Saturday, November 30, 2013

publishing warning (inri029)

this was my grade 12 final project in electronic music design. the assignment was something along the lines of creating a piece of music with a social message.

the message is part dystopian, but focuses more on the idea of identifying certain threats that would become a problem in the upcoming century. remember that this was the end of 1999. how close was i?

1) intro
2) war
3) noise pollution, or pollution in general
4) conformity (or the collapse of individualism)*
5) chemical warfare
6) global warming
7) outro

*i was thinking in terms of personality/uniqueness, rather than something political. and i think the extreme conformity underlying gen y social attitudes have played this out frighteningly well, actually. it's a reaction to the radical mindset of anti-conformity that dominated gen x, but it's still a very real thing that will have very real ramifications in the upcoming decades. if you thought the 50s were creepy, wait until you see what these kids grow up into!

i should have included something about inequality. i also removed a vegan track, partly due to time restraints. besides that, i think i got all of the broad ideas right.

most of the tracks are slightly remixed/resequenced versions of tracks from inri or inriched. track 5 is brand new, and recorded on the school's synthesizer (part of the project requirements).

noting that this contains a section i've title "symphony #0", i'm going to label this piece of music my zeroth symphony.

recorded over 1997-1999. constructed in this form in june, 1999. as always, please use headphones.

j - guitars, effects, bass, synthesizers, drum programming, sequencing, sampling, digital wave editing, cool edit synthesis, tapes, production, found sounds, strategies

released june 20, 1999

1) this is track 1 from the original inri cd demo.

2) this is a combination of tracks 5 & 11 from the original inri cd demo.

3) this is a combination of tracks 3 & 7 from the original inriched cd demo.

4) this is track 19 from the original inriched cd demo.

5) this was an original track recorded on the school's synthesizer to fulfill the requirements of the project, but becomes track 7 on the original inridiculous cd demo.

6) this is track 19 from the original inri cd demo.

7) this is track 1 from the original inriched cd demo.
or, maybe, they're trying to come up out of the water and onto the land as a result of the shifts in the ocean's chemistry. hey, that probably had something to do with amphibians coming up on shore however many millions of years ago. that's how these things work.

again: you don't think that life is just going to roll over and die without a fight, do you? if it comes down to it, i'd expect more than one type of fish to give it a shot.

land sharks. consider the carnage. just another reason to fight global warming.

took me a while to find something specific worth posting. the idea is very reasonable, but only with fish that reproduce very, very quickly. which probably means not sharks.

so, i'm going to hold to that statement. i'd expect that, in the next fifty years, if the oceans continue to fill up with carbon, at least one species of fish will try and make the jump. seriously...

jack and the bean...


life there is..........?


life's been weird here. haven't been drinking or smoking basically at all. that's been good for me; my head seems clear. but kind of empty.

i dunno. i'm swinging wildly between "life is perfect" and "life is meaningless".

perfectly meaningless. meaninglessly perfect. both, maybe, even.

still thinking of you. strangely. still a loose end. a splayed wire. a loose thread. a hair out of place.

a noodle hanging off the plate. yes, one of those long ones that just won't follow proper table etiquette. grrrrr.

i'm 10 hours away. in a different clime, even. consider this: there's no snow here yet. that's how far away i am. so it's safe to talk...

if you'd like.
