Wednesday, July 3, 2019

while my motives are rather different, and i may not like what comes next, i am fully in support of the decision by jason kenney to stop shipping alberta's oil by rail.

now, if we could just get him to stop shipping it by pipe, too...
i admit that i spent hours and hours and hours with this specific game.

on a windows 3.1 pc.

without internet access. the 14.4 modem was in the "computer room" for collective use. no router.

....around the time that u2's pop was released.

but, that's really the extent of it. honestly.

i mean, i remember sitting back and watching friends play these first-person shooter things and just wondering why they enjoyed it.

walking around with a gun and shooting things is something i'd classify as boring.
i would like to post a periodic reminder that there is a fake deathtokoalas out there. he appears to be a teenager, or young 20-something perhaps by this point, who lives in the city of new york.

the fake deathtokoalas is a gamer and owns, amongst other things, a twitch profile. i played games like civ 2 and command and conquer a little bit when i was his age, or a little younger, but have not touched video games of any sort in well over 20 years. the most advanced game console that i ever owned was a sega genesis that my dad bought me around '93 or so. and, i'm actually pretty ignorant about the topic; it's really not something that i ever had the slightest interest in.

all of my sites are on the right hand side of this blog. i don't have any interest in creating secret sites: i want you to be able to find my writing, which is why i've spent so much time centralizing it like this. so, if it's not in the list, it's not me. promise.
let's wait this out a little. i still think you have to see a sanders v. everybody dynamic emerge eventually, once the differences in policy are unblurred by a media that is dishonestly blurring them. the question is how big the sanders wing is and how big the everybody else wing is, in the end.

but, i mean, i don't know why you insist on two parties down there, anyways.
....but sanders is white.

and male.

that's not acceptable, a priori.
harris wants to cut taxes.

warren wants to break up the monopolies to encourage free market competition.

you put them together, it would be a dream republican ticket c. 1995, wouldn't it?
just about the last thing the united states needs right now is more tax cuts.