Thursday, December 21, 2017

not only is buddhism not true, it's not even wrong, either.

no, i'm not wasting twenty minutes watching this....

this is a paid advertisement, from what i can gather. how much does the book cost, anyways?
barbara kay is a national embarrassment.

but, as a long time fan, do mr. waters' trotskyist views kind of overlap into some uncomfortable imagery sometimes? they kinda do, actually, yeah. but, here's the thing: these positions aren't mutually exclusive.

he's made some blatant mistakes in imagery in the past, and i've never seen him acknowledge it.

see, again, there's a kind of wilful ignorance at work, here.

the destruction of libya - for it was not even an invasion - was largely orchestrated by hillary clinton, on the urging of the saudi theocracy. it was a part of the flexing of saudi military power that took place after about 2011. and, it's obvious enough where the slaves are actually going.

the nato forces exist in africa to control resource extraction, and the primary competitor, today, is china.

this is just this the tip of it: they created this movement, for the purposes of the surveillance. this is why blm exists, in the first place. it's older than cointelpro, too, it goes back to bismarck. and, it's explored in an easy to understand way in 1984.
