Monday, December 21, 2020

i don't like to take drugs for migraines. at most, i'll take aspirin.

but, i was considering trying some edibles this week for the solstice, and that's just out the window if i'm having migraines. there's nothing worse than combining marijuana with migraines - you end up feeling like you're on something psychotropic, which i just don't enjoy. at all.

i'm a control freak. and, i'm way too old for psychedelics - which are something that normal people grow out of before they graduate high school. but, even so, i was always very sporadic in my use of these sorts of drugs. 

if you do them very, very, very sparingly with the right kind of setting there is some possibility that you can get something from them, although i don't think i have the right psychology for it, anymore. i have essentially no interest in psychedelic drugs at all, whatsoever, anymore. 

for right now, edibles are truly the last thing in the world that i want at the moment, as i try to recover from the headache. and, i may find myself waiting until my birthday, depending on how long it takes to get back to full strength.

marijuana is not a medication, it's a a recreational drug. and, that's just more and more true as you start eating it. i know from experience that you need to be healthy and strong and in good spirits if you want to take psychedelics, and i'm applying the same criteria to any continued experiments with edibles.

i was thinking about it, but, due to the migraine, now is simply not the time.