Wednesday, December 13, 2023

it's very disappointing to see canada take such a foolish position, in assigning palestine equal status as a party to a conflict. there is only a "cycle of violence", which is a juvenile term used by dumb hippies and other equally vacuous types of pseudo-intellectuals, in israel for as long as they pretend that palestine might exist as a political entity.

"ending the cycle of violence" means eradicating palestine. literally. there's no other algorithm for that end point. so long as palestine exists, there will be violence. only a buffoon would project otherwise.

the police operation against the hamas organized crime network must continue until hamas is eradicated. we succeeded in eradicating the nazis via overwhelming force; we can succeed in eradicating the islamicists, too.

i would call on nato to take a stronger position in aiding israeli activities outside their borders. russia is not a threat to canada, but islam certainly is; hamas is the kind of enemy that a proper nato mandate would set the alliance off after, and israel is a defacto nato ally. we should be standing in lockstep with israel as they do away with these fascist criminals.

this is the wrong position and i hope canada gets punished for it.

if ms. joly has any ideas about how to sustainably end the violence in the levant for good, i'm sure the world would love her to publish them. i'm sure they must be quite profound.