Tuesday, January 24, 2017

kiwi v. strawberry.

i bought kiwis because there were no strawberries..i had to know...

i think it's a decent add from time to time, but not a replacement.

watchers want to pay attention to trudeau's reaction to keystone, including how he reacts to the westward-moving pipelines. it's the same basic game, but trump is far more belligerent. how he reacts to this could have broader implications.
the middle part of october was spent removing the vocals from this piece and building a second rabit demo around it.

i got a little behind on the music updates.

these two eps were created in early sept, 2014 out of material from the fall of 2001.  the noise ep is self-contained, but the other one is going to need to be expanded with further bonus tracks. the problem is that the thing is a little bit conceptual to a violent climax and adding mixes might not make a lot of sense. i'll figure something out.

first ep:

second ep:

at the beginning of october, i spent a few days working out a choral piece by building spooky sound fonts; this was already written, and there was no performance component, just synthesized reproduction. so, it was relatively quick to actually make.

the completion of the choir was the last piece for my sixth record, which is broadly in the genre of experimental/electronic classical music - but takes in influences from everywhere:

finally, i posted this full length kosmische piece at the beginning of october:

just, fwiw: it's not america's role to provide abortion services in the developing world. that role belongs to the united nations. i'd call on other nation states to pick up the slack. but, i'd also call on other nation states to remember who is contributing to global aid and who isn't.
memo to the world: there's a moron in the white house. and, this isn't like bush or reagan, either. this is legit.

take advantage of it while you can.

if you're an american planner right now, and you're broadcasting belligerence against china, it's almost impossible to avoid the conclusion that you're going to need a trade pact around the pacific rim. you can get granular as fuck on the details, but the basic premise is unavoidable.

and, why is that?

because if you don't have a trade pact around the pacific rim, the chinese are going to pick them off one by one. and, the chinese trade model explicitly forbids american imports. this is a policy of self-isolation, but by accident rather than by design.

again: i don't like this agreement. i don't like the isds-mechanisms. i don't like the way it treats labour. it's not the deal i'd sign. but, if no deal exists at all, the future is going to be a pacific rim that is closed for american exports - just like china is - and has military bases to protect their exclusive market access.

it would be one thing if trump had campaigned on a different set of priorities. sanders ultimately wanted labour deals put in place, not the end of cross-pacific trade. there isn't a brilliant plan hidden under the surface here, there's just a glaring contradiction in policy brought on by a fundamental misunderstanding of the agreement.

he can prove me wrong, still. i've given him choices. but, i'm just being rigorous. the right answer is the first option.