Monday, December 21, 2020

these headaches can be just vicious. damnit...

one of the worst parts about the headaches is the dehydration that sets in, especially when i'm worried about my teeth. i got a brush in before i passed out, but it seems like the progress i was making just evaporated along with the dry mouth, which is a reminder of what one of the primary culprits is, here. it's too early to say, but i hope it's not that bad and i hope i can pick back up on it.

the "auras" (which are essentially the same thing as tracers from mushroom trips) are gone, at least. my vision is still mildly blurry, but largely resolved. i can't type like this, so i'll have to fix the typos in the morning. what's left seems to just be the headache, which could last up to 96 hours but is usually gone in 12-48.

i managed to get a long shower in, which works sometimes; it didn't work tonight.

so, it sure seems like i'm skipping the eggs this morning, in favour of an extended amount of sleep :(. but, sometimes these headaches lift very fast, too. i dunno.

everything else aside, it does not appear as though i'm having beeturia from the beets. but, i haven't produced much liquid, either, because that's part of having a migraine. i'm drinking more water than ever, right now; the dehydration is a symptom, not a cause, even if it's a cause for some people - and even if dry air can be a trigger, along with smoke and pollution. i just downed a big gulp of water in one slurp...and i'm still thirsty...

i'm a little late after eating in trying my first hydroxyapatite application. this is just crushed bones & magnesium stearate (which should potentially help with absorption - it's why it's there.). it tastes like a calcium supplement, which is encouraging. it ended up a little messy because i used too much spit, but it should coat right over the front teeth, if i use the right amount of saliva. and, i need to go spit, now.

again: this should work, but it's an experiment. i dunno.

right now, i need to sleep.