Wednesday, July 3, 2019

i would like to post a periodic reminder that there is a fake deathtokoalas out there. he appears to be a teenager, or young 20-something perhaps by this point, who lives in the city of new york.

the fake deathtokoalas is a gamer and owns, amongst other things, a twitch profile. i played games like civ 2 and command and conquer a little bit when i was his age, or a little younger, but have not touched video games of any sort in well over 20 years. the most advanced game console that i ever owned was a sega genesis that my dad bought me around '93 or so. and, i'm actually pretty ignorant about the topic; it's really not something that i ever had the slightest interest in.

all of my sites are on the right hand side of this blog. i don't have any interest in creating secret sites: i want you to be able to find my writing, which is why i've spent so much time centralizing it like this. so, if it's not in the list, it's not me. promise.