable in a socialist system. on the other hand, the kind of crime that exists in wealthy neighbourhoods is largely reduced to crimes of passion, dominance and control - or what you could call crimes of privilege. these types of crimes are much more difficult to approach, and could very well continue well into and beyond any adoption of socialism. now, that's not to say that these types of crime don't also exist in poorer communities, but it nonetheless exposes a confusing truth: in a society where poverty is abolished, the police presence would be more necessary in the wealthy communities where people think they can get away with things, rather than in the poorer ones where poverty is no longer the primary driver of crime. nobody should oppose the police more than the poor.

it's important to have working people understand that the police exist specifically to uphold property rights, not to protect them from anything at all. to the extent that this misunderstanding is pervasive, it really must be attacked and resolved.

it's also worthwhile to remember that the democrats were, historically, the right-wing party in america. so, there's some continuity....
it's the anti-capitalist politics that must be the focus, not the anti-racial politics. and, you hope you get actual egalitarianism in the end, and need to keep fighting for it, if you don't. but, explicitly seeking racial harmony within a capitalist framework - and let's be clear that the capitalist class is the least racist of the classes nowadays - and deciding that's sufficient, or even a worthwhile first step, is just a reformist waste of energy....which is exactly why the capitalist classes, themselves, expend so much energy trying to co-opt leftist movements with identity.

Twenty Faces
of course a privileged white woman thinks that the fight for racial equality is not a worthwhile first step. Well for us non-whites race matters more than class. Racism is of more immediate concern to us. Identity is at the centre of everything, clown

see, the way i'm going to react to this is to point out that this person made the stupid assumption that these people always make - they assumed that because i pass as white, i must be privileged. in fact, i'm an indigenous canadian that grew up in a ghetto. and, this is exhibit a of what these people do wrong over and over again.

the bottom line is that the "race is everything" people don't matter because they have no revolutionary potential. at the end of the day, they will merely be swept aside and ignored. as such, they're really not worth wasting your time debating with.

Twenty Faces
ou dont pass as white you are white lol. Go take a dna test. Even if you were indigenous you look white and that will affect how people treat you. The fact you were born in a ghetto is completely irrelevant. white privilege doesnt mean that you live a good life, it simply means that on the basis of your race you are not discriminated.

ethnicity > class. and as a non white working class person the fight against racism is way more can carry on larping as a revolutionary though

again - this is exactly why this movement is a dead-end that goes nowhere besides reformism.

i have a few drops of white blood somewhere on my mom's side, but i'm a mix of indigenous, jewish, italian and african. and, these people want to argue they're all about identity? the truth is that they're just a bunch of racists.

Twenty Faces
there is no movement. Marxists dont even get along with each other lol. As i said anyone who thinks fighting against racism is not something we should we do now is no friend of mine. In fact you're an enemy to my own interests.

race doesn't exist, it's a social construct invented by capitalism to divide the working class against itself. and, you've walked right into it. but, you're right - we're not on the same side; you're a reformist, and i'm a revolutionary.

as race is a social construct invented by capitalism, the only way to eliminate "racism" is to abolish capitalism, first.

but, let's all stop for a moment and realize that this person is explicitly standing up for capitalism. i mean, that's the point of the distraction - to uphold capitalism.

Twenty Faces
Race does exist, it's both biologically and perceptually obvious. Regardless racism doesnt even require race to be real. The idea that racism was created by capitalists is absurd and so is the claim that getting rid of capitalism will get rid of racism lol. Stop parroting nonsense like a cult member and start using your brain

*yawn*. i'm just curious - do you identify as a leftist?



race, as a biological concept, has about as much support as creationism, in contemporary science. it's beyond debunked - it's dead and buried. and, all you're doing is demonstrating how obsolete and out of touch with reality you are.

further, the idea that capitalism invented race as divide and conquer is pretty standard leftist history. read zinn.

you don't need to resurrect terms like "scientific socialism" to see that this person's about as divorced from the left as is possible. there's no future, here. no future for you.

Twenty Faces
i never denied that it's a standard leftist claim that capitalism invented race. It's still false. Getting rid of capitalism doesn't get rid of racial hatred or xenophobia. Besides the science is clear, race is biologically real even if mainstream intellectuals want to deny this

arguing with crt advocates is about as useful an expenditure of your time as arguing with creationists.

from what i can tell, a lot of them actually are creationists.

it's the new creationism...

Twenty Faces
i'm not a crt advocate. i doubt they'd say that race is biologically real.

most of the crt advocates i've argued with are essentially racists in disguise. but, you're just a troll then, i guess.

Twenty Faces
you clearly don't know what racism is.

the feeling's mutual, troll.


Brandon B.
"It's not a Left anymore. I just don't know what to call it."

It's a club. Secret handshakes included.

they're just garden variety progressives, through and through. and, if you look carefully, the progressive movement was pretty conservative, from the start. the trick is that they've conflated socialism with progressivism, when these ideas were always deeply antagonistic to each other. progressivism in north america (which was something different than in europe) came out of the populist movement, which came out of the last gasps of christian american puritanism. so, these were always these calvinist moralists, to their core. the history between socialism and progressivism, if you care to look into it, is actually fairly vicious, from day one. and, what the left needs to do to rebuild, first and foremost, is reclaim itself from this co-opting influence that's been asserted by progressives, as all progressivism has ever tried to do is distort and dismantle the left.
i'm a little late, but i'm going to try some eggs and see how i react, just to nominally get myself back in schedule.
there's enough people to the left of the biden-schumer-pelosi status quo at this point to elect a lot of people, if they would just be realistic about what the democratic party is, the policies they support and the interests they represent.

and, all that's happened over the last year is a clarification of how wide and how insurmountable the gulf really, actually is.
this is the problem with legalizing mushrooms for adults: 98% of the market is teenagers, and almost everybody that does them as teenagers swears off them entirely at some point, if not before the age of 21 then certainly before the age of 25.

they should really be looking at mdma if they want to legalize something that will save lives, not mushrooms.
i don't like to take drugs for migraines. at most, i'll take aspirin.

but, i was considering trying some edibles this week for the solstice, and that's just out the window if i'm having migraines. there's nothing worse than combining marijuana with migraines - you end up feeling like you're on something psychotropic, which i just don't enjoy. at all.

i'm a control freak. and, i'm way too old for psychedelics - which are something that normal people grow out of before they graduate high school. but, even so, i was always very sporadic in my use of these sorts of drugs. 

if you do them very, very, very sparingly with the right kind of setting there is some possibility that you can get something from them, although i don't think i have the right psychology for it, anymore. i have essentially no interest in psychedelic drugs at all, whatsoever, anymore. 

for right now, edibles are truly the last thing in the world that i want at the moment, as i try to recover from the headache. and, i may find myself waiting until my birthday, depending on how long it takes to get back to full strength.

marijuana is not a medication, it's a a recreational drug. and, that's just more and more true as you start eating it. i know from experience that you need to be healthy and strong and in good spirits if you want to take psychedelics, and i'm applying the same criteria to any continued experiments with edibles.

i was thinking about it, but, due to the migraine, now is simply not the time.
and, the hemp seed is officially cleared for the beeturia.

i'm going to bring the garlic in, next try.
ok, i'm feeling better now - still oozy, but better.

these migraines often come in two rounds.

but, i always end up biting my lips up when i try to eat in mid-migraine, for some reason. i just miss. repeatedly. so, i've got giant cuts on my lips...
listen, even if this particular mutation continues to react to some or most of the vaccines, that's no guarantee that the next one will.

we've really put all our eggs in this basket, despite it being pretty obvious that this vaccine is temporary. what's unclear is if it makes it through the year or not.

that doesn't mean it's pointless. but, i've repeatedly called for realism around this. it will no doubt be easier to create new vaccines for new strains now that we have a working vaccine for the existing strains. but, the public health response should be based on the assumption that this will be ongoing, and that vaccinations will be required on a roughly yearly basis for vulnerable people, for basically ever.

the flu is really, seriously evaporating, though.
i'm going to try some coffee and see what happens.
why aren't we talking about worker self-ownership, instead?

the answer is that they're not serious, and they don't want a serious discourse.
in a lot of ways, increasing the minimum wage is the worst type of reformism; it does nothing to effect any sort of systemic change, and it seems explicitly designed to shut people up and have them fall in line.

here's some more money - shut up and buy stuff. and be happy.
to be clear - i support a living wage. everywhere. always.

(i also support a universal basic income, and would consider the ubi to be of far, far greater importance than a higher minimum wage. and, i broadly support worker self-ownership, as well. fire your boss!)

but, it's not a movement-building policy, it's not going to get me excited and it's not going to be a ballot question, for me. it's good for the economy to give people more money to spend - sure. but, that's low priority & of minimal importance in the face of all of these actual serious problems we have in front of us to deal with.
(well the synthetic stuff was created by nasa.

i'm taking a natural version of the synthetic matrix that is literally just crushed cow bones.

human enamel is 97% hydroxyapatite, and it's considered to be highly bioavailable.

but, it's still considered experimental, despite making such a ridiculous amount of sense.)
this stuff was created by nasa to help astronauts rebuild their teeth.

it should work, dammit - so long as:

1) the particles are small enough
2) it's actually what it says it is

you could buy a nicer iphone with $15/hr, though.
what americans on the left need to do right now is really take a look at the democrats and and ask themselves why they're bothering pretending that there's any point in supporting them.

do you agree with anything they propose?

at all?

so, why do you torture yourself?

why do you delude yourself?

start a new party, already.
universal healthcare, climate change, student loan forgiveness - these are things that need to be at the top of a serious agenda.

an increase in the minimum wage to a fraction of a living wage should be pretty low in the list of priorities.

i mean, there's low-hanging fruit....and there's fruit that's rotting in the soil. these minimum wage pushes for $15/hr have long expired and started turning into wine.
to begin with, that $15 needs to come up to $20.

but, you're just not getting much healthcare for $20/hr, nowadays. 

so, this isn't a serious discourse.
see, i'm awake, and i guess that's a start, at least for now.

.....but you don't really think that a $15 minimum wage (which was pretty 2012. those numbers need to come up. it's nowhere close to a living wage in most of the country.) is an acceptable replacement for universal healthcare, do you?

that's crazy talk. really.
these headaches can be just vicious. damnit...

one of the worst parts about the headaches is the dehydration that sets in, especially when i'm worried about my teeth. i got a brush in before i passed out, but it seems like the progress i was making just evaporated along with the dry mouth, which is a reminder of what one of the primary culprits is, here. it's too early to say, but i hope it's not that bad and i hope i can pick back up on it.

the "auras" (which are essentially the same thing as tracers from mushroom trips) are gone, at least. my vision is still mildly blurry, but largely resolved. i can't type like this, so i'll have to fix the typos in the morning. what's left seems to just be the headache, which could last up to 96 hours but is usually gone in 12-48.

i managed to get a long shower in, which works sometimes; it didn't work tonight.

so, it sure seems like i'm skipping the eggs this morning, in favour of an extended amount of sleep :(. but, sometimes these headaches lift very fast, too. i dunno.

everything else aside, it does not appear as though i'm having beeturia from the beets. but, i haven't produced much liquid, either, because that's part of having a migraine. i'm drinking more water than ever, right now; the dehydration is a symptom, not a cause, even if it's a cause for some people - and even if dry air can be a trigger, along with smoke and pollution. i just downed a big gulp of water in one slurp...and i'm still thirsty...

i'm a little late after eating in trying my first hydroxyapatite application. this is just crushed bones & magnesium stearate (which should potentially help with absorption - it's why it's there.). it tastes like a calcium supplement, which is encouraging. it ended up a little messy because i used too much spit, but it should coat right over the front teeth, if i use the right amount of saliva. and, i need to go spit, now.

again: this should work, but it's an experiment. i dunno.

right now, i need to sleep.
so, i just finished the pasta meal with the hemp seed, and  while my digestive system feels ok, i'm having a vicious headache with aura and not sure what else i can do for the night.

the trigger for these migraines is second-hand smoke, and while any smoke (including car exhaust.) is bad, marijuana is a worse trigger than tobacco.

i've got a stuffy nose, and can't clearly smell, or see, right now.