Sunday, July 22, 2018

if you show up in a building and hold a meeting about hating gays and jews, and then distribute literature about it and march around outside, you're participating in a hate group and distributing hate propaganda and propagating hate speech.

....unless you put a cross or a crescent on the door?

that's bullshit.

these organizations need to be held accountable to the same standards we hold secular groups to.
so, that gets me through june....

july may be a little slower, but nothing's coming up in the listings, so i'd might as well be industrious.

can i get this done before the sun comes up?

can i stay awake that long?

i'm due for a long day...

if the prime minister of the country cannot afford to pay his childcare staff a living wage, we should remove ourselves from the oecd.
i'm just about done june, at least; this was a very productive weekend, whether i'm able to stay awake much longer, or not.
yeah, i'm now getting a heavy cbd stench, and am feeling a little woozy.

my guess is that the sage was to cover the smell.
but, i need to be clear: i can't tell if they're burning sage, if they're smoking cloves, if they're performing a mass or if they're barbequing chicken.

it's not something my nose can figure out on it's own...

what i can point out is that my throat feels a little raw, and i've sneezed a few times.

it does not appear to be getting me stoned, at this time.
like, if somebody's trying to do an exorcism or something downstairs, all i gotta say is that you're just unnecessarily exposing me to carcinogens.
it's back to that sage smell that was dominant when i first moved in...

i don't know if somebody is literally burning sage, or if there's a religious christian around or what, but my viewpoint is that smoke is smoke is smoke: tobacco = sage = pot. i don't have any patience for a religious argument...

it's nowhere near as bad, but it's still second-hand smoke and it's still gross.
the actual truth about the nsa spying story is that it wasn't actually news - we'd known all of this for years.

the EU got very upset about this, in the 90s.

if anything, what came out around snowden, etc made it seem like the practice is more restricted than it actually is.

i did not hear echelon mentioned once in the whole fiasco.
this is what you call a "teachable moment".
instead of ignorantly kneejerking against me, everybody should take this as an opportunity to learn something about what their obligations are under the law, and ensure they're not negligent in their actions, moving forwards.
to be clear: i intend to pay my rent on august 1st. i took my deposit back out of necessity, realizing that the market was very short term in june; i missed out on a few spots, because i wasn't sure i could finance. then, once i had the deposit ready, the market dried up completely in july. i can only hope it gets better in august...

but, i said from the start that it wasn't notice, and i intended to pay rent going forward if i couldn't find something.

...unless the court order comes in before then, and tells me i can withhold it until the payout comes in. then, i'll be allowed to withhold it.

i just have to keep cycling around to the point: i'm claiming negligence. if the court agrees with me, why should i suffer consequences for standing up for my rights?

and, if you don't believe in rights, you're negligent, too.
still raining.

market still sucks.

no response from the adjudicator.

hopefully, i can get through most of june by midnight. and, hopefully, the rest of the week is as productive, if i'm stuck here for another month - as it is increasingly appearing as though i am.
i was going to bike down to catch that open house in the act, but it's raining out.

we'll see if it clears up before 4:00.

...& that was a quick movement through may.

as the air has legitimately cleared out, i've been able to stay awake a little longer over the last few days - although i say that as something is wafting in, i think from a different unit, perhaps a few floors down.

i've picked up a nasty smokers' cough, though, i'm not exaggerating. it's that tightening in your chest, and that constant inability to be able to cough out the obstruction. i thought i'd gotten rid of that...alas...

market still sucks.

on to june...
everything you're seeing is theatre, written by the cia, itself - and some actors are more cognizant of it than others.
the basic idea to understand, first and foremost, is that the deep state sees hillary clinton as an existential threat. & you can find a mountain of evidence about this, if you look for it.

so, all of this is really about clinton, and not about trump.

but, this is how it works:

1) the deep state rigs the election - in favour of trump. so, it was the cia itself feeding documents to wikileaks.
2) the deep state then blames it on the russians, as a distraction & bait and switch.
3) the deep state uses the fabrication it's constructed around the situation to take down trump and put their own guy in.
if we accept that it is obvious that the russians have plants in america, the question becomes identifying who they are.

&, if you ask me, ron paul & alex jones are the prime suspects.
the russians have plants everywhere - nobody seem to be surprised by this.

but, there's a pattern in their plants, if you look for it: they go after what you might call "right-libertarians", that promote a false sense of nationalism, rooted in a skewed concept of white identity.

so, in france the russians fund the national front - and quite heavily. and, there is a very powerful policy goal in supporting the national front, as a french abandonment of nato would neutralize a major threat coming in off the steppe. the russians are pragmatic about the racism - this is a holdover from soviet times, albeit with the revolutionary goals replaced with cynicism. they're essentially using the socialist theories against us; the idea is that they think they can use the racial animus run rampant from low education and industrial decay as a vehicle to put their people in power.

you might think that sounds like trump, and trump uses the same methods with the same aims no doubt, but the russian influence network didn't appear in 2016. the kremlin-preferred candidate for years was ron paul, who has always represented this intersection point of right-libertarianism and white nationalism that the russians have a habit of propping up. and, the propaganda arm they used was always alex jones.

i'm not going to be filling in posts here from 2008-2013 for a very, very long time. but i wrote quite extensively about this around climategate.

i'm extrapolating a little with rand paul. i accept. but i am comfortable stating with a confident amount of force that ron paul and alex jones are both russian spies.

and, when the rest of the 2016 stuff comes up, you'll see me unveil a theory that trump is a creature of the pentagon, who are projecting the russian connections as a mirage. i haven't been keeping up because i think it's a lot of nonsense, but i saw this coming from before the election.
actually, i think rand paul actually is a russian agent.

i've been saying that for years and years - years before trump.