Tuesday, November 29, 2016

j reacts to the republican plan to convert medicare into obamacare (and keep obamacare)

i don't think they're going to get rid of obamacare, because it was actually what they wanted. before it was obamacare, it was romneycare. and, before that it was gingrichcare. it came right out of the heritage institute.....what more could they want?

well, ok, there's a few things in implementation. so, they may change a few minor parts of it. i could see them breaking down the state monopoly part of it, which was designed to prevent companies from sheltering in states with bad laws (they'll claim competition will reduce prices, which is always an absurd lie and should be a red flag when you hear it). then, they'll rebrand it as 'something better'. and people will largely swallow it. but they'll keep the basic idea, because it's what they always wanted.

but, could they convert medicare into obamacare? that sounds like something they'd want to do, yeah.


i would like to suggest an organized spate of flag burnings as a reaction to trump's suggestion that it should result in jail time. just as a matter of principle. and, maybe you should burn a few effigies of trump while you're at it....
i remain without vlog. what's the deal with that?

well, i'm not done the record. that's all there is to it. but, i'm also kind of digging the freedom.

i am vlogging. i just dumped a 32 gb sd card to hard drive. so, lots of data.

but i've been clear over and over - i'm not vlogging for profit. i'm vlogging partly for marketing (i do many things, but i identify as a composer) and partly for documentation.

i mean, imagine if beethoven had a vlog. he would have smashed the camera, and there would have been no more vlog. i've digressed.

what that means is that there really isn't any reason why i need to upload my vlogs in any specific frequency. so long as the data exists, it exists. it doesn't matter if it gets uploaded or edited or not. right?

well, i like the idea of a stable vlog, even if it's staggered. clearly, a week was not enough time. and, i'm not going to catch the two week target. three weeks is just weird. so, i'm moving to a month. well, four weeks. so, a little less than a month...

the vlog for nov 15th will be published at 00:30 on dec 14th, and we'll keep going from there.

hopefully, what that means is that i can restrict editing to two or three days a month.